Chapter 2

Klaus POV

I never thought Caroline would do that..But I promise to her that I'm never coming back.. Maybe it's time to let her go. Now I'm gonna go back to New Orleans to take some business and a unborn baby


New Orleans

' brother can I talk you?' Elijah said

' I won't go anywhere with you until I found out who's spying on me' Klaus said not looking to Elijah ' I think know who..Come on follow me' Elijah said.. Klaus follow his brother that leads him to the cementry

' He's here' Elijah said talking to a woman

' Ahhh witches like I said old,and young witches will always be the pain in the ass' Klaus said

' Niklaus can you pls just listen to what they have to say' Elijah told his brother but still Klaus not convince he always feel like someone trying to kill him

'You think I would waste my 30 minutes talking to them' Klaus said

' Marcel is now the king of this town, everything we do here needs his approval, witches cannot do magic in this city if we do magic he will kill us,All am I asking is that just give us a little protection or our freedom' Sofie explain to him

' And why I would help you!?' He said ' Bring the girl!' Sofie said

' Hahha do you think you can hold me in neck with this girl no offest Hayley but whatever happen is ,that one night stand mean nothing to me' Klaus said

' Klaus the girl is carrying your child' Sofie said

' Are you all insame!!! vampires cannot proocreate!!' Klaus said to the witches and look at Hayley

'Magic made you are vampire but your a werewolf' Sofie explain to Klaus

Klaus look at the girl down to her stomach.He heard a heartbeat in that minute he knows what they say is true.' This is not true that is not mine!' Klaus shouted and he walk out of the conversation

End of Flashback

' Niklaus what were you thinking you just left without saying anything me and Hayley are so worried about you and Rebecca'. Elijah said

'Now were here you don't need to worry brother' Klaus said,And Hayley step in the conversation

' Where have you been? ' Hayley ask Klaus with a raising eyebrows

' I don't think that you have know.. you are not even part of this family ' Klaus said ' Niklaus!' Elijah said

' No Elijah his right I'm not part of this family,I'm only here for this baby Right Klaus !!' She said

' Ohh Hayley you know to !much drama in your life will bring no good to you especially in my baby,and you don't have to pretend that you care for me, because I think you and my brother had a thing for each other,and I'm Oky with that ,your only job here is to take care of that baby' Klaus said to her

' klaus what is with you why your acting like an asshole?!' Rebecca said to his brother who's pouring himself a glass of bourbon

' You don't care little sister' Klaus reply

' Is this about the blonde vampire in mystic falls?' She said' She has a name you know' Klaus said

' So it's about her? You loved her didn't you'

'It's none of your business Rebecca and if I love her wouldn't change what's happening now ' Klaus said and he stare at Rebecca ' It's not going to change everything,the baby, this town,our family you do think falling for her would be the answer,No! Cause if my enemy knows about her they will use her against me, and you know how especial she is, it's better to forget her for a while than to loss her forever' Klaus said to her sister whose only staring at him

' Yes Klaus I know falling for her won't change what's happening now,but I know falling for her would change you, if you loved her fight for her your Klaus you know of that word ... I will just go to sleep ' Rebecca said his brother and head upstairs

Maybe she is right but I promise her to stay away from her after what happened,but why would she do that ,does she feel something from me?..No she doesn't she hate maybe I just need some rest.I was going to my room when I saw Hayley still awake

' Why your still not sleeping it's not good for the baby?' I ask her' I will just finish this one and I will get some rest ' She said still staring at the computer

Klaus was about to get to his room when Hayley said something ' I discover something today it's a girl' She said with a smile on her face

Klaus just smile at her and go to his bed

Back at Mystic Falls

Caroline POV

I woke up in my room I feel my headhurts?! Vampires don't get this what is wrong with me?I took a long bath to take out all of the stress in me when I'm done I quickly go upstairs cause I smell omelets, coffee and blood

' Morning Mom' Caroline said and kiss her mother on the cheek ' Wow I like be the smell of that Uhhhh!!! Yummy'

'Here you go sweet heart and by the way Caroline I won't be here all day so be good oky' She said ' Oky mom just be careful' Caroline said ' Woah Caroline slow down' Liz said to her daughter drink the blood with one gulp ' Ahhh that's better' Caroline said with a sign of relief and rub her stomach

' I gotta go honey bye' Liz said ' Oky mom love you' Caroline said to her mother and close the door

What is happening to me I never did this drink with one gulp only,eating two omelet's what wrong with me..

Caroline don't know what's going on with her body she only know that there's a lot of going on with her friends and a lot of problem going on she don't have a time to think about her body and what's going on with her..Suddenly her phone ring

' Hello Elena ? why are you calling?' She said ' Hey care can you come here to the boarding house so we can discuss something?' Elena said

' Oky no problem I will be there in...10 minutes' Caroline said' Oky care' Elena said and hung up

At The Salvatore Boarding House

' Hey what you do wanna talk about?' 'Caroline said to everyone

' It's about Tyler' Elena said breaking the silence

' What about him?' 'Caroline said ' He did do something that can make his life put in danger?'She said and sat in the couch 'Just to make it clear I don't even care about him, like he never care about me!' 'Caroline said

' Look care I know what Tyler and that wolf Hayley do to you but Tyler is our friend' Stefan said

' Oky so what about him?' 'Caroline said clamly because she knows Stefan wouldn't hurt her

' Tyler confess me something this morning,..and it's about Hayley and a baby' Elena said to Caroline

' What do you mean about the.... baby?' 'Caroline said and look each of her friends

' Tyler said to me that he and Hayley done something while he is not here in Mystic falls' Elena said to Caroline

' Wait! Not here in Mystic falls?? when his not around here we are still together we call each other every night and what do you mean done something?' 'Caroline said

' They have sex Oky!!!' Damon cut in the conversation 'Damn As' 'Caroline said

' Damon!! Oky let me just continue this he and Hayley have sex, and they have a baby' Elena said

' Sooo I don't care if they have twins , or even quadruplets it's none of my business and why do you all think that I even care about that little asshole' 'Caroline said and about to walk out. But Elena need to tell her the truth cause she is her bestfriend

' Cause Klaus think that the baby is his baby Hayley lie him, and Tyler they make Klaus a fool, these two are just using Klaus to protect the baby' Elena tell her explaining everything to her ' And when Klaus will know about this they will kill Tyler and Hayley ' Elena said to her holding her hand to calm her. Cause Elena still see the effect of Tyler in Caroline

' I don't care it's there dission not mine!!' 'Caroline said and walk out

Caroline has finally arrived home she has a lot of problems right now she felt like she isn't her self right now she just like to eat sleep and like eating apple

Caroline POV

Klaus don't even tell me about the baby he came here but he don't even open the topic about that
why!!"Uhhh why would he tell me that I don't mean anything to him?" 'Caroline tell to her self

She just watch a movie all day,crying because of it Then suddenly her phone ring

'Hello? This is 'Caroline Forbes !' 'Caroline said through the phone
' Hello Love' 'Klaus said
C:Oh my god 'Klaus!!!
K:Yes love the one and only
C:Oky what do you wanna talk about?
K:Nothing I'm just checking on you is that a bad thing?
C: No but why call me?
K:I just want to explain about what happened between us in the woods
C:Yeah about that
K:I just want you to know that I'm really sorry 'Caroline and
C: You know what it's Oky do you have something to tell me?
K: Ahhhh!!! I think that's all
C:Klaus I know about the baby and Hayley
K: 'Caroline I want to tell that yesterday but in that moment?
C:It's Oky no need to explain everything and who Am I to be angry I'm nothing right?
K: 'Caroline just let me explain
C:No need to explain I gotta go Bonnie and Elena waiting for me bye

Caroline quickly end the line and go back to the movie

Klaus POV

I want to call 'Caroline just to say sorry about what happened and I want to hear her voice so I just call her everything went well until she tell me about the baby..But how does she know maybe the scoopy dooo gang tell her..I want to explain everything to her but she just end the line.

Why she react like that and why does she put her mind that she mean nothing to me she is everything to me

I just what to tell her' 'Caroline I miss you' That's all I want to say when she ended the line
