The Day we Met (Ichimatsu x Outgoing!Reader)

As any mediocre story begins, it was just a normal day in my small town. I woke up, fed the cats, avoided my brothers endless taunting about how anti-social I am and how I have no friends. Same old same old.

"Ichimatsu? Don't you have anyone other than cats to hang out with?" Osomatsu nii-san asked, making me a bit angered.

I mean, who was he to talk? It's not like he had any friends either.

Who would want to be friends with a NEET anyways? Especially people like my brothers and I.

I simply ignored his remark, seeing as how there really was no point in arguing.

At least the cats love me.

"OH SHIT THE CATS!" I squealed as I practically jumped from my corner. "I GOTTA GO BUY THEM FOOD!"

My brothers looked at me, confused. "With what money?"

Shut the hell up Kusomatsu. Sure he was right, but still. He didn't have any either.

"I have money!" Jyushimatsu beamed.

He held up a bag of yen.

"Hey! That's my pachinko money! Give it back!" My eldest brother snapped as he snatched the bag from Jyushi.

What an inconsiderate asswipe.

I slowly trudged up to Osomatsu, making sure I had the creepiest smile I could muster.

"L-little brother! What are you doing?" He asked, shaking slightly.

I chuckled. "Give me the money."

"No way!"

I let out a low groan and snatched the bag from him, pulling out just enough to buy what I needed before giving it back.

He balled up on the floor and cried. "MY MONEY! YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!!"

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." I laughed as I walked out of the door, putting my surgical mask over my mouth.

"At least he didn't take all of it....." Shittymatsu said as I left.

As I walked to the grocery store, I recieved weird looks from people that passed by. That was usual for me, so I paid no mind to it.

I actually found it to be a really lovely day. What? I have the right to think something is nice. I DO have feelings contrary to popular belief.

Being fall time, it was normal to step on leaves that fell from the trees whenever you walked. Japan was always pretty this time of year.

"Awe you are such a cute kitty!" Someone said, followed by giggling.

I looked to my right, following the sound of the voice, and saw a girl crouching over and petting a stray. The cat nuzzled onto to her hand, loving the attention.


I stopped in my tracks and examined the girl. She wore a black skirt, lavender thigh-high socks, black slip ons with a small heel, a plain white tee, and-

I froze, trying to contain a nosebleed. She was wearing a cat ear headband.


I realized I was being creepy and began to continue on to the store.

"Bye bye, kitty!" I heard her say behind me.

The clicking of her heels could be heard behind me and eventually, I stopped and turned to face her.

Oh gosh she was so pretty up close.

"Are you okay?" She asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

I hadn't noticed that I zoned out.

"I'm fine." I grumbled, trying to leave the awkward atmosphere. I turned and once again continued to the store.

"Where are you going to?" She asked, walking up next to me.

I rolled my eyes slightly and pointed to my destination. "The store."

"Me too! I'll go with you! You look like you want company!" She laughed as she booped my nose.

I flinched and nodded at her offer. I couldn't say no. She seemed so happy.

Her laugh..... It was like an angel's.....

"I'm (y/n)!" She chirped, holding out her hand as we walked.

"Ichimatsu....." I grasped her hand.

Soft..... Agh stop that! Don't be a creep!

"Tell me about yourself, Ichi-Kun!"

A blush crept up my cheeks and the nickname. "Well. I'm trash. I am an identical sextuplet and my brothers hate me, I'm a NEET, and I like cats."

She seemed taken aback. "How could anyone hate you? I just met you and I think you are amazing! And you aren't trash!"

"Yeah get to know me and you'll change your mind like everyone else....."

"I highly doubt that. Oh! We're here!" She grasped my hand gently and pulled me into the store with her.

She grabbed a cart while I grabbed a basket and we began our shopping trip.

"I'm going to get cat food...." I mumbled to which she smiled and said she was going to get fruit first.

I smiled at her as she went off to get her fruit.

My eyes scanned the shelves for cat food and eventually, I found the one I was looking for and placed it in my basket.


I jerked my head to see (y/n) screaming as she rode on her shopping cart. What the hell was she doing? I don't know.

She crashed into the oranges, the pile covering her body. I heard a fit of giggles and saw her head pop out of the top of the pile. It seemed like a scene out of a movie.

I gulped and slowly walked up to the pile, offering my hand to her. She laughed as I helped her up.

"Dork. Be more careful..." I flicked her forehead, making her laugh again.

Dang she laughs a lot. Kind of like Jyushimatsu.

An angered employee came over and began to clean up the mess, (y/n) and I helping as to not seem rude.

"Gomen!" She apologized to the employee after we had finished cleaning.

The man looked like he wanted to strangle someone, but once he saw her genuine smile, you could feel his aura change.

She really did light up the room.

"Let's go pay!" She smiled as she rode her cart to the cash register, I tailed behind.

She loaded her crap ton of fruit onto the counter before grabbing my cat food and placing it up with her items.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused.

"Paying for your cat food, duh!"

"But I have money....."

"Too bad! I am paying for you!"

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can!" She smirked swiping her card and paying for the items.

"(Y/n)! No!"

"(Y/n) yes! Here you go!"

She handed me the bag of cat food and grabbed her fruit before taking me out of the store.

"Why did you do that?" I asked after a while.

"Because I wanted to! Anything for a new friend!"


"H-here! Take my money!" I said as I held out my yen.

"I already said it was okay! I just wanted to do something nice!"

I smiled underneath my mask and put the yen back in my pocket.

"Thank you, (y/n)....."

I don't know why I felt so comfortable around her after just meeting her. She just made me feel like a real person. For the first time in a while, I felt like I had a friend. Don't tell her I said that though.

"Why did you decide to talk to me?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Because I wanted a friend and you looked interesting!"

"Yeah but don't you have other friends you could have gone to the store with?"

"I mean yeah, but they didn't wanna come and I am glad they didn't because I probably wouldn't have met you today!"

Agh so sweet.....

She stopped in front of a house.

"Well. This is my stop!" She said as she pulled out her key.

"D-do you want help....?"

She smiled wide and nodded, making my cheeks flush.

I stepped into her house once she opened the door and placed ny cat food on the floor. I took some grocery bags from her and began to put items in their proper places.

"Thank you Ichimatsu!" She gave me a hug and handed me a slip of paper.

I read over the paper multiple times to make sure I wasn't misreading. I got a girl's number and a cute girl at that! It took a lot of effort not to scream.

She walked me to the door and she placed my bag in my hands. My eyes found my feet to be very interesting.


I hummed as I looked up at her.

She pulled my mask down slightly and pressed her lips to my cheek, making me flustered. She giggled and gave me one last hug before I left.

That was the day I met (y/n) (l/n).
