A huge suprise!!! (Pls Read!!!)

Author's POV:
We see a house and as we zoom in we see 6 people gathered in the living room.

"Eeeekkk!! I'm so excited for happyskulllover!!" thedarkrose101 squealed. "And thank you so much for helping me plan this party for her!!!"

"No problem, we are happy to help!" KateAllianaMicabalo said.

"So, how are things going so far??" thedarkrose101 asks.

"We got everything almost done and ready." ItzAnneYT replies holding a clipboard. "All of the invitations been sent and we bought all the decorations we needed."

"That seems like everything." GypsyLover23 said.

"We still need to get the cake." ItzAnneYT remind them.

"Oh! I know the perfect shop to get a cake!!" misscrimsonrose said.

"Thank goodness.." frog-in-a-trenchcoat sighed in relief.

"Alright, now I'll try my best to give you all some more time." thedarkrose101 said. "The rest is up to you."

"Right!" They all said.

Outside of happyskulllover's house

thedarkrose101 is currently at the front door of happyskulllover's door. She went up and knock on the door. The door opened revealing happyskulllover.

"Hey girl!" thedarkrose101 said happily.

"Hey!" happyskulllover returned the gesture.

"You ready for our day out?" She asks.


happyskulllover close the door and the both head off. When they are nowhere to be seen, the bushes near the house start to shake a little revealing KateAllianaMicabalo and frog-in-a-trenchcoat. They were carrying some birthday decirations while going inside the house.

"Phew, thank goodness she didn't see us..." frog-in-a-trenchcoat said panting as they dropped the decorations on the floor.

"I know right..." KateAllianaMicabalo said. "Come on we still have to work to do."

"Aww man..." They said as he fell into the floor.

Meanwhile with ItzAnneYT, GypsyLover23, and misscrimsonrose

They are currently walking to a random direction with misscrumsonrise leading the way. They are current going to the place that misscrimsonrose suggested to get the birthday cake.

"So where is this place?" ItzAnneYT asks.

"It's right over there!" Said misscrimsonrise pointing to a brown colored shop.

They went in and there were just some people buying some things. They walked up to the counter.

"Hello, is it ok if we can get a cake for a birthday?" misscrimsonrose said to the man.

"Of course, here." The man said with a warm aura as he hand them a menu with information about all of the cake's they sell.

ItzAnneYT take the menu and started to look at the individual flavors.

"Hmm, which one should we get for happyskulllover?" ItzAnneYT ask the girls.

"I dont know..." GypsyLover23 said.

"Is it okay if I could request which flavors you should get?" The man ask.

"Sure!" misscrimsonrose said.

"I request you three to either get the vanilla or chocolate flavour."

"Those sound good." GypsyLover23 said.

"Umm, we'll go with the chocolate flavoured cake." ItzAnneYT said handing the menu back to the man.

"Coming right up!" The man said as he heads to the back.

With thedarkrose101 and happyskulllover

"Well that was fun." happyskulllover said.

"I know right!" thedarkrose101 said.

"Well, I think we should head back now."

'Oh no, what should I do?!?' thedarkrose101 thought before she got an idea. "Hey wait, there is this place I want to show you!"

"Really?" happyskulllover tilted her head.

"Mhm, yeah comeon lets go!!" thedarkrose101 saud grabbing happyskulllover's hand and running off.

'What's happening today?' happyskulllover thought.

Back in happyskulllover's house

"A little more to the left, no to the right!" KateAllianaMicabalo said as frog-in-a-trenchcoat is positioning the last decoration for the wall. "There perfect!"

"That was the same position it was in a minute ago..." frog-in-a-trenchcoat said annoyed while standing on a ladder.

"Oh, really? Oops, my bad..." KateAllianaMicabali said as she smiled sheepishly. "Everythings almost ready! We just need to set the table and then we're done!"

"Well we might want to hurry, who knows how much longer thedarkrose101 can distract the birthday girl."

Back with ItzAnneYT, GypsyLover23, and misscrimsonrose

"Your cake's ready!" The man said holding a box.

They went up to the counter and paid the man. And the man hand ghe box to ItzAnneYT.

"Thank you and come back soon." The man said.

"Thank you." The girls said.

They wen't out of the shop and head back to the house.

At happyskulllover's house

They arrived back at the house. When they went inside all decorations are out and the guest's already arrive.

"Look like's everything is almost ready." ItzAnneYT said.

"Yup, you can out the cake there." KateAllianaMicabalo said pintong towards the table.

ItzAnneYT put the box down and open it revealing a delicious looking cake. She carefully take the cake out of the box and place it in front of a decorated chair.

Time skip~

happyskulllover and thedarkrose101 were outside of the house.

"Thanks's for today it was so much fun!!" happyskulllover said.

"It sure was but there is something I want to show you." thedarkrose101 said.

"What is it?" happyskulllover ask confused.

"You'll see!" thedarkrose101 said leading her to the front door of her house.

They went inside but it is pitcblack that they could hardly see anything.

"What the heck is going on?" hapyskulllover ask confused.

Suddenly the lights turn on and a bunch of confetti popped up.

"Suprise!!!" Everyone shouted.

"This is all for me?"

"Of course it is! We've been planning it for quite a while now!!" ItzAnneYT said grabbing her hand while smiling

"Omg, thank you, thank you so much." happyskulllover said crying tears of joys.

"Happy birthday skulllover!!!" The followers all shouted.

The End~

Happy birthday thedarkrose101 posted a message. Thank you so much for supporting me and I hope you like this story. Happy birthday!!!
