(FTO Lucas x Blake) His home

So this is just an AU.

Blake POV:
We arrived at Lucas's old village it was so big that it felt like we shrunk. I noticed Lucas had a sad expression on his face I held his hand to comfort him.

"How about we look around? I'm sure it's been a while since you were here." I said.

"Alright!" He replied while smiling at me.

We went around town and he took me to see his teacher's grave, Nesso. I pay my respect while we were there. We were walking around until we heard a female voice.

"Lucas!!!" A woman with light brown hair shouted and ran to us

"Emily!!!" Lucas said happily and hug her.

I can't help but feel something while they were hugging. I don't know what it is.

"It's been too long!!!" Lucas said after they finished hugging.

"I know!!!" The woman named Emily replied.

"Ummm, Lucas... Who is this?..." I said in a serious tone.

"Blake this is Emily! She is my younger sister!"

"Sister?!?" I replied with a shocked expression.

"Oh um, Lucas, I think you made your girl jealous!" Emily said chuckling.

"Oh! Really?" Lucas said looking at me with a grin.

"N-No I wasn't!!!" I replied while looking away blushing.

They both stood there laughing.

"Hey! Don't be jealous I'm all your's." He said while putting his hand on my cheek before kissing me.

"I swear you guys are adorable!!!" Emily said standing there.

"So how have things been here?" He ask while he was holding me.

"Oh, you know same old same old."

"I see, And how is Derek doing?"

"Who is Derek?" I asked while looking at Lucas.

"Oh right, Derek is my twin brother," Lucas replied.

"Oh! I didn't know you had a twin brother or a younger sister."

"Well, you never asked." Lucas said rubbing his head.

"Oh! Right, I forgot my name is Bla-"

"Blake! I know that but I'm surprised Lucas didn't tell you about us." Emily said cutting me off while glaring at Lucas.

Lucas nervously chuckled while looking away.

"Anyway how about I let you stay at our place for your time here?" Emily said.

"That would be much appreciated thank you." I said bowing.

"Oh no! No need to be so formal think of it as a thank you for taking care of my brother." Emily said.

"Really?..." Lucas said staring at Emily.

"Yes!" Emily said then we both started laughing. "Now come on!"

We followed Emily and then we enter a nice cozy house.

Lucas POV:
When we arrived Emily stopped to tell us something.

"We unfortunately have no spare bedroom here Blake but you can take my room I can sleep on the couch." Emily said when we were inside.

"It's fine sis Blake can stay with me." I replied then looking at Blake who had a flustered face."

Emily smirked looking at both me and Blake.

'Oh! Right, I should call Derek so you could meet him! Derek get your butt over here Lucas is back!!!" Emily shouted

"Hey welcome back man!" A man with dark brown hair appeared while walking downstairs. "Wait is that you're girl?!?"

"Yup she is my girlfriend." I replied.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Blake!"

"It's nice to meet you too." Blake said.

"Well, I should go prepare dinner! In the meantime, Blake feel free to make yourself comfortable during your time here!" Emily said while going to the kitchen.

"Thank you!' Blake said.

"Come on I'll show you around!" I said walking off while holding her hand.

3'rd person POV:
After eating, everyone went to their rooms to sleep, but Blake and Lucas weren't. Blake was sitting by the window waiting for Lucas while he was taking a shower. When he was done he went to his room and noticed a sad look on Blake.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Lucas asks sitting next to her.

"I'm just thinking about everyone else from the guild and how they are holding up." Blake replied in a worried tone

"Hey! It's okay it will take time to heal but it will be alright." Lucas said putting his hand on Blake's cheek. "Now...Come here!!" Lucas suddenly pulls her to the bed nearby.

"Woah!!!" Blake shouted.

They both were in the bed laughing. Lucas looked at Blake seeing and hearing her laugh made him blush.

"There's that smile." Lucas said tucking her hair behind her ear.

They both stared at each other for a while then they kissed for a long time.

"God's I love you so much!!" Lucas said pulling her to him.

"I love you more." Blake said burying her face in his chest.

They both stood there cuddling and then they fell asleep.
