(OOO Inpu x Bryan) Nightmare

Slightlt inspired by Amethyst_Rosemary.

Inpu POV: (Asleep)
I was at the bridge infront of the mansion. I know what is going to happen. Why do I have to relive this? I saw Bryan defeating the Seductive Rose and then falling onto the ground. I ran towards him and held his head to my chest.

"Bryan! Please open your eyes!" I shouted crying.

Everyone ran towards me and Bryan. Kay check on Bryan.

"Is he alive?" Mario asks.

"No I'm afraid not..." Kay said with a sad tone.

Everything was silent.

"G-Guys?..." A voice said.

We looked at Bryan and saw his body slightly moving.

"Bryan!?" I shouted happily hoping his alive.

"Inpu? Is that you?..." bryan said slightly opening his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! It's me!" I said.

"Yes but my eyes hurt..."

"What do you mean?" Xylo said.

Then Bryan opened his eyes. We all were shocked by what we saw. His eyes were allblacm with dark purple pupils. Blood like tears poured out then I woke up. I cried because I can never have Bryan by my side. Because he was dead. I decided to walk around camp to get my mind off.

Author's POV:
Inpu stopped at everplace where he spent time with Bryan. He couldn't help but cry. He wants to see him again but he can't. Later, he was at the bridge infront of the mansion. The very place where Bryan gave his very life to save everyone. Inpu stood there for countless hours when suddenly he saw something shinning in the river belo. As he take a closer look it look liked three shattered piece something. It was the soul crystal! He noticed how they had a dim glow and then he thought of an idea.

'Maybe I can use this to bring Bryan back!' He thought.

He pick up the broken soul crystal and set off to find a way to bring his husband back.

The End~
