Chapter 26 - It's Not Over

      As the police escorted the now awake villain outside of the Bakugou residence, Kirishima, who had ran the whole way home, finally arrived. Bakugou was currently being questioned while Kaminari was being led into an ambulance. Physically, he was ok, but mentally was another story.

      "Hey! Katsuki!" Kirishima yelled as he waved to his partner to get his attention.

      Bakugou looked at the redhead and then back at the policeman. "Anyway, like I said, that's all the information I've got. Now, if you'll excuse me."

      He walked over to Eijirou.

      "What happened?" Red Riot asked, concerned.

      The angry blond let out a sigh. As he opened his mouth to speak, the villain decided to raise his own voice.

      "Enjoy this victory while you can, hero!" The man yelled, causing everyone to turn to him. "This isn't over! In fact, it's only just begun! You have yet to find the number one, nor stop my trap from going off!"

      "Wait, what trap?!" Bakugou yelled back.

      The villain stayed silent with a smirk as he got into the cop car without a fuss. The policeman shut the door on him and reassured the heroes that he'd be interrogated. They'd be the first to know if anything comes up.

      Katsuki wasn't happy with this, however. He wanted to make that man talk, as well as pay for the damage to his home and for the scare he gave his kids. Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do at this point. He sighed and decided to let the police handle it.

      "Where are the kids?" Kirishima asked after an awkward amount of silence.

      "They're in our room," Bakugou replied. "We need to give them a bath though, and I need to go back to the office to give a report..."

      He let out a grunt as he turned back to his car.

      "I'll let you handle the boys for now. Take them to my mother's and explain as much as you can. I'll meet up with you after I get the paperwork done and explain everything in detail."

      With that, the blond got into his car and left for the office.

      Eijirou let out a sigh of his own but did as he was told after the police left the area. It was going to take a while to fix not only the front door, but also the hallway covered in burns.


      Despite having paperwork to do, and promising to do it, Bakugou just couldn't bring himself to focus and instead opted for pacing around his office. His thoughts all swirled around what that villain had told him. What trap was he talking about? What was it going to do and what or who's it for? And how will it activate or be triggered if the villain was behind bars? The man seemed so confident so whatever this trap was had to have an external force that makes it go off. Whether it be by a timer, a person working for him, or could even be tripped by accident. The worst question was of course, what would it do? Was it a bomb? Was it some sort of way of capturing someone? He needed to find out, and quickly.

      Katsuki picked up his phone and dialed the number for his contact at the police station. It was just a guy he'd interact with a lot when arresting villains, but it was better having someone on the inside than no one. "Oi, it's me," Bakugou said as soon as he heard the policeman answer. "Anything?"

      "No," The policeman responded. "We've only had him in the interrogation room for 7 minutes. Show a little more patience."

      "We don't have time for this..." The hero pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

      "I told you, you'd be the first to know if something came up. The guy refuses to crack, though."

      The angry blond let out a grunt. "Fine..." He then hung up.

      Worrying was getting him nowhere. And with no evidence, blindly going around looking for the trap or Lemillion would be foolish. He needed some sort of lead to point him in the right direction.

      His phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. It was Eijirou, most likely wanting answers. Bakugou lifted his head and let out a heavy breath to calm his frustrations before looking back down at his phone to answer.

      "What is it, Ei?" The angry blond questioned trying and failing to not sound frustrated.

      "We're at you mom's," Kirishima responded. "She seems really worried, but I couldn't tell her much. Mind filling me in now?"

      Bakugou let out a frustrated sigh once again. "Yeah..."

      He spent the next two minutes explaining everything that had happened inside the house as well as answer the other's questions to the best of his ability.

      "So, what do you think the trap is?" Kirishima asked after a bit of silence to let the information sink in. It pains him to no end knowing the kids were all alone for hours and then encountered a villain in their own home.

      "I don't know... The police are trying to figure it out as we speak."

      As if on cue, his phone beeped indicating someone was on another line. The caller was his contact at the police department.

      "Hold on, this might be it. I'll call you back later, ok?" Without waiting for his partner to answer, he hung up the line with Kirishima and picked up the line with the policeman. "Yes? What is it?"

      "Use your quirk and get to the water department! Keep me on the line and I'll explain on the way!"

      "Got it!" His first instinct was that this had to do with the trap. He just hoped he got there on time.


Sorry this one is so short, but I thought this was a good stopping point. I guess I just like cliffhangers.

I do want to mention that for the last chapter, someone actually guessed what was going to happen, which was pretty funny. It's wasn't 100% accurate, but hey it's still something.Of course, that also brings the worry of me being too predictable. :/

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next chapter. ^^
