
// chapter one //

talia's pov


simplify expression: 2y + |-2345yx * 830| sin24/ 356 - 903

i furrow my eyebrows in confusion at the textbook under my nose, and run my fingers through my chestnut brown hair. "what the freak" i mutter under my breath. i was working on algebra homework at the moment, and now i wished that i paid more attention to mr. landon (the maths teacher).

i sighed in defeat, slamming the book shut and flinging it at the door to my bedroom out of anger.


i looked to the now-open door to see my brother, calum clutching his head, my algebra book at his feet. 'jesus, tal,' calum says, grimacing. 'you hate maths that much?' i watch as he picks up the book and shuffles over to my bed, taking a seat. he skims through the pages and says, 'i did this type of math in year nine. it doesn't look that hard.'

i walk up to him and snatch my book out of his hands. 'easy for you to say. you're not the one making the grades for it.' i roll my eyes. calum acted like such a smartass sometimes, when really, he was an 18 year-old college-dropout who has delusional dreams of becoming a rockstar and still lives on his parents' tender love, and care. i, personally, do not support his ambitions, no matter how successful 5 Seconds of Summer has become. yes, they've toured with one direction. and yes, they have an abundance of fans from each corner of the world. but how long could this career of his keep up? what if this is just a phase for calum and his friends? his fanbase could die out, and then what?

which is why i plan to persue a career in law. or perhaps doctoring. at the moment, calum and his band just finished touring with one direction, and decided to fly back to sydney for a few months with luke, ash, and michael. and trust me, i was happier when he was out of the country.

i point to the door. 'now get out.' calum grumbled something under his breath along the lines of, 'i can't wait until your period is over' and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. i sigh and throw myself onto my bed. i snuggle into the sheets as i take my phone out of my sweatpants' pocket after it vibrated, indicating that i've receive a text message.

michael: heyy ;) mind opening the front door for me, babe?

i roll my eyes at my his text and reply with one of my own.

me: don't call me babe. ask cal to open the door i'm too lazy. and why should i open the door for you? i'm not looking for a hook-up.

michael: me neither. luke, ash, and i are here for band practice.

michael: and i texted calum already but he's a little busy in the toilet so...

i roll my eyes. great. more noise to distract me from homework.

me: fine whatever. i'll be down in a sec.

not caring that i was in my pj's, i take my own sweet time trudging down the stairs. when i make it to the walkway of the front door, i see michael's green hair peaking out from the window. 'hey, talia!' ashton's muffled voice says through the door. i smile and decide to tease the boys a little bit.

'hey guys. how's it going out there?' i smirk, watching the snow fall heavily on their heads.

'let us in!' michael shouts.

'sure but hold on. i'm not quite sure if i want to, yet.'

'come on!' he says. then he sneezes like a kitten. i would've giggled, but that would defeat the purpose of my act.

i feign a shocked expression and say, 'so impatient! wait, i'm still deciding.'

through the window, i see luke shove his way to the front of the door. 'cut the crap and open the freaking door, tal! we're freezing our asses off out here!'  

i feel pity when i see ash's teeth chatter. i fling the door open, immediately feeling a rush of chills as i do so. in come the boys, clad in heavy winter coats and black skinny jeans. 'ahhh' they all moan in unison as the heat of our large house overcomes them. michael slams the door behind him and shakes a few snowflakes from his head.

'keep your dandruff to yourself, mike,' i tease. michael rolls his eyes.

'oh shut up. now where's cal?'

as if on cue, calum flows down the staircase dramatically. 'i'm sorry to keep my subjects awaiting, but the king of punk rock is finally here.'

i snort at his oversized ego. 'punk rock? you wish.' luke snickers.

'shut up and go back to playing tea party, or dress up, or whatever 15 year old girls do,' calum says, shoving me out of the way. 'let's go to the basement, guys,' he says to his friends. they begin to walk away, and throw their wet, snow-covered jackets at me, using me as a coat hanger.  i roll my eyes, picking up their coats one by one and throwing them on the couch in the living room, which was connected to the walkway.

i stomp up the stairs, and back to my room, deciding that math homework could wait until tomorrow. i leave the door open, just because, and walk over to my stereo player, hitting a button to play the song that i left off at. i turn the volume up a notch and begin to dance around the room, singing along to brendon urie's heavenly voice.

'woahohohohoh. mona lisa, you're guaranteed to run this town. woahohohohoh mona lisa! i paid to see you frowwwn!'

accidentally, i bump my knee onto the leg of my desk and feel the pain coursing through my body. 'damn it!' i curse, bringing my hands to caress the bruised area. behind me, i hear sarcastic clapping. michael stands at my stereo, wearing that irritating smirk of his.

'niiiice. i didn't know you could dance so gracefully, talia.'

i push past him and hit the pause button, stopping the panic! at the disco song at the second verse. 'what is up with you guys and barging into my room unshamedly?' i ask, placing my hands on my hips and looking up to meet my brown eyes with his celery-colored ones.

he chuckles. 'you're so short, that it's adorable.' he reaches his hand out to pat my head my head, but i slap it away.

'don't even think about it,' i say, fixing him with an icy glare.

michael shrugs, the smirk still playing on his face, and replies, 'i'd better get back to the guys anyway.' but before he could leave, he turns his head and says, 'catch yah' later. babe.' he winks, and with that, he shuts my door and leaves me to process what just happened.


okay then.

well thanks for reading the v first chapter of 'paramore'! i know, i know, it's a tad boring so far, but there will be more action in the later chapters (no smutty thoughts intended).chapter dedication to @thefandomgirl21 for helping me come up with cool ideas! check out her story! it's hella cool ^-^

aaaand! shoutout to @just_macy . check out her fanfic, too! it's cooool.

and that's about it for tonight! don't forget to vote, comment, add to libraries, and promote (only if you want to).

i lub ya'll. k thanks bye!

ps. 'the ballad of mona lisa' by panic! at the disco on the side (it's the song talia was listening to).

