Chapter 16

Klaus POV

I slowly open my eyes and saw the most beautiful woman in earth. I can't still believe that I will wake up next to her everyday, I will have a lot of chances to hold her hand while were walking in the parking and kissing her in the middle of the dance floor . What did I do to deserve her ? I slowly touch her cheek then she open her eyes 'Good moring love' I said to her 'Good morning' She reply still looking at me

'You need to stop giving me that look?'' I said to her 'Why?'

'Because that look will be the death of me' Klaus said to Caroline 'Really?' She said

Caroline kiss him but she broke the kiss when she feel something kicked 'Whoa!!' She said

'What are you Oky?' Klaus ask her and sit beside her ' I think someone is already awake' Caroline said while rubbing her stomach 'Here!!' She take Klaus hand and put it to her stomach

Klaus place his hands to it and the baby start to kick 'Feel him?' Caroline ask him and just nodded

'Wow he's strong just like his daddy!!' Caroline said that make Klaus look at her

'Daddy?! Can't wait to hear that words from you little one' Klaus said with a teary eyes Caroline saw it 'Why are. You crying are you oky? '

'I'm just so happy I never expected that my life would turn like this ... You are just my dream love but now you are here and I cannot wait to wake up with you every single day of my life ' Klaus said
'I love you Niklaus Mikealson' Caroline said 'I love you too Caroline Forbes' He said and kiss her

'You too Mr...' Klaus said kiss Caroline's tummy

Caroline prepare herself before going downstairs after she take shower .. She decided to visit Hayley first She knock at Hayley's room

Hayley quickly open the door and let Caroline in
'How are you?' Caroline ask her 'I'm fine now ....Thanks to you Caroline I know we didn't have a good start but thank you for everything ' Hayley said to her

'Your welcome .....So what's your plan now ?' Caroline said

'Actually I was planning to leave this town ' Hayley said while packing her things

'Where are going?' Caroline ask her because she knows Hayley don't have any family

'I don't know .....I just wanted to have a beautiful life with my child and I guess leaving and moving forward is the right thing to do now' Hayley said

'Oky I will support your decision ....but just wait me here !!' Caroline said and walk back to her room . Hayley waited for her at the car

Caroline handed over the check to Hayley..She was shock in what she saw 'Caroline I can't accept this ....its to much !!!' Hayley said

'Please take it!!!... Its for you and your baby and that is only thing I could do for helping me just please accept this!!! Okay' Caroline said and they both hug each other ' You know that this is $200.000 dollar right?! ' Hayley said

'I know how to count Hayley go before you miss your fight or something' She look at Caroline with the smile on her face

'Your a really good friend Caroline thank you' Hayley said and hop inside the car

Caroline POV

I watch Hayley left she deserve better than Tyler he is a dick and I knew it. I feel a strong arms wrap around my waist 'You are really a queen Love...Now let's get you inside they are planning some vacation for all of us' Klaus said and we walk inside the mansion

I saw everyone sitting in the living room ' Hey!!! So I heard your all planning for a vacation?!' I asked them Ester look so excited and Rebecca

'Yeah we are planning to take you somewhere for you to feel stress free ' Bonnie said to me with a wide grin in her face

'And the baby needs to have fresh air' Rebecca said 'So where are we going!!!' Caroline ask them

'To our old lake house!!!!' Rebecca said while clapping her hands

'Wow!!! when ' Caroline said 'Tomorrow morning' Ester announce

'Someone is excited' Kol interrupt 'Well if we don't do it sooner maybe Caroline will going to give birth in that lake House!!' Bonnie said

'Oky calm down little witch' Kol said and wink at bonnie

'Care can I say something ?' Elena said while looking at Caroline

'Yes what is it?!' Caroline answer

'Damon and I will have to return to mystic falls....' Elna said 'Why is there something wrong ?!' Bonnie cut in the conversation

'No!!! there's nothing wrong I just want to go back to mystic falls, Caroline now is fine and I think its time for me to go back' Elena said to her two best friend Damon kiss her cheeks 'She's my girl so I will come with her '

'If that's your decision Elena, but promise me we will keep in touch' Caroline said and hug her friend 'Yap Lena keep in touch and if Damon try to hurt you I will run hunt him just to fry his brain... Right Damon?' Bonnie said and hug Elena

'Oh Bon Bon don't worry I will just find a witch that can protect me!!' Damon said with a smirk on his face

'But seriously Damon take care of her ' Caroline said

'I will Blondie you have my word' Damon said

The two headed upstairs and pack their things about an hour they said there goodbye to everyone

Elena hug everyone except from Klaus she headed to him and whispered to his ear 'Try to hurt Caroline and I will find a way to kill you 'Elena said and Klaus just nodded
