c h a p t e r 4

I'm going to now be using f/n (first name) instead of y/n, because y/n keeps getting slandered online-

Ps, while I was writing this, my laptop died and all my progress disappeared-

Also, for the little box that the person (I don't know if it's a spoiler for the chapter to say the person's name) gives you, imagine Violet's(Violet Evergarden) broach, like imagine the colors and the way it shines in the bright light.  (picture on the top)


       You and Hu Tao had gotten home around 5 PM, just in time before the starry night sky appeared. Hu Tao needed to get back to the funeral parlor to do her shift and so that Zhongli could go.  As you walked with Hu Tao down one of the most crowded, yet beautiful, streets in Liyue to get to the funeral parlor that Hu Tao and her family worked at, you saw Ningguang walking with someone who seemed to have an eye patch, long, shiny brown hair and had a dark red dress, that showed her thighs on both sides. . . Upon closer exception you realized it was Beidou, a captain for a pirate crew called the Crux.

You and Hu Tao didn't think much of this considering the fact they hang out whenever the two are free and have nothing to do, which isn't a lot, since lady Ningguang has her own duties and Beidou is a caption of an entire pirate crew. Because of both of their schedules you and Hu Tao decided to not disturb them and continue walking. But before you both could continue walking towards the funeral parlor, you felt as if one of your sleeves were being pulled by someone, you looked behind you and saw Ningguang there behind you

"Lady Ningguang! How are you?" you say, with a small smile on your face.

"F/N! I see you're back from your travels, I just wanted to give you a little present as a welcome home gift. . ." she looked behind her, where Beidou was, Beidou handed her a small, yellow box that had a bow that was almost as big as the small, tiny, yellow box it was on top of. She smiled at you and said"ok, put both of your hands out" you listened to her and did as she said. As she put the box in your two hands, she nodded as a small way of saying that you could open the gift.

You looked at the box, and opened it. . .

There were rings . . . Two rings . . . Both were beautiful, one ring was white and shaped into a small star shapes. . . but the other one caught your eye, it was teal, round, and was so beautiful that it took your breath away. . . They were exactly like Albedo's eyes, beautiful, both even more beautiful than the starry night's sky that was starting to appear, while the bright blue sky you and Hu Tao stopped  disappeared.

You looked at Ningguang and smiled. . "Thank you. . I'll treasure these forever" you looked at Hu Tao and continued walking towards the funeral parlor, although, you couldn't help but think if what she gave you was either a coincidence, or she actually knew about Albedo. . .  But you just shook it off and took it as a coincidence, when in reality, she did know, considering she knows a bunch of information about everyone in Liyue, she was able to find out about Albedo from one of her assistants, and how you went all the way to Mondstadt just to go visit him.

You and Hu Tao eventually got to your detestation. She waved goodbye and walked into the funeral parlor, greeting the employees at the front and telling them about how she went to Mondstadt with you.

Before you went home you remembered that you still had the gifts you had bought for Xianling, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Qiqi. But since it was around 7 PM by then, you decided you'd give them everything you had bought tomorrow at Wanmin restaurant.

As you walked home you took the teal ring out of the box and stared at it. . . The beautiful teal color of the jewel, the gold ring, everything about the ring, from the way it shined in the moon light, to the beautiful color of teal that reminded you of. . .  Well, Albedo of course. . .

Before you could get even more deeper in thought, you feel someone bump into you.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" they said, quickly bowing and then speed walking away before you can even reply and tell them that it was okay. . . You sighed and quickly put the ring back into the small yellow box Ningguang had given you. You walked home, but for some reason, you couldn't sleep, the weather was perfect, everything was quiet, the starry night sky was clear, stars were the only thing visible im the sky. . . and yet, you still couldn't sleep. You found yourself just opening the window beside your bed, and just staring at the scenery of Liyue.

Liyue's scenery had never failed to disappoint you, especially during the night, by now it was probably around 10 PM. Time had passed by quickly today, but honestly, you liked the fact that today had passed by quickly, no reason to it, it was just something that you loved . . .

Eventually, you felt your eyes shut slowly, you didn't realize it at first, but you had fallen asleep to the sound of the calming wind and the quiet sounds of the townspeople of Liyue. . .

<<N e x t   D a y >>

You woke up, the same way you do every morning, you hear the sound of the birds chirping and the bright sunlight beaming in your eyes. Except when you looked out your window again, you saw a bird with a small letter attached to it's leg, as you took the letter off it's leg, the bird quickly flew away and into a castle like structure in the sky. You covered your mouth with your hand as you yawned and stretched before getting out of bed.

Once you got ready you decided to finally read the letter that had been sent to you:

"Dear F/N,

My name is Keqing, we haven't met yet, but I do have a  small favor to ask you. You see, I need some starsliver ore, but sadly, I'm a bit too occupied to get it myself.

The ore is located in Dragonspine, which I'm sure you've heard of, and considering that you're a pyro vision user, I'm thinking it'd be better if I asked a real traveler who is both experienced  and  uses pyro.

I'm sorry if this is a bother to you, but if you're busy I understand, but if you do get some starsliver ore, please meet me at wenwen bookstore.

- Sincerely, Keqing"

You were hesitant at first to accept this . . . "commission", but since you had nothing better to do other than deliver the presents you had bought for Xianling, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Qiqi, you quickly grabbed a bag that was able to both carry food and carry the starsliver ore Keqing had asked you in her letter for.

But before going to Dragonspine, you decided you'd deliver the four presents to all four of them, you went to Bubu pharmacy, but didn't see the small, light purple haired, zombie, Qiqi, that you usually see behind the counter. So instead of waiting you decided to just leave the coconut milk there.

Next it was time to deliver Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xianling's gifts, this time, you actually saw both Chongyun and Xingqiu sitting together at the Wanmin restaurant, you ran towards the dark blue haired chef, Xianling, who was cooking something up. She threw in red Jueyun Chilis that she had taken about of her brown bag that her little companion Gouba was holding.

You decided to not bother her and decided to leave the gift you had bought beside Gouba.

You walked by the exorcist with light blue hair, Chongyun, and the well mannered, blue haired boy, Xingqiu, then placed the gifts you had bought for both of them beside their chairs, not wanting to disturb the conversation the two of them were having.

<<Time skip>>

You walked to Dragonspine, taking a break here and there to go ahead and eat some food and drink water, you had packed for the journey, but eventually you got to the snowy and ice cold mountain people call Dragonspine, the mountain where you had met the blonde haired alchemist you know as, Albedo, but this mountain was also the one where you could've almost died from hypothermia. . .

"I can't believe I actually accepted to go back here, I thought I'd never return here after what happened. . ." You sighed and continued walking up the mountain, using your pyro as a source of warmth just like you did the last time you were here.

You continued walking on the ice cold mountain, you could barely feel your legs as you kept walking, your pyro wasn't able to keep you as warm from the icy cold winter snow on top of the mountainyou felt so numb. . .

"W-Why did I even accept to even do this?. . " you're not the type to stutter, but the amount of cold snowflakes that fell and rested on your face, it had made your face freeze. . .

You put both of your hands in your pockets and felt something inside the right pocket . . . It felt like some glass bottle? You took it out of your pocket and spotted a beautiful light blue potion, with liquid that felt cold, but also warm at the same time somehow, it felt unreal, so magical, so beautiful. . .

You were confused to where you had gotten this odd looking liquid, but remembered how Albedo had given this to you. You didn't exactly remember if he had told you anything about it, but without any hesitation, you quickly gulped the liquid until the glass bottle was empty, not even a small drip of the liquid was left.

You felt as if your legs were as light as feathers, you felt like you were flying, but after feeling this way for about a minute, you felt so warm inside. You continued to walk as you gently placed the empty glass bottle into your bag's pocket.

After walking around Dragonspine, you were finally able to find starsliver ore beside a frozen ruin guard. You were able to break about six to eight pieces of starsliver ore that were small enough to fit your bag, but also big enough to make it into something.

As you walked down the mountain, you had gotten distracted by the beautiful snowflakes falling slowly onto the ground, because of how amazed you were of the beautiful snow fall, you had bumped into someone, resulting in you falling onto the cold, white, snow that had fallen onto the ground. . .

"Ouch. . ." you say, rubbing your head as you sat on the cold snow. "F/N? What're you doing here?" a familiar voice says.

You look up and see the exact same person who had those breathtaking teal eyes, Albedo. "Oh! Albedo! Wasn't expecting you to be here!" you say standing up from the cold ground. "I could say the same for you F/N", he says picking up an apple you had packed in your bag that had fallen outside when you fell onto the cold ground.

"Oh, I'm just here to get some starsliver ore for someone!" you say gently taking the apple from his hand.

You smiled at him, and threw the red fruit you had in your hand into your bag.

"So, what are you doing here?" you ask, tilting your head in curiosity. "Oh, well the last time I was here I forgot to get some materials I said I would get for one of Sucrose's experiments. ." he said to you as he looked at the falling snowflakes.


Well I'm done this chapter that I've literally been writing for an entire day :)

Word count : 2049
