c h a p t e r 1

Just so that you know, I may have some spelling errors in this fan fic. Mostly because I'm exhausted right now from school-
Also, there won't be ANY NSFW in this.


As I was trying to get to Liyue, I ended up getting lost. Not knowing where I was, I just continued walking around. It was cold, I felt like I could freeze to death while exploring the area..
I was lucky enough to find fire while walking around. I quickly ran towards it and sat there for a good minute.

I eventually continued to walk, hesitantly, not wanting to leave the warmth of the fire..

As I was walking I ended up spotting someone, or something. Out of curiosity I began walking towards it, I realized that it wasn't a person. I walked closer, realizing it was a Lawachurl. I just sat there, not knowing what to do, should I attack? I didn't know..

But for some reason, I began running towards it, I don't know if it was out of stupidity, but I just ran. I immediately began attacking it, left and right, using up all my energy.
I didn't care that I had no energy left though, I kept swinging my sword, I didn't want to just give up and run away like a damn coward.

But before I could even kill the damn Lawachurl, I passed out.. Not because the Lawachurl, but because the cold, I guess I just couldn't handle it. I assume that I was also too concentrated to realize how cold the mountain was..

I was walking around Dragonspine trying to find the perfect scenery to sketch in my sketchbook along with my other sketches.

I eventually was able to find a perfect spot, but before I could sketch I had dropped my paint brush. Right when I looked down to get my paint brush, I saw a girl, she was on the floor, her face covered in icicles and snowflakes. I checked her pulse and the current state she was in. She must've passed out at least 10 minutes ago.

I forgot about the paint brush I was about to pick up, and immediately brought the girl to the campsite I set up while I was here in Dragonspine.

The man that had found you, put you down on these two pillows that he had placed together to be like a small bed.
As your unconscious body laid there, he quickly made something to warm you up before you could die from hypothermia, which could happen if he hadn't found you.

He grabbed your face gently and opened your mouth, slowly, but gently as well. As he did this, he also poured the potion he had made for her into her mouth, slowly, so that she wouldn't choke.

I woke up..

It was warm..

I saw a man with blonde hair and teal-like eyes that were absolutely breathtaking..

I sat up slowly, and confused to where I was..

I looked at the man and asked "Who are you? And where am I?" He looked at me and apologized.

"Ah, sorry, I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Albedo" He said, putting his hand out for a hand shake. I shook Albedo's hand. "And to answer your other question, you're here in Dragonspine" he said nonchalantly.

I felt confused, I had never heard of Dragonspine.. But then again I just recently have began exploring Teyvat about five weeks ago..

"So, when are you going to introduce yourself, stranger?" He said, looking at me with a calming expression.

I looked at him and quickly replied, "Oh! Yeah! I'm sorry, my name is Y/N!" I replied, a small smile appearing on my face and my hand reaching out for another hand shake.

We shook hands once again, before I stood up. I quickly walked around the campsite, examining where I was exactly.
I looked at him, then saw his vision, which was located on his chest, it was a geo vision.

"Ah, so you're a geo user!" I said looking at him slightly smiling, trying to make this conversation, if that's what you can call it, less awkward.

He looked at me "Oh so you've noticed my vision" he said to me. He looked at (Place where your vision is located: Waist, neck, hair, etc.) and said "Oh, so you're a pyro user.." he said, a walking towards me and looking a bit closer at my pyro vision.

I nodded, my smile fading ever so slowly but surely.

You looked outside and saw the snow that was falling slowly.. You looked at Albedo and asked "How have you managed to live here?"
He looked at you and said "Oh, I don't live here, I live in Mondstat", pointing at Mondstat that was on a map he had hanging up.

"Mondstat? Oh! I just came from there!" I said, pointing at the same place he was pointing at too.
"Oh really now?" He asked you. You nodded, still pointing at the map.

You walked outside slowly, looking at the snow, which at the same time beautiful, but also very cold and the reason you had passed out...

You turned to Albedo and asked "Do you possibly have an extra map that I can have? The reason I'm here is only because I had gotten lost trying to find my way back to Liyue.." you said, a sigh following your statement.

He smiled very slightly, it was an unnoticeable one, but hey, it was a smile! He nodded and handed you a map of Teyvat that you were able to carry in your backpack.
You smiled and thank him, before waving goodbye and going back to Liyue Harbour.
"Goodbye Albedo! Who knows, maybe I'll see you next time I go to Mondstat!"
You waved and ran out of the campsite, making sure to use pyro to light up a piece of wood that you were able to use as a source of somewhat warmth.

It took about an hour, but you were able to get back home to Liyue. As soon as you came home, you were welcomed by everyone, and by everyone I mean most of Liyue. It made you feel welcomed of course, but you just wanted to sleep and maybe eat something warm like soup..

You smiled and walked away from everyone, telling them that you were exhausted and hungry..
You walked to Bubu pharmacy and saw Qiqi there.
"Hello Qiqi!"
You said waving.
"Hello Y/N, how are you?" She said in a monotone voice.
"I'm fine, thanks Qiqi!" You replied
You smiled and asked if she could give something that could help you fall asleep easier.. She nodded and asked for a prescription, which you gave her. She grabbed the medicine and handed it to you, you gave her the mora and then walked home..
But then you thought of the geo user with those breathtaking teal-like eyes..

For some reason you couldn't stop thinking about his calming eyes, for some reason, something about them made you feel safe and feel secured..

You eventually got home and then took the medicine you had bought from Bubu pharmacy. You fell asleep about one minute after laying in bed and taking the medicine that you had bought..


Thank you for reading! I feel like I messed up some things, but if I did, I'm so, so, so, sorry-

But anyways, I'll make sure to make another chapter soon✨

Word Count: 1263
