Chapter 7 - Decisions, decisions

      Bakugou fastened the new car seat into place, with the help of Kirishima, who he had help pick one out. He didn't even know there were different types based on the age, hight, weight and even the quirk of the child, ranging from babies to eight year olds. Heck, he didn't even know eight year olds needed a car seat. He stopped using one himself around six. And because of so many different types of quirks, there were so many designed for tails, scales, spikes, and even multiple or fewer limbs. Even some with "quirk cancelling" effects built into them in case a kid has a habit of setting things on fire, making things float, or anything else that could possibly cause damage.

      Beforehand, Katsuki had asked the redhead to go to the store for him while he stayed and took Izuku's measurements. They stayed connected on the phone until Kirishima picked out the perfect car seat for a four year old that was specifically made for a child with a short tail. Extra padding, with a little more room in the back, so that the child didn't sit on it. Eijirou then brought it back with him, and let Bakugou fasten it to the seat.

      "Alright, It's finished," Katsuki said as he stood up, almost hitting his head on the roof of the car. It was one of those snazzy expensive ones that you'd see celebrities drive. Not a limo though. The car seat in the back kind of ruined the look, but it was a lot safer for a child now, so who cares? "Where's Izuku?"

      "Right here," Kirishima answered while the green bundle was in his arms. He handed the bunny to the blond who put him in the car seat, and fastened the seatbelt.

      "Got it. Try to get out."

      Izuku tried to free himself from his seat, but found quickly that he couldn't. Katsuki smiled and patted the rabbit on the head.

      "That'll do. At least we don't have to worry about him getting out."

      The boy didn't like being confined like this, but it was better than riding in a cage, so he didn't complain.

      "So, you planning on taking him somewhere?" Kirishima asked as the blond closed the car door. Izuku started to panic a bit, wondering why he had just left him there. It's happened before, and he remembers being in the car for hours on a hot day. He picked his ear up to listen carefully, hoping they weren't going to leave him.

      "Being cooped up in the house all day isn't healthy," Katsuki answered as he reached into his pocket to find his keys. "And letting him play in the backyard isn't going to help either. He needs to be with kids his age."

      "Oh, so you're taking him to a park or something?"

      "Well... Where the f*ck are my keys?!"

      "Umm... Bakugou..." Kirishima pointed at the car.

      The blond looked to where the redhead was pointing then looked back at him. "If you're telling me that I locked my keys in the car..."

      "No, I mean, you just dropped the 'F-bomb' when there's a kid with super hearing right in there."

      "Cra-... Crud."

      "Also..." Kiri leaned down and picked up some keys on the ground. "I believe these are yours."

      Bakugou rolled his eyes and took them. Without saying a word, he opened up the passenger's door then went around to the driver's seat. "You coming or what?"

      The redhead didn't waste any time getting in and swiftly shut the door, putting on his own seatbelt, as Katsuki handed him some Yen.

      "What's this for?" Kiri asked.

      "For the car seat," Bakugou responded.

      "No, really, I can't-"

      "I already had this argument with Round Face, and she lost, now take it or else."

      Eijirou let out a sigh, but took the money anyway.

      "Hey," Izuku said from the back, drawing the adults' attention to him. "What's 'f*ck' mean?"

      Both looked at the little rabbit with wide eyes and dropped jaws. The two then exchanged glances.

      "Don't look at me, you're the one who said it," Kiri defended.

      Bakugou put his head on the wheel and let out a huge groan. Looks like he'll have to spend a few minutes trying to explain why the child shouldn't use that word, while also denouncing himself for saying it.


      The car pulled up to city hall, and the adults got out, with Bakugou helping to get Izuku out as well.

      "Aaaannnnnd... What exactly are we doing here?" Kirishima asked.

      "Well, I'm gonna sign some papers, and you... You can do what you want for now," Bakugou responded while carrying the little bunny into the building.

      "Wait, what papers?... Wait are you-?"

      "Shut it! I've just... I've just been thinking about it, and... Ok, I gave in. There, happy?"

      The redhead let a big smile come across his face. The blond let out a grunt and went in, with Eijirou following.


      It took about two hours, most of it in the waiting room, but the adoption papers were signed. Izuku was now officially in Bakugou's care.

      "That took way longer than I thought," Katsuki admitted as he put the already sleeping tyke in his car seat and put his seatbelt on. "I hope we have enough time..."

      "Enough time for what?" Eijirou asked as he got into the passenger's seat.

      "You'll see."

      The blond got into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. It wasn't long before they arrived at a local school.

      "Wait, you're actually thinking of..."

      "I can't be around constantly, and this'll ease some of the worry."

      Bakugou got out and slowly shook the little bunny awake, then pulled him out of the car.

      "Except for the fact that bullies exist. I mean, you were one," Eijirou commented, earning him a scowl.

      In his youth, Katsuki did pick on other students, but it never got too bad. He mostly just poked fun at people with weak or useless quirks. Of course, bullying is still bullying, no matter how bad it was. Which is why he's trying everything he can to make up for what he did in the past.

      It was another hour before they left the school and headed for home, with the little guy fast asleep in the back. He was only barely awake when Bakugou had picked him up, but was able to stay up during the testing, but fell right back asleep during the signing. Katsuki was planning on getting ice cream on the way home to congratulate him on getting into kindergarten, but didn't want to wake him up. So he decided to hold off the celebration for now.


      Instead of waking Izuku, Bakugou just carried him to his room, got him changed, and put him in his bed. Silently, he snuck out of the guest room, which wasn't really a guest room anymore, and closed the door, meeting Eijirou on the couch.

      "He still asleep?" Kirishima asked as Bakugou sat down without even looking, gaining a small chuckle from the red shark.

      "Yeah... What's so funny?"

      "Nothing... Just glad I'm sitting on this side."

      The blond looked confused, before his eyes widened and he quickly stood up. The back of his pants were now coated in a thin layer of powdered cheese.

      "Ugg..." He groaned before sitting back down, not even caring about the mess.

      "Aww... You're not gonna give me a good view~?" Kirishima teased.

      "Not right now..." Bakugou was too tired to care. Funny how all they did was wait in line and in waiting rooms all day, and yet he's ready to hit the hay. Maybe all the stress was finally catching up to him.

      He leaned his head on the redhead's shoulder, before closing his eyes. He could barely hear Kirishima's voice as he slowly started to drift to sleep.


You don't know how tempted I was to throw in that whole scene that's been memed around. You know the one; the two guys accidentally lock their kid in the car and they start panicking, one guy calls someone to help, while the other screams like a woman and tries to break the window. I SOOOO wanted to do that, but I held myself back. XD I might save that for a later point. In fact, it leads into something I've been wanting to do.

Because there were points where I told myself to "stick to the plot" or "skip because it's just filler", there was a LOT of things that I left out. Memes, extra interactions, other babysitting moments, and a few other things. For example, I REALLY wanted to do a chapter where Yaoyorozu babysits, but I had already done two babysitting chapters before and felt like it'd be filler at this point. So, I was thinking of making a side "one-shot" book that shoves a bunch of my discarded ideas into little stories that go along with this one. Like, accidentally locking Izuku in the car, or showing Yaoyorozu's babysitting skills. I'm not sure just yet if I'm gonna do it yet, but if I do, I want to wait until I get Shouto into the story. (Which will be happening soon.)

Let me know if you guys want a side "one-shot" book with random scenarios of taking care of the little tykes.

Anyway, thank you all for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter. ^^
