After thoughts

Hello, everyone. LovebugOneOOne here, and thank you so much for reading this story.

I honestly did not expect this book to go on for so long, despite wanting to make three arcs for it; Bunny, Kitty, and Number 1. I really thought they would all be shorter, but they kept going as I got more ideas. There was a lot of trouble along the way, mainly writer's block and a certain pandemic jumping in, but despite all odds, this story has finally reached it's conclusion. I also never expected to gain an audience with this as well.

How I came up with this story was actually kinda dumb. I was looking around on Pintrest when I saw this picture of Bakugou holding Deku who had rabbit ears and Todoroki who had cat ears. (Yes, the same image I used as the cover) It was so cute, and it got me thinking all these different ideas, one of which became this book. While I did plan on replacing the cover in the beginning, because it was the reason this story was even made, (and because I couldn't make a better one if I tried... ^^; ) I ended up keeping it.

The One-Shots will still continue, so don't worry about those. I don't know if I'll make a squeal though, seeing as there's nothing really to add, save for the mini stories in the One-Shots.

Last but not least, I want to thank everyone who read this book and supported me. You guys are truly he best and this would have never been completed if it wasn't for you. Thank you. ^^

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or noticed a grammar error, please let me know so I can fix it. ^^ I'm always looking to improve and I can't fix a problem if I don't even know it's there.

And with that, thank you all so much for reading! Lovebug, signing out.
