t w e n t y - o n e

Addison's eyes strayed from the werewolf who still held eye contact with Ariel, turning to Zed. The zombie-boy left the gym, causing Addison to call out to him. "Zed! Zed!" It caused all chatter to falter, their eyes following the girl as she rushed out, following after Zed.

Ariel paled slightly, her eyes pleading to Wyatt for help. "Okay everyone! Let's call this a wrap for today!" Ariel called to the cheerleaders, the group nodding and beginning to pack their equipment away. Wyatt called for the wolves to get ready to leave, looking over to Ariel, an expectant look on his face.

"The wolves and I have something to show you and Addison. We'll be by your house later, okay?" Wyatt grinned his signature wolfish grin as the wolves left the gym, waving and calling out their goodbyes to the girl. The cheerleaders trailed out afterwards, leaving Ariel alone in the gym. She sighed, going to the changing rooms, and changing into something she liked better. She chose to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, a gray turtleneck and a black leather jacket. Ariel was humming to herself as she moved but decided to finally sing.

"I don't feel like I belong anywhere, where, where, where. How did things keep going wrong- how did we get here, here, here? The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear. I gotta find where
I belong."
She sang to herself, moving through the school in her own mind.

Ariel then made her way home, surprised that she hadn't saw her sister on the way. "I don't feel like
I belong anywhere, where, where, where. How did I get this so wrong- to leave us right here, here, here? The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear. I gotta find where I belong."

However, Ariel was surprised when she saw Addison outside their home, the pair both singing the same song. Addison moved over to Ariel as the pair entered their home, a knowing glint in their eye. "Everywhere I go, don't feel like home. Even our parents they act like they know! Guess we have to leave to finally see if there's someone out there and they're just like me... Then I'll go, yeah, I'll go."

It was now night-time, the girls outside as they continued to sing out their feelings. "I don't feel like
I belong anywhere, where, where, where. How did I get this so wrong- to lead us right here, here, here? The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear. I gotta find where I belong. I don't feel like, I don't feel like, I don't feel like, I don't feel like, I don't feel like... Gotta find where I belong"

They sat down again, the pair inside with a cup of hot cocoa, topped with cream and marshmallows as they planned to do their homework. Addison quickly texted Bree, as the girl needed help on her chemistry homework. There was noises from their front door, causing the girls to rush outside, one more hopeful than the other, one more knowing.

"Zed?" Addison exclaimed, hoping it would be him on the other side of the door. Instead, it was a collection of wolves, all staring at the girls with an intimidating glare.

"Come with us." Willa said, her tone demanding.

"What's so important?" Addison questioned, full of fear as she stared over at the wolves.

"You are. Both of you, each for different reasons." Wyatt said, a small smile on his face as he connected eyes with Ariel, who gestured to her now ruined front door with a dry look. Addison turned to Ariel, realising her sister knew the wolves were coming. They both agreed to come, following the wolves out of Seabrook, and delved into the depths of the Forbidden forest.

Deep into the forest, Addison decided to stop, looking around curiously. "Where are we going?"

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter said to Addison, receiving dry looks from Willa and Wyatt, and an unsurprised look from Ariel. "Too much, too much, I knew it. Sorry. Welcome! But not too welcome!" Wynter showed her fangs, her eyes briefly going orange before turning to a sickly yellow-green as she began to cough.

"Are you okay?" Addison wrapped an arm around Wynter, concerned, as Ariel rested her head on Wynter's shoulder as a way of comfort.

"My necklace is losing its charge." Wynter explained, her voice weak and soft.

"Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves..." Wyatt began to explain, before Willa cut in, finishing it off for her brother.

"...which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me. You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise." She comforted Wynter, sending a warning look to Wyatt. "You'd better be right about this. We need to find the moonstone soon."

"Follow us, Ari, Addison. Please." Wyatt wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders, guiding them into the Wolf den.

"The wolf den!" Wynter exclaimed, throwing her arms out wide when they finally got into the main area of the den.

"Wow." Addison muttered, the siblings exchanging excited glances as they surveyed the glowing blue area full of werewolves big and small.

"It's okay to be impressed." Wynter grinned, nudging Ariel jokingly as they walked.

"Our language. Awoo Ariel! Awoo Addison!" Wyatt howled in the wolf language, looking back at the girls. "That means welcome."

Addison tried to howl a hello, only getting giggles from the surrounding wolves.

"Ostrich boots?" Wynter asked, confused at what Addison was howling.

"No, I think Addison meant..." Wyatt howled again, trying to get Addison to howl correctly. She tried again, only getting more laughter.

"Polka dot unicorn?" Wyatt smirked, but Wynter jumped in excitement, looking around.

"Cool, where?"

"Oh, no. Sorry, um. Uh..." Addison thought for a second, before letting out a higher howl. People flinched away this time, covering their ears at her words.

"Whoa, whoa, language. There are were-pups around." Wyatt frowned. Wynter pointed at Addison, telling her:

"She needs to put a pebble in the swear-wolf jar."

"I am so sorry." Addison apologised, embarrassed and apologetic at her inability to howl correctly.

"Yeah sis, you really should be. There are were-pups around!" Ariel joked, mimicking Wyatt's previous words.

"How about you try?" Wyatt smiled at Ariel, who cleared her throat before howling a hello. People looked surprised, before all wolves howled back in welcome.
