Confessing (Choromatsu x Shy!Reader)

"(Y/n)! You have to tell him eventually, you know! If you avoid this obsession-"

"I'm not obsessed," You told, glaring at your friend, Totoko, who was currently sitting on your bed. She simply rolled her eyes before pointing to your bedroom walls.

"Not obsessed, huh? Don't you see all of this?!?" She was referring to the excessive amounts of photos you had of Choromatsu on your wall. You practically choked when she pointed those out.

"T-those are just photos that we took together! I'm not obsessed, I swear! He's my best friend, so of course I have photos of him!"

By now, your face was more red than a strawberry. You about died when Totoko reached under your bed and pulled out a medium sized book. The book, which you had grown to rely on, had a black hardcover and your name engraved on it in a nice faux gold. This was nothing other than your beloved sketchbook and having something so personal in the hands of someone else made you feel as though your world was over.

"Mhm okay...! Then explain this sketchbook with all the lovely drawings of your 'best friend'." She taunted, flipping through the pages.

You never thought you would be so rude to someone like Totoko seeing as how she could easily destroy you with a glare, but doing this crossed the line. Thus, you snatched the sketchbook from her and defensively held it to your chest. Most people wouldn't see what you did as mean, but you were always told not to snatch things from people, so you saw it as rude and immature.

"It's just drawings of him Totoko! He agreed to let me draw him as practice...!" You half-lied, just wishing the conversation would end.

She scoffed, "You do realize that I'm not going to stop taunting you until you tell him, right? It's obvious he likes you back, so you should tell him."

You flinched, taken aback. "No way! He doesn't like me at all! Choromatsu has a crush on you!"

The sad part was that you knew it to be true. Choromatsu would always fawn over the girl and treat her as though she was a queen. He'd spend his minimal amount of money on her, give her compliments, and fanboy over her every time she was in sight. The thought made you frown and caused your stomach to hurt. Totoko snapped her fingers to catch your attention.

"People can like more than one person at a time. He likes you too! And I don't like him at all, so that shouldn't worry you one bit..."

"I guess..." You fumbled with a necklace that was the matching half to Choromatsu's. He had the Yin half and you had he Yang despite the two of you having almost carbon copy personalities. 

"See? If he didn't like you, he wouldn't keep wearing the other half of that necklace!" Totoko inquired, pointing to the small charm you were playing with.

"It's a friendship necklace, Totoko. He doesn't like me like that..."

She grasped your footwear off the floor and handed them to you. "He does. Now put on your shoes! We're going to his house!"

"WHAT?! No way!" You refused, throwing your shoes at her, resulting in her thigh getting hit. You apologized but still maintained your stubborn state.

She groaned and walked up to you with the shoes, forcing them onto your feet much to your dismay. "If you're going to act like a baby, I'm going to treat you like a baby!"

You scoffed in reply. "I'm not three. And I'm not acting like it either."

She crossed her arms and cocked a brow, "Really? Okay! If you aren't three, then prove it by telling Choromatsu that you like him!"

"Totoko... Why are you doing this to me?" You buried your face in your hands and whined.

"Because I said I'd keep bothering you until you did it-"

"Fine! I'll do it! Just stop nagging!" You gave in, storming out of your room with Totoko trailing behind.

The two of you trotted down the sidewalks, passing some people who were talking amongst each other. Totoko was trying to make pleasant conversation with you in order to distract you from what you were about to do. As much as she loved bothering you about this crush, she at least had some decency and common sense to stop once it crossed the line. Like now for example. Though she was speaking of different things like her music and parents' shop, you were sweating excessively and couldn't stop picking at your cuticles. Your cuticle picking was so bad that your fingers were starting to bleed. Your friend noticed but didn't point it out and instead continued talking. So many thoughts were running through your head to where you weren't even listening to what Totoko was saying. She knew of this and was aware that she was pretty much talking to a brick wall, but she didn't seem to mind it. It was better than walking in awkward silence at least.

After about a quarter of an hour of walking, the two of you arrived at your destination and you were beyond horrified. The possibility that he'd deny you and hate you made you feel as though you were going to throw up. Totoko patted your back as comfort before ringing the doorbell and shoving you forwards.


With that, she hid behind the side of the house to watch whilst hidden. You were shaking now, paralyzed and unable to move away from the door. Within seconds, the front door slid open and you were met with the face of the fourth eldest, Ichimatsu. He quirked a brow at your shaking and sweaty form.

"Are you okay? And why are you here?" He asked, trying not to sound harsh and scare you off.

"C-C-Choromatsu... Please..." Your voice cracked, getting obnoxiously high at the last word.

Ichimatsu nodded and turned around, calling for Choromatsu and standing at the door until he arrived. Ichimatsu waved goodbye and went inside, leaving you with Choromatsu on the porch. The green clad man blushed slightly as he eyed you, concerned for your well being.

"(Y/n)-chan? Are you alright?" He questioned, somehow gaining confidence to place a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"I-I-I..." You trailed off, fiddling with the charm on your necklace. This caused him to look down at his own necklace, making him smile slightly.

"What's the matter?" He asked, smiling at you in hopes of calming your nerves.

"C-could you ever hate me, Choromatsu-Kun?" You didn't want to confess to him if there was the possibility of him ignoring you and abandoning your friendship.

He let out an 'eh?' as to show his confusion of how you could ever think such a thing. "What would give you that idea? Of course not!"

You bit your lip and looked down, holding back nervous tears. Choromatsu's face softened and he rubbed your shoulder with his thumb.

"Hey..." He called out as he hesitantly pulled you into his arms, hugging you. "I'm not going to get mad at you no matter what you tell me..."

A nod was giving from you and you hugged him back for a moment. When you pulled away, your hands were shaking violently in fear of what you were about to say.

"Choromatsu... I... Ilikeyou!" You sped up the last part, unable to breathe once you said it.


Great. You'd have to repeat yourself.

"I-I said... I like you..." Your whole face was on fire and your cheeks were puffed out as you looked to the side.

He seemed taken aback and you held your breath, feeling as though you had messed up. His hand fell from your shoulder and down to his side, making you release a breath and take another one in. Everything was silent for a moment and you could practically feel the tension in the air. You started to feel lightheaded from the lack of regular breathing. Choromatsu looked up and noticed your face was turning almost blue.

"H-hey. Breathe... It's okay..." He told as he stared at you. "I like you too...!"

You looked up and let out your breath, your face going back to its original color. Your eyes had widened as you stared at the man.

"R-really...?" You asked, still unsure about it. You were still looking at him, hopeful that he was being honest.

"Yeah... I-I always have...!" He confessed, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"I thought you liked Totoko...?"

"No... It was always y-you...!" He assured, smiling at you, making you sigh in relief. "D-do you possibly want to go out to dinner tomorrow night...?"

"REALLY?!!" You choked on air. "S-sorry... Yeah I'd love to!"

He chuckled and nodded, explaining where he wanted to take you and what time he'd pick you up from your home. The two of you agreed to get oden the next day at 8:00 pm. With that the two of you exchanged a hug and shyly offered a smile to one another.

"W-well I'll see you tomorrow then!" He waved.

"Okay!" You hesitantly pressed a kiss to his cheek before sprinting away from his house with Totoko.

Choromatsu stood there in disbelief, pressing a hand to the cheek you had placed your soft lips upon. His face was now red and the more he thought about it, the more he turned into a tomato.

"Oooh did nii-San get a girlfriend?!" Jyushimatsu called out, making the others rush out and question him excessively.

The rest of the day was spent with Choromatsu's brothers bugging him about the date and having you as his girlfriend. Much to his surprise, they weren't angry about it at all. But, they still bothered him and that didn't make him any less flustered.
