Mika Hyakuya

Everything was just a lie. Betrayed and left alone to die. The blood leaking through the deep cut caused by the nobleman Ferid Bathroy.
After Ferid found out where Team Shinoa and the recently turned vampire Mika has been hiding he found us rather quickly. Death sentence by the love of my life. Mika Hyakuya. He left me in the fangs of the Vampires. He didn't even care if I'm dying. Tears are streaming my blood stained face down.
Crowley staring at me without a single spoken word. I think he knows what's going in my mind. Slowly I look into his crimson eyes "please. Kill me!" I beg the red haired vampire. Every breath is killing me. The agony too much to bear. His eyes are showing emotions. He feels sorry for me. A vampire towards a dying human. Slowly I reach my hand towards him struggling though due the overwhelming pain. Crowley wonders before taking my hand thinking I'm too fragile and break by the slight contact between us. The warmth is comfortable for a vampire. He remembers his past where he once was human too. A long time ago. 300 years. Slowly he leans in till his breath hits my lips. I gulp before he closes the distance and pushes the crimson liquid in my mouth. The bitter metallic taste is entering my mouth. Blood. Vampires blood. I try to push the strong vampire away but it's pointless. I give up and let the blood flow down my throat. A few drops escaped my lips and is leaving a blood stain from my lips down my chin. His smile is filled with guilty. The pain starts to increase. My body is burning. I feel like I'm losing a piece of me but at the same time live is filling me. I lose consciousness as my human part begins to fade slowly.
I'll have my revenge and kill him off. Even if it's the last thing I do. I swear.
After days I woke up with an incredible thrist for.... Blood. The thirst is killing me. I crave for the liquid. Panting heavily I stand up and stumble forward into Ferid Bathroy's arms. Even if it's vampire blood it will be enough....for now. Ripping the collar away from his neck I penetrate his white skin with the newborn fangs. The cracking of the skin could be heard. The blood enters my mouth as I keep sucking at the vein. I need more. Ferid's hand us caressing my hair slowly whispering comforting words. I feel like a monster
Ferid and Crowley made a vow to take care of me. Just like I'm their newborn vampire baby. Somehow the two of them aren't so bad. Outta nowhere a sudden memory us being replayed in my mind. The blonde vampire and Yuu arguing in a funny way. Why am I seeing this ?
A tear escapes my left eye as I keep remembering the squad. They are better of dead anyway.
