Chapter 8

Elijah POV

I woke up early to prepare myself for finding a witch we all need to be ready for the next full moon

'Elijah Where are you going?!'Rebecca ask

'I will find some witch sister' Elijah said 'I thought your just gonna run away and leave us behind?' Rebecca said

Elijah face his sister and said 'I won't ever do that to my family especially now we have a new member of the family'

'Just take care Oky?' Rebecca said

'I will sister, and Rebecca can you tell to Miss Forbes that they can all stay here? Since Hayley is not here anymore they are much saver in here' Elijah said and start his car

Hayley POV

I can't still believe what they did to me?!! Because of the Blond Bitch Vampire they did this to me.. I was standing outside the church waiting for Tyler to come and pick me up.. I guess we have another target for this plan

'Hayley?!'Tyler said and hug her

'Tyler!! Thank you' She said and break there hug

'How did the Mikealson's know about this?' Tyler said

'I don't know Tyler' She said

' Now that they know we have to make things fast now... Come here' Tyler said and pull Hayley close to him

'I Will make them pay for they did to you I will make them suffer' He said

While they were in the car Hayley hold Tyler' s hand and said to him 'Tyler I need to tell you something the girl Caroline Forbes she's pregnant with Klaus child. she is one of the reason why the Mikealson's did this to me'

'What?! Caroline is that even impossible?'

'I don't know Tyler but Klaus said to me'

' Oky stop thinking about them I need you to rest' Tyler said and the car stop in Marcel's mansion

'Welcome Hayley I'm Marcel the king of New Orleans' Marcel said shaking her hand

'Thank u for welcoming me here and helping Tyler to get rid of the Mikealson ' She said 'Your welcome us long as we're on the same thing you don't have any problem with me' He said and Hayley just nodded

'Hayley you can rest now our room is that way' Tyler said pointing at the left said of the mansion

Tyler headed at the living room and Marcel following him ' I think we just found his weakness' Tyler said 'What? Who?' Marcel said getting a bourbon

'Klaus I know he's weakness and we can use that against him' Tyler said and explain everything to Marcel

'Caroline Forbes? What a fancy name' Marcel said

Tyler cut his thoughts 'We can't hurt her Marcel she's my friend we will just use her to get Klaus give me your word that you will not hurt her'

'I won't give anything to you mate. You are the one who come here for my help so what if I kill her I'm the boss here you are living in my mansion' Marcel said 'Now if you'll excuse me I want to sleep' He said walk to his room

'Bastard' Tyler said

Caroline POV

I was running for our life my blood is all over my body. All the parts of my body feel weak, someone hold my neck pushing me against the tree. I can't see the face. He shove his hands to may stomach

I was begging for my baby 'Ah!!!! Please don't kill my baby Please!!! Just take me but please don't touch my baby ' He remove his hands to my stomach.He shove it to my heart and remove it

I wake up from a knock at my door I quickly check my baby I feel my face I was crying I thought it was true.

'Caroline?'Rebecca said

She quickly got off from her bed 'Wait a minute' She open the door

'My brother said you can live now in the mansion' Rebecca said

' Are you sure about that?' Caroline ask sitting next to her ' My family wants to protect you and the child you are now part of the family Caroline' Rebecca said

'What about my friends?' Caroline said

'They could come if they want to we have a lot rooms'

'Oky I will just pack my things Rebecca could you please tell them the news?' Caroline said

'Of Course' Rebecca said and leave the room

I'am still thinking about my dream who is this man he looks so familiar but I still can't figure out

'Care?!' Bonnie knock to my door 'Coming!!'

Bonnie close the door behind her 'Are you sure about this?'

'Yep Bon its for the safety of this little one' Caroline said smiling at Bonnie and she just nodded

'Oky' Bonnie was about to leave the room but Caroline hold her hand 'Bon I need to tell you something I had this dream a man wanted to kill my baby and me. I was running my body is so weak I was begging him to not touch my baby so he take my heart. And that is the end of my dream' Caroline explain lowering her voice

'You have to be more alert of your surroundings the child that your carrying is not every other child that the kid of Niklaus Mikealson a lot people want to kill him and get revenge for what he did you have to be more careful oky'Bonnie said

'Please don't tell this to others you are the only one who knows about this' Caroline said 'I promise I won't tell them' Bonnie said and leave the room

Elijah POV

I'm at Amsterdam I have to get Claire she is one of the descendants of the witch who help our mother to be vampire. She knows our family, she's one of the witch that we can trust

I went to her house she's still single in the age of 45 she doesn't want to have any children because she don't to sacrifice their life

I knocked at her door 'Claire?!'

'Wait a minute!!' She said 'Woah!! Elijah what brought you here?!'

She welcome me to her house and I saw a woman sitting at the couch she's so familiar to me. She stand up and look at me

'Mother?!' Elijah said 'My son' Ester said pulling Elijah to her

I don't know what to say I broke the hug and look at her from head to toe 'You are dead how?!!'

'When one of the witches open the veil I just sneak out. Why are you not happy that I'm alive ?' Ester said

'You try to kill my brother and sister, You ruin our family its not easy to trust you Mother'Elijah said

'I know what I did but it change when I found out about my grandchild how Caroline change your brother 'Ester explain to him 'How did you know?'
Claire give tea to both of her guest and go upstairs to give them some time

'When I was on the other side I saw everything your brother how he change since she meet this girl it really change him and I realized what I did to my family how I become blind because of my love for Mikeal and I'm sorry for what I did to all of you . All I wanted now is to keep my grandchild safe Please Elijah I wanted to help my family ' Ester said

'How will I know that I can trust you?'Elijah ask

'Ask Claire '

'Its true Elijah she knows that you're coming here so she decided to come here' Claire explain Elijah just nodded

'Oky But mother if you try something to my family and to the child I will kill you with my own hands' Elijah warned her 'Pack your things now we're leaving' They both nodded

At the Mansion

'Wow!' That's all Caroline could say when she enter the Mansion

''Nik design this Mansion its actually he's thing you can all choose your room to your left' Rebecca said pointing the left side of the Mansion

'Why what's in the right side?' Damon said

'The right side of the Mansion is full and the only available rooms is the left side why are you asking are you afraid that I will kill you in your sleep' Rebecca said moving close to Damon

'Can you please stop Rebecca can you show me where is my room this child over here is starting to kick a little!!' Caroline said and they all look at her 'Care you are only pregnant for one week' Stefan said to her

'Forgetting something she's a pregnant vampire with a hybrid baby in her tummy the baby is not like the other babies' Bonnie explain

'Woah!!!' Caroline said 'Easy there'

'Can I feel it?' Elena said putting her hand to her stomach 'Wow his strong'

'Guys I need to rest ' Caroline said and follow Rebecca to her room before Rebecca could leave Caroline said to her 'Do you want to feel it?'

Rebecca refuse but Caroline grab her hand and put it to her stomach 'Wow!! there is a miracle growing inside you I can't believe I'm going to be a aunt ' Caroline just nodded

'His so strong just like his father you can talk to him if you want?' Caroline said and smiles at Rebecca 'Really?!' Caroline just nodded

Rebecca knee down 'Hi there I'm your aunt Rebecca you know this family really loves you even you are still inside we are so excited to see you soon, I really love you little one' She said and the baby kick again 'I guess that's means I love you to' Rebecca added and leave the room to check to other guests

'She is resting upstairs' Rebecca said they all nodded and head upstairs to find their rooms

'Rebecca' Stefan said holding her hand ' Thank you for welcoming us here and taking good care at Caroline' He added 'Your welcome no problem when is comes to New member of the family' She said and smile at him

'Nik!!!' Rebecca said knocking at Klaus room ' What?!' Klaus said opening the door

' Caroline is here and your child start kicking!!' Rebecca said smilling, and enter the room 'Really where is she?'

' She's at here room resting its been a long day klaus' she said ' Did you make them any snacks?' he said

'Really Nik snacks? They are all vampire they drink blood'

' For the child Rebecca the child needs foods like fruits' Klaus explain to his sister since his been reading all about baby ' Caroline said when she wake up she will buy some fruits in the market tonight'

'Oh I see but its to dangerous for her' KLaus said ' Then maybe you can come with her, I Will justn go to my room now Nik and if you want to know where she is she's in the room where yo tell me to put her' Rebecca said and close the door

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