Guren Ichinose pt2

Since the incident with Guren I'm not myself anymore. I'm living in fear of what might come. I don't want to contuine living in this rotten world. A world where sooner or later he, Guren, will stab me down too in the weak moment when Mahiru is possessing him. I have to end this. Sighing I lean back looking up to the ceiling. What should I do? Take him down? I bite my lip as I try to supress the memories. I'm not prepared for this. The taste of blood is taking over my taste buds. I've bitten my lips to hard. What did Guren mean when he dies I'll die with him. This man is so twisted. Standing up I walk out from the room. I want Shinya. I need Shinya here with me. Turning around the conor I bump into someone. With clouded eyes I look up whispering a quick apologie. Running the hallways down towards the Dungeon I see Guren entering his office. The soldiers open the door to where Shinya is "You may enter!" He says and opens the cell "Shinya!" I say and run into his arms. He smiled and embraces me too "You came!" He whispers against my forehead and leans his head against mine. Nodding I close my eyes and listen to his steady heartbeat "I need to take Guren down!" I whisper and clutch his white shirt. I've been shutting my feelings down for enternity "Can you do it? Are you sure?" Asks Shinya and pushes me away from him to take a closer look at me. I want to answer him but my lips are shut. The tears are starting to escape my long eyelashes "I don't see another opportunity!" I whisper against my hand. The sadness is taking over my emotions. Killing them off completely. I can't win against Mahiru. I have to end this. Me alone. Lowering my head I stand up turning around on my heel and walk away from the white haired male "Take care!" He whispers as his eyes keep following my Fading figure. The tears aren't stopping. Open the doors to his office I smell his fragrance "Guren?" I ask quietly and step forward. Immediately a hand has taken a hold of my wrist twisting it. I cry out in pain and fall on my knees. He isn't saying anything just keeping staring at me. Slowly I look up into his purple eyes. I did love him. This man meant everything to me. Suddenly I'm pushed against the wall. Gurens body is caging me in between the wall and him "let me go!" I scream and struggle in his tight grip. The pain is increasing with every minute "Keep dreaming about this monster who you love still and end my suffering!" I plead pish him away from me. The picture is still lingering in my mind. Crying beauty Mahiru in his arms. Their love like a fairy tale. Hissing something under my breath I throw myself and Guren on the ground. My hands tightly around his throat "This means goodbye!" I whisper and gaze into his eyes which are turning crimson. This isn't good. The overwhelming power. Guren is possessed. He is capturing me my my waist before turning the positions around. He starts to laugh and rips my blouse apart slowly leaning I till his lips reached the collarbone "Stop it!" I scran and hit him again and again without success. Guren sinks his fangs into my flesh taking big gulps from my blood. I grit my teeth. It hurts. Avoiding eyecontact I turn my head around. I don't know how much he took but slowly my consciousness is Fading "Gu-re-n" I whisper and see his blood covered lips. He isn't saying anything just keeps quiet "end my suffer!" I beg now and look into his eyes for the very first time with a gentle smile "(F/N)...I can't do that." He answers honestly before capturing my lips in a kiss "because you keep me sane!" He whispers in the kiss.
