Chapter 10: Dream

Cali woke up sweating and breathing heavily, looking around at her room and saw Tyler sleeping peacefully besides her,

She held on her chest as her heart is beating faster, bit her lips not trying to wake up Tyler and calm down herself.

what the fuck just happened in my dream? we had a sex?

Why is this happening to me again? why is it all coming back? I completely hate this!

She took her inhaler and phone to text Frank


Christopherrrr! u up?

don't call me by my real name!
yes i'm up
what u want?

I have this dream, again :'(

wtf is it?

I'm going to ur place

you want me to pick u up?

no, i can do it on my own

okay, whatever u say

After her last puff she quietly went out of her room not minding Tyler at her bed, she took her bicycle and went to Frank's house.

Every pedal she can't stop from crying and thinking about her dream, a lot of what if's are popping inside her head until she reaches at Frank's house.

She was about to knock when the door opens up revealing Frank carrying his notebook, Cali quickly hug and buried her face at his chest

"Let it all out okay?" he caresses her back as Cali sobs until she calms down, they went at his studio where Frank was there all day.

"I bet you haven't left your studio for a while?" She examined the room.

"You know me, I won't come out until I finish a one fucking song" they laugh.

"Mind me about your dream?" Frank added

Cali sighed as she sat down the couch, playing with her fingers

"At the dream, me and Tyler was having a sex, I don't know if that shit happens to us and he thanked the universe or something, it is all coming back to me" She said while looking down

"Is it the same dream you had years ago?" Cali nodded "At that dream, I kinda enjoy it but in real life, no"

"What did you guys do yesterday?" Frank ask while writing something at his notebook.

"He picked me up at my work, then throw a movie surprise to me"

"Did you ask him what happen to the both you after you left a while ago?" She shook her head

"I got scared okay? I couldn't control myself—"

"Cali, it's been years since me and Solange knew what happen to you back then, I know it traumatized you and all. I couldn't blame you for that but you need to control it, it's not good for your heart"

Frank took a sip at his coffee, Cali sighed.

"If you don't control it, you'll be waking up at the hospital's cold bed, again. Tita and Tito are gonna be mad at us" He added, Cali remembers everything what happen to her during high school.

It's weird she dislikes the hospital but she works there now.

"I'm proud of you that you faced and let go of your fear working at that shitty hospital and following your parent's desired dream but you need to let go of your past, okay? you've been acting weird this week, he's already dead Callista, he gave you peace"

"If you think I'm mad at you, no, we care about Cali" He gave Cali a hug.

"Thank you so much Chris, for you always have my back"

"That's what best friends are for, anyways have you found your childhood friend?" Frank ask as they let go.

"Nope, not even a sign" she exclaimed.

"Maybe he's just around you, you know" Frank smiled as Cali rolled her eyes, they talk about Frank's song that he's been doing.

"Lemme see that" Cali's grab Frank's notebook

"The fuck no! I'm not done yet" He tries to reach but Cali ran

"I just wanna see" she open some pages until she stop and read it

I thought that I was dreaming when you said you love me. I had no chance to prepare and I couldn't see you coming. I could hate you but it's alright to hate me now

"The fuck, it's my stupid free verse in 8th grade" She laugh and give the notebook back

"Why are you laughing? I love that free verse but you really never appreciate it" Frank explained

"I do like my free verses but it brings back the cringiness that I made, by the way when will you gonna release it?"

"Maybe next next year, I haven't made it with a beat"

After an hour Frank's phone rang, it was Tyler

: Nigga, is Callista with you

"Uhm yes, why?"

: Can I talk to her?

Frank look at Cali, she shook her head a sign of no and left the room

"I don't think she don't want too" Tyler let out a grunt through the phone

: Okay, tell her to talk to me when she's already fi-

"Man I felt guilty for not telling you, Imma talk to you later after I finish this shit" He whisper

: Okay okay bye

He hang up and went to his room where Cali was there, staring at the ceiling

"Tyler said that-"

"I don't want to talk to him right now, I just want some space maybe a week or two" She sat down


"I'm confuse Frank, we've been hanging out for almost a month like he picks me up at my work after recording at his studio and spent a day doing our same interest"

"Maybe you have-"

"Yes, I have a big fat feelings for him, it sucks!" She explained

"That's why you gave him your keys instead of us" Frank lift his eyes as Cali laugh

"Nigga, I ain't give the key to him he just stole it"

"I know, why so defensive?" They both laugh and decided to eat breakfast outside.

Frank wore his jacket to cover himself from the paparazzi "Even in mornings? there still some papz?" Cali asked.

"Yes and I hate it, here put on some shades" as they got out his house, they rode on their bikes

"So where you wanna eat?" Cali asked.

"I kinda miss eating at Uncle Mike's Place especially their sinangag"

"Dude, it will took us miles to get there"

"They already have a spot here, duh" Frank rolled his eyes as Cali laughed

They reach the place and ordered their food "Soooo, how's the business doing?"

"Uhm it's fine, Calvin's wife just gave a birth a day ago" their food came and thanked.

"Really? by the way it's almost Tita's birthday next week"

"I know, I'm gonna buy a new dress again and I hate it" Cali rolled her eyes as she ate.

"Anyway, I just brought a new house last week and I'm gonna move there later"

"Ow wow, are you having a high temperature?" Frank joked.

"Nah, since I just save a lot of money on my own why don't buy for myself?" She laugh

After they finished their food, a group of guys stood by outside.

"Shit, here we go again" Frank cursed.

"Wear your motherfucking shades" Cali wears it as they began to walk towards the door, they kept their head down until they reach their bikes.

When it was no where to be seen they both relieved.

"Cali! I forgot to tell you that Mac DeMarco is having a mini concert todays afternoon"

"No fucking way!" Cali squealed.

"Too bad I gotta move my shits later" she pouted as Frank laughed.

They forbid their good byes at Franks house, Cali drove back at her apartment and notice Tyler's car already left.

When she came in she notice that her room is completely clean and throw herself at the bed.

"Imma start at 11" she looked at the clock and doze off to sleep.
