(kind of) not an update + goodbye (?)

Hey guys... :)))

Alright. So, for my readers, I know I haven't updated in what feels like forever. Sorry to any of you who were desperately waiting for an update (which is no one on WP).... I've lost inspiration for this story... Plus, it was a stupid story to begin with. So, yes. You've guessed it. I'm ending the story.

Also, I've lost interest in 5SOS. Meaning: lost interest in their music, not in the fanbase anymore, etc...

Sorry *sarcastic shrug*

Though, I occasionally read some of their exceptionally good fanfics.... Meh.

BUT! Just because I don't claim to be a member of the 5SOS fandom anymore, doesn't mean I'll go on a rapid-paced, 5SOS deletion rage (meaning: deleting 5SOS fanfics from my reading lists/ library, deleting everything 5SOS related). Therefore, 'paramore' will still be up on my page, available to the uNIVERSSEEE FEROIUHWUIHIQHEIRIJVBIUBRVIQOTHUIREHJANHJSDFJHJLGFJGHASDFBJ !!!!

*cough cough*

Sooo.... I apologize once more for being a shitty writer and such... I guess writing fanfics just isn't my forte. I'm better at writing free-verse poetry to be honest.

BUT! If you're not satisfied with Talia struggling with amnesia for the rest of her life, then I'll just tell you the synopsis of what my plan was for the remainder of the story.

Basically, Talia was faking the whole memory-lose scenario (bc she a lil biaatcchhh) just to scare Cal (& Mikey & Lukey-poo) half to death. Calum gets angered and shouts some shit along the lines of, "WHATTHEHELLTALIAYOUDONTPLAYAROUNDWITHMEDICALMATTERSLIKETHAT" and angrily storms out of the hospital, followed by the rest of 5SOS (minus Talia, because she's lying in the hospital bed feeling remorse for her outlandish prank). Three days later, Cal returns to the hospital to retrieve Talia. He's still on rocky terms with her after the "fake-amnesia" incident, and they ride home in silence. Now, at this point, Tal doesn't have amnesia (no shit) , but since the car crash was pretty brutal, she suffers from temporary paralysis of the areas below her abdomen, so she's bedridden. This leads to her contracting depression, and she spends her lonesome days cooped up in her room watching soap operas, pondering upon how much of her life she fvcked up, swallowing pills, and binge-eating on choco ice cream & granola bars (yum-yum).

Yeaaahh.... I don't know what happens next.... but you get the point.

'Kay so, thank you to all of my readers (all 5 of you... heh. jk), voters, commenters, and "add-to-reading-list"ers. I have to say, I'm surprised that this story received more than 100 views... But I suppose that the only reason to why this story gained 2.1K reads is simply because it's a 5SOS fanfic. Admit it, guys. If this was a normal teenfic, no one would've voluntarily read it.

But yeah. Thanks for 2.1K, thanks for making this story read in places all over the world, thanks for the funny comments that make me chuckle, and everything else. It's been fun :)))


