not an update + short rant

// not an update // short rant //

Hey guys. <<<( capital letters, whut-whuuttt)

So today, basically, started off as a boring, typical Saturday. I hopped onto my computer and started watching some 'TheFineBros' videos. I'm pretty sure you know who they are. Those guys who run the 'Teens React' (also Kids React, Elders React, Youtubers React, Celebrities React, etc.) series?

Yeah. Well, I just found out that those React series weren't the only videos they do, so I scrolled through their channel and found out that they had a short 'lil webisode series called 'Emo Dad'. Immediately, I sensed that this would be the type of show that'd cause backlash, or controversy in the comment section between members of the emo subculture, and haters.

I was right.

And I know why. The show sickens me. The whole show revolves around this 47 year-old dad who "turns emo" because his son is emo, or whatnot. The entire series is based off of freaking stereotypes! I hate it! It basically depicts emos as being weird, emotional, depressed, poetry-obsessed, drag-queen, diva-ish, suicidal beings... and that's not true.

No, I don't consider myself to be emo; I'm not too fond of labelling oneself. But the stereotypical notions that is expressed in this show is... ugh.

Episode #3 was horrendous. The formal title (so you could check it out, and vomit with me) is: "EMO DUEL! (Emo Dad Ep #3)". Basically, the emo son (Chris) is at home when emo dad (David) gets back home with Chris's friends from a Paramore concert. To be honest, I squealed when they mentioned Paramore, being the fangirl that I am.


Chris wonders why his dad (who is now a stereotypical emo) didn't invite him. David says it's because Chris 'is a poser'.

Okay. Wait. Hold the heck up.

In different 'subcultures', whether it be goths, emos, punks, gamers, etc., 'poser' is commonly used for people who are wannabes of that subculture just because they're not 'dedicated' enough to the label, or even too dedicated that it seems like they try too hard.

So Chris tries to prove to his friends (and emo dad) that he's a 'true emo' by cutting his name into his own skin.

........ really?

So now they're applying a serious manner of self-harm to elaborate onto a stereotype that mostly isn't true! Not all emos cut. Just because you cut doesn't mean you're emo. And just because you claim you're emo, doesn't mean you have to cut. Okay?

And cutting shouldn't be used in the nonchalant manner that this show displays.

And then the dad proves he's 'a better emo' by chopping his whole toe off.


Then this chick comes up to him and says, "Wow you're so hardcore."


Then emo dad (holding the remnants of his incapacitated, blood-squirting toe) says to Chris's friends, "Let's go to my room to write poetry" or something along those lines.


It's sick, okay. It's plain sick.

The stereotypes that are given to subcultures (mainly emo) is wrong. And they hurt.

I despise it with a passion when in TV, or books, or in real life, when I hear someone say to another: "Oh you think you're emo/goth/gamer/punk/in the 5sos fam? No you're not because you don't cut/ smile too much/ like mainstream music/ don't own COD: Black Ops/ you're favorite member of 5sos is Luke/ you're favorite song by them is SLSP."

Who. The. He**. Cares.

SO WHAT if they do/ don't do/ like/ don't like what you think is 'not *insert subculture here*.'

Like, can you not?

These subcultures that people like to join are all about individuality!

And you know what? I'll give you a personal example.

I hate mentioning this, but when I was in 6th grade or so, I went through a goth phase. And God, do I hate calling that a phase, because it hurts so many members of the gothic community when their lifestyle is being called a phase. But that's what my experience was. And I'm over it now, but some aspects have stuck with me (ex. my choice in wardrobe, music, attitude. but i don't like to be labelled.)

The kids at school used to come up to me and say the most revolting things.

"Tiara, try braiding your hair. It's so gothy!"

"Tiara, let me see your wrists. Do you cut?"

"Tiara, I heard that you have to drink dog blood as an initiation for Goth. How was that?" (this one got me really pissed)

"Tiara, are you depressed?"

"Tiara, don't touch those scissors. I know it's art class, but I don't want you to stab me."

"Stop listening to 'kill-yourself' music, Tiara." (well excuse me, but I didn't know Evanescence was 'kill-youself' music, you butthole.)

Then this one time, I had really bad cramps during a group discussion with the class and I instinctively moaned, "Ughh my tummy hurts."

This dull-minded girl unwantedly chimed in with, "Goths don't say tummy. Say stomach instead."


As you can see, I hate labels now.


On a story related note, I'm working on chapter 0.7. Not sure when I'll update but..

Any input on my rant? Comment down below. And check out 'Emo Dad' on the side/ above so we can heave in disgust together. x_x

(btw, I have nothing against self-claimed goths/ emos/ punks/ etc. You are what you are; don't change that.)

Anyways, I might rant again, I might not. Depends on my mood, tbh.

See you next update!

teehee xxx

