c h a p t e r 5

FYI, if you kin ( relate to) Albedo or any of the genshin boys/guys. . . Marry me, pls-


You looked into his wonder-filled, teal eyes, the beautiful snowflakes falling from the grey clouded sky made everything seem magical, despite the situation being such a casual one with just the two of you standing on the cold, fresh, white snow.

"What were the materials you need?" you asked, him turning his head to you, "I just need some scarlet quartz for Sucrose, she wants to experiment on it".

You nod your head and then motion for him to follow you. "While I was looking for starsliver ore, I found some scarlet quartz, so I might be able to help you find some!". Despite Albedo already being familiar with Dragonspine, he didn't mind walking around the cold and freezing mountain with you.

As you both walked around the cold and windy mountain, still collecting scarlet quartz, you both bumped into a war machine people refer to as, ruin hunters, but this ruin hunter was on the cold, snow covered ground and covered in ice, resulting in the machine being frozen. Both of you shrugged it off, thinking it was safe to mine here and continued to collect more scarlet quartz. As you were mining, you accidentally hit the frozen ruin hunter while trying to mine the scarlet quartz beside it, resulting with the cold, clear ice, covering the ruin hunter, melting and letting the ruin hunter awaken from it's "slumber".

As you put the scarlet quartz you had mined, you felt as if there was someone, or something. watching you. . . You looked up and saw the ruin hunter, staring at you, despite it not having any eyes, it's stare was always such a menacing stare and felt uneasy. . . As the ruin guard got into its familiar starter attack position, you quickly ran to Albedo, who of which was still mining scarlet quartz, and grabbed his wrist.

"We have to go. Now!" you yelled at him, not loudly, but loud enough for him to know that you were desperate to leave. He was confused, but then looked behind the both of you and saw the ruin hunter. He knew what was going on, he held your hand tightly as you both jumped over the snow covered rocks, ran down icy pathways and avoided the bombs from which the ruin hunter was shooting at you two, making loud sounds . .

Eventually, you both were able to find a hiding spot, which of where the ruin hunter couldn't see you both. . .

You were taking deep breaths, quietly, trying to not give your hiding spot away. You and Albedo eventually look behind the rock you were hiding behind, and didn't spot the vicious, giant, war machine that had been chasing you both earlier. You both slowly and quietly tip toed out of your hiding spot, thankfully, the mountain wasn't as cold as it was before.

You both continued to walk down the mountain, still collecting scarlet quart, just in case Sucrose possibly needed multiple.

As you both walk down the windy and snowy mountain, you reach the campsite that's full of people walking around, experimenting, talking, and sleeping in their tents. The atmosphere of the campsite was rather welcoming, and yet so overwhelming at the same time. Albedo motioned for you to follow you, and you quickly sped walked to where he was, he seemed to be packing the scarlet quartz in his bag. "If it's not a bother for you" he says to you as he lifts his head up. "Can you maybe help me carry these to Mondstadt? I think we might've collected too much". You nod with no hesitation then pick up some of the scarlet quartz, you put it in your bag, gently. You both begin walking away from the campsite, and towards Mondstadt to deliver to scarlet quartz to the curious student, Sucrose.

As you both were walking across the pathway towards Mondstadt, the light and calming wind's breeze was the only sound you both could hear, as there was only silence between the two of you, it wasn't much of an awkward silence, rather it was complete opposite, it was quite comforting, maybe it's because the calming breeze was calming, or maybe it's because you were walking with someone that's been on your mind. Either way, the silence felt comfortable, despite this you felt as if you needed to start a conversation.

"So how do you know Sucrose?" you ask as the calming wind rustles the leaves on the trees and grass beside you. "She's my student, I told you this the first time we came to Mondstadt, did I not?" he asks, looking at you. You quickly remember him saying that she was his student when introducing her to you that day, you smack your forehead, lightly, not hard enough to actually harm yourself. "I'm assuming you had forgotten?" he says looking at you with a small smile on his face, you spot his smile and your heart skips a beat. . .

But you haven't known him for that long, it's only been a few days! You can't just like him. . . ! Can you? These thoughts race through your mind as you both continue to walk to city of freedom, Mondstadt.

Your thoughts kept clouding your mind. . . "Do I like him? No! Of course I don't! We've only known each other for who knows how long? It's been a couple of days! Maybe my heart skipped a beat because I'm not used to his smile! Yeah, that's got to be it! There's definitely no attraction! . . . I think. . " you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Hey F/N? Are you okay? You stopped walking in the middle of the road" you heard Albedo's soft voice say, you nodded and smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah! I'm fine! I just had something on my mind that's all!" you say softly scratching the back of your head, still keeping your 'everything's fine' persona.

He nodded and you both proceeded to walk. "Oh, there's the Mondstadt gates, we're almost there" he says as he motions for you to follow him to wherever he was going. You smiled and dashed towards him.

"So, where do I put all the scarlet quartz once we get there?" you say opening your bag and looking inside to look at the scarlet quartz. "Oh, you won't have to worry about that" Albedo says. You both get there, and then Albedo, pointing at the bag then says "Can I have the scarlet quartz you have in your bag now?". You frantically nod and open your bag to give them to him "Here you go! Tell Sucrose that I hope she finds whats she's looking for!" you say smiling.

"Oh thank you F/N!" You hear a soft female voice coming from behind you, you turn around and see Sucrose. "Oh! Hi Sucrose!" you smile and wave to her. "It's not that I'm looking for something, I'm just curious to know about what scarlet quartz can do other than prevent hypothermia" she says looking at the dozens and dozens of scarlet quartz both you and Albedo had gathered for her. You, still smiling, look at her and say "Well, I hope you can find something out!" you smile and wave goodbye as you leave Mondstadt to deliver the starsliver ore to Keqing.

Thankfully, you have both a map and it's still sunny, so you don't have to worry about camping in the middle of nowhere. You walk to Liyue as the calming breeze is touching your skin, your hair moves in the direction the wind is in as you're walking back to Liyue.

Once you get home, you immediately go to the wenwen bookstore where Keqing asked for the two of you to meet. You walked there, passing by Xingqiu who was holding the new book he has bought, when you got there you saw someone with light, purple hair that was tied in two pigtails who was holding a book, staring at you.

"Are you Keqing?" you ask as you slowly walk up to her, she nods, "I'm assuming you have the starsliver ore I asked for?" she said as she puts the book in her hand back onto the shelf it was originally on. You nod and hand her the five starsliver ore you were able to get for her, "Thank you, this is enough" she smiles at you as she puts the starsliver ore in the bag she had on her hip.

"Goodbye now, F/N, have a good day" she says as she walks down the red, wooden stairs and onto the streets. You sigh and then walk along the exact same red, wooden stairs Keqing had walked on.

You walked home, exhausted, as soon as you got home, you took your shoes off and hung your bag on a hat stand you had at the front of your door. You passed out on your fixed and comfortable bed, the evening sun light on your skin and the sound of people speaking entering your ears. . .


Did I make the reader be in denial? Yes, yes I did. Why? Because I felt like it :)
