Felix pov

The bell went for lunch filling me with relief. The students all pilled out of the room and almost ran to lunch and because of the rush to the lunch room the halls were pretty empty making my walk to the teacher's lounge peaceful. while i was walking content i ran into mister happy pants who seemed to be in a rush

"why are you rushing around?" i asked stopping him. he looked at me for a brief second and i smiled at him in a friendly way and he rolled his eyes and sighed when he saw my face and i took offence but if he was gonna be like this all the time i had to get used to it.

"I'm going out for lunch and i need to get my jacket and helmet" he told me his teeth grit probably not that excited to see me

"oh where you going?" i asked walking with him to the teacher's lounge with a huge smile on my face

"to receive a watch from a friend. i left my watch at his place and he told me i needed to return it" he told me giving up on trying to rush and walked with me in the quiet hallway giving up on trying to avoid me

"sounds good" i said smiling but he didn't return the gesture and kept walking. i guess i had to get used to his moody behaviour and copy him so maybe he'll see what it's like to be all moody and how annoying it is "what was wrong this morning when you just freaked out?" i asked

"Mark asked me something a bit close to home," he told me struggling to speak showing me that there probably is a reason behind his sadness. He isn't just the human Grinch, he's upset. i guess there's a difference between the two. whatever Mark brought up had clearly annoyed him a lot and has caused an intense grudge meaning this problem mark brought up usually causes his normal grudge everyone complains about so all i need to know is what he was talking about (and ladies and gentlemen that's how my brain works) 

"so you are moody for a reason?" i asked knowing it would annoy him and it did just that

"piss off" he growled stomping away from me and sped walked up to the teacher's lounge to get his jacket. I laughed to myself a little as he wandered into the room almost breaking the door as he went in. I quickly followed after him enjoying his childish behaviour finding his toddler-like outbursts amusing.

As i got to the door he left and as he walked to the door i shouted just to make him, even more, rattled up "HAVE FUN!" He turned around and looked at me with an unimpressed expression and shook his head and then left the building the door making a loud echo as he left

I entered the teacher's lounge smiling like always and one of the women teachers patted a chair next her probably wanting me to sit next to her but i really didn't want to and luckily Katie looked at me and motioned her hands for me to come over so i did pretending i never saw the other lady. 

"thank you" I thanked Katie, confusing her so she raised a brow

"your welcome? what did i do?" she asked me

"One of the women down there offered a seat but then you asked for me to come over here so I didn't have to sit through half an hour of the notebook," I told her making Katie laugh at the comment. Mark then also decided to join us and he looked so pissed, in an annoyed way.

"you ok Mark. Another make out session with your wife" Katie asked as the room went silent making Mark go red and making all the women in the room either roll their eyes or scoff at the sentence but all i did was laugh to myself at the comment Katie made.

"that would be a big no, also who told you that," he asked his voice getting quieter embarrassed

"the only teacher in this school who will one get excited over a good story to tell and two, the only teacher who will go into your office on his own accord. Is that enough?" Mark didn't even seem phased by the fact Sean had done such a thing and honestly I've known him a few hours and I'm already not in much shock.  

"should have known, to be honest" he sighed 

"actually where is Sean. He is usually with a mug of coffee , the mug being the 'big daddy' mug your daughter got you from a sex shop as a joke even though she's six and He's usually sat on the cheap pool table with the frown on his face making snarky comments about everything" Katie explained in loads of detail and my childish mind laughed at the sex shop thing and Katie seemed to smirk

"also you forgot the laughs at every mention of a rude word," Mark mentions looking at me a little and i cough after my almost silent laughing fit.

"oops I'm a child," i played around making the two laugh dryly and then we just indulged in usual conversation my mind drifting onto Sean after a while

Sean pov

I got on my motorbike putting on my helmet and set off home to get the watch for the guy. I didn't live that far away and all i had to do was get this guy his watch. shit, what was his name again? Ah whatever he probably forgot mine too so who cares. 

After getting him his watch i rode to the subway hoping to be in and out. Give him his watch, say bye and then delete him from my life like all of them. I have never kept in contact with any of the men i have slept with. One tried to keep in contact with me but i didn't want him. I hate the idea of getting together after a one night stand. A one night stand is to me, a drunken sexual encounter between two strangers on a night and then they never meet again and if they do it's awkward and the two people pretend they don't know each other when they've actually seen each other in more ways than most. 

I parked my motorbike and then walked into the place and i saw him sitting there playing with a pen in his hands and looked nervous. Why nervous? I'm not that scary but I am wearing a leather jacket and come off as a tough guy but I'm not that bad. 

I sat down at the table and smiled at him getting his attention and trying to be as nice as i could be fake happy if i wanted to.

"Oh hi Sean. You got my watch" He smiled the line seeming rehearsed. It was almost painfully obvious but i didn't want to mention it, the tension was enough to make any man uncomfortable

"yeah, here ya go" I had forgotten his name so I had to address him as dude. He also had remembered mine making it more painful because i had to use pronouns smoothly. 

"sweet thanks, Sean" I almost cringed when i realized these weren't rehearsed lines and where how he spoke. How did i end up with a guy who seemed like an older version of Felix and a little less smart? 

"Anyway, i better be going bye," I smiled and left and as i was leaving i deleted the contact in phone letting off air as i left the building and went back to the school feeling a brick been taken off my shoulder now he was gone and out of my life. He also looked forty, I must have been blackout drunk to even think he was ok to get with. I made my way back in the school and realized i had ten minutes to make myself a coffee and take off my helmet and jacket so i rushed to the teachers lounge as i entered everyone looked at me and one of the women who sat in the circles looked at me and asked

"and where have you been?" her accent so annoying to hear as it was so posh for such a non-posh city and school. 

"I went to return a watch to someone i had a one night stand with" I told her with a smirk just wanting to see their disgusted faces as i said it and it worked

"you disgust me Mcloughlin" she sneered but the insult went over my ego-driven head  like it was a wisp of wind on a windy day. 

"and you never seem to disappoint me with your droopy ageing face Branson" i smiled back in return shock on her face at the beautiful insult i threw at her but she still didn't seem to give up

"why such bad behaviour for a grown man in his thirty's" she continued the insults.

"at least I'm not completely on my own," I told her harshly letting the cold reality set in for her my anger taking over slightly

"at least i don't rely on drunk men to make me happy because I'm a mess who acts like he's god" she growled hitting me hard in the gut. If she can be brutal i can too but worse.

"at least I'm not lonely at forty not married with kids and looks like a failed abortion because it would be massively tragic to end up like you in life and at least I still look young, you look almost dead I'm surprised you're not at this point" i told her the insult getting more hateful as i spoke. 

"Sean! Nancy! stop" Mark shouted getting our attention "Jack that is in no way a way to speak to a lady and Nancy that is in no way to speak to a coworker!" Mark shouted

" she stared it" I giggled a little as we were being told off like kids

"Not now Sean" Mark grumbled

"well, shit Mark who pissed in your cereal anyway I'm a go because I don't want to deal with a lecture from Mark so bye" and i left the room the bell going as i left and students started pilling up the corridors as they slowly walked to there lessons talking to each other. I walked to my lesson slightly laughing Felix face in my mind.


