i walked into the lesson taking a breather before i talked. "right everyone get a seat and sit down and be quiet." i told them, they all obeyed without a word which meant they knew not to fuck up in front of me. i pulled up a chair and so did felix. "right this is Mr.Kjellberg your new drama teacher. this is his first teaching job that's proper so be nice to him or you deal with me. he knows where everything is and what he's doing so no being as-annoying. i will leave you to meet Mr. Kjellberg and will be back in about half an hour. see you and be nice" i growled at the end and left the room. i was going to help teach the lesson but he went to school to learn what he was doing and i don't think i needed to help him teach a lesson. i may be a teacher but i teach science not how to teach kids to act. he needed no other help. he'll be fine.

i walked to my empty class room and went to sit down. i got a text from a number i didn't recognise 

07234580: hey there


me: sorry but who are you

07234580: i'm the guy you met at the pub a night ago. we fucked remember

me: it was a one night stand buddy. nothing special. sorry to ruin your life

contact changed to 'stupid guy'

stupid guy: yeah i know that. i'm not stupid. i must have left my watch at your place. i must have as it is not at my own house and i don't remember taking it when i left in the morning 

contact changed to 'get him his watch'

me: ok then what do you want me to do. i am at work now and i am a teacher. tell ya what i'll come over to your place or something at lunch. i'll bring the watch and i'll be out of your hair. 

get him his watch: ok great when are you on your break?

me: starts at one exactly as the kids go to lunch at one

get him his watch: ok then you can meet me at the subway down the road from the school next to the place called scoopy smile?

me: yeah i know where. i work at the school your talking about. anyway i'll see you then with the watch . see ya

get him his watch: thanks dude

it weirded me out how casual he was and i basically fucked him Sunday night (yesterday). normally when someone left something they would be all awkward about it and call me and then put the phone down after. the only time someone has ever texted me again was when they thought we had something and i had to explain what a one night stand was and what it meant. i deleted him after that. he tried talking me again but i just ignored him.

"aww shit. i will need to tell mark i need to go out of school at Lunch" i got up fast and speed walked to marks office. i just walked in not giving a shit about his privacy. i once walked in on him making out with his wife. i just walked away and mark doesn't know and doesn't need to. i walked in on him telling off a kid. it was Jordon a kid who is just a little shit. i have given Jorden that many detentions a calculator couldn't make the number. Jorden was now scared off me as i once talked to him after class. i almost punched him but instead punched the wall almost breaking it scaring the shit out of him. i had a pen in my hand and snapped it in a second and he is now petrified of me.


"Jordan your staying after class i need to have a chat with you" i growled "class dismissed" everyone left and the shit head sat there looking bored out his mind.

"sir can we get this over with. i want to go home it's Friday. can't we do this Monday" as the boy complained i went to close the door. when the door was closed shut i almost ran to the boys desk in pure anger and i slammed my fits down on the table to get his full attention


"d-did that hurt!?" he asked shocked

"NO,  it didn't hurt but your behaviour does. now be a good boy and listen up" i growled in his face showing off my real face. a face i could pull that made everyone and anyone listen to me. "i don't tolerate shit in my class and you give me a lot of it. i could with all my power suspend you from this school. i could also exclude you if i wanted. i know mark very well and i am one of the most hated but yet respected teachers in this whole school. so i would from now and forever be careful around me Jorden. i have power in this school and i'm not scared to use it," i growled and warned him to never mess with me again. 

"o-ok" he stuttered 

"now get out of my fu-classroom," i demanded almost droping the 'f' bomb. i may have said shit but he didn't seem to care at all. Jorden scrurried out of my room and ran out of the school. i smirked happy with what i had done. i got all the work i had to mark and i thought about just doing it at home and just resting as i was very tense and full of anger. i got my jacket on and got my helmet to go home.

i walked out with a few other students. i walked out with a cool ass leather jacket on, a cigarette in my hand ready to smoke, i had my gages in and my helmet in hand. i looked pretty fucking awesome. a few students were marvelling at my motorbike.

"excuse me boys. i better be leaving" i smiled and they moved out of the way shocked that a science teacher had a motorbike and looked like someone out of a bond film

"wow sir that's an awesome bike you got there. honestly i though teachers were lame" he said and i agreed. the kid thought right. all i do is teach science because i was good at it in school so i just went for it.

"yeah most of them are but i'm not much like a teacher. i teach science and that's the only teacher-like thing i do. the rest is just me living life like a badass and how i want to live it" i smiled starting the engine and revving making more people look. some cheer and i just laughed a little to myself. "bye kids see you Monday" i winked and nodded my head seting off home from this shitty Friday. thank god it's over and i got a whole weekend to do whatever the hell i want. bring it on

flash back over

 ha. fun times anyway, Mark was shocked to see me barge in his office "sir i am dealing with someone right now" mark gestured to Jorden. Mark also had this 'rule' that you have to call each other sir, miss, and Mrs when we were talking to each other in front of students. i never really listened to the rule but he certainly did  

"yeah i know. Jorden just stand over there a second" i gave him angry eyes and he moved almost instantly

"sea-" he was gonna probably complain but realized he would say my name so just sighed fed up and gave in straight away "what do you want" he whisper shouted so Jorden wouldn't hear.

"i need to spend lunch out. this is a need" i told him and he just nodded

"why do you need it out" he asked instantly regretting asking because he knew it wouldn't be an answer he wanted to hear. he had to ask why, as it was the rules, but he knew neither him or Jordon wanted to hear what i had to say.

"some guy i slept with left his watch and i am going over to give it to him. it is not a date before you ask and no were not dating and yes i will smash his fucking face in if he tries anything" Jorden must have heard the whole thing because he was giggling. He's a kid and just heard me say one, i slept with someone two, i said it was a guy and three, i swore which i didn't mean to do but i did because i always swore.  

"se-sir!" mark scolded me, correcting himself at the same time "theres a student" he glared at me 

"mark i said i slept with a man that's what he's laughing at he's a teen boy. you may be the head teacher of this school but i know these kids like the back of my hand " i just sighed. Jordan laughed a little more. i looked at him and growled "adults have sex get over it" i told him making him shut up. i looked at mark who looked at me like a hopeless case.

"ok then.. take lunch off  but knock next time" mark told me with his head in his hands.

"thanks man" i put my hand on this shoulder and grabbing it as a friendly gesture and then went to leave. i heard him groan in pain because i squeezed his shoulder a bit too hard. i chuckled a little to myself. i then forgot to give felix the map of the school and i might as well check on him. so i went to the drama room. i looked in the window of the door and saw felix helping a group of students and everyone practicing with scripts in there hands. i walked in and felix had just stopped helping that group and was a little surprised to see me 

"hi sean. the kids are lovely" he smiled and i just nodded back. i would have told him about the sir and Mrs rule but i don't use it so what's the point in telling him he had to. 

"here's a map to get around the school."i just walked out. he looked confused as to why i was so rude about the whole thing and basically ignored him and just said that and left but i was just giving him a little taste for what it's gonna be like working in the same building as me. 'it's gonna be hell'. just like always. I've heard how people complain about me to Mark and they make up the worst reasons but they mainly just insult me. it can get to you sometimes but most time i just tell myself there just complaining bastards and i'm just annoying. i know people hate me and it doesn't really bother me because i'm so used to it.

as i walked into my room and just sat down and put my feet up on my wooden desk full of papers that i just pushed aside and put my Irish flat cap over my eyes blocking out the sun coming out of the windows i didn't have blinds for and i dozed off a little bit and by that i mean i fell asleep

time skip

"Mr. Mcloughlin!" a female voice shouted slightly. my legs that were on my desk flew down and my hat fell off my face and my eyes were wide open. i looked and saw Cassidy. a girl, student with long brown hair and greenish yellow eyes.

"what?" i asked confused. it was like one of those times when you wake up from a nap and forget the date, time and who you are and where.

"you must have fallen asleep. it's lesson time" she told me.

"oh...where is everyone?" i asked

"waiting outside for you. i came in to see if you were there" she told me

"right. COME IN!" i shouted and the students pilled in and took there seats and were all talking. "alright quiet" only a few people shut up "I SAID QUIET" i shouted making the whole class shut up "anyway sorry about that i guess i just dozed off. i was...up late Sunday night so i'm a little tired today and i had to help out the new kid. i mean teacher but you know what i mean" i said mumbling a bit at the end. one boy with short blonde hair put his hand up "yep Jerry"

"who's the new kid or is he a teacher?" he asked confused

"it's a teacher and he's the new teacher for Drama. he's called Mr. Kjellberg" i told him

"why did you call him kid" he asked. i would normally tell him to shut up but i think there more interested in what i am talking about now than the lesson i didn't really want to teach

"i call everyone who's younger and smaller than me kid. that's why you shouldn't get confused when i call him kid. i'm also probably more bigger and more manly than him so to me he's just a kid even though he's not that younger than me but anyway that's why" i explained "any other questions?" i asked to see if i could start the lesson. there were two hands up. they were two boys who hung out with Jordon because i had seen them together at break time. "James" i pointed and he laughed a little before he spoke. oh here we go

"is it true that you like men" he asked and a few people laughed and i sighed. that little ass had told his friend what i had said to Mark. i guess that's my fault isn't it. sometimes i wishi i was more careful than i am

"Cody" i pointed at him for his question

"is it true that you punched the wall when you were shouting at Jordon after class on Friday" Cody asked

"James you first, why do you think that?" i asked

"Jordon told us what you told Mark while he was in Mark's office with you" he told me with a giggle and some people pulled some suggestive faces

"and what was that may i ask" curious to what he was gonna say

"i wrote it down because i knew you would ask" he told me getting a piece of paper out of his pocket "you said something like 'some guy i slept with left his watch and i am going over to give it to him. it is not a date before you ask and no were not dating and yes i will smash his f-word face in if he tries anything" he recited. the class laughed and i growled lowly. that was pretty accurate(reads out like DJ Khaled)

"the kids right i did say that. A+ for you. now Cody-" i was cut off by James

"you didn't answer my question" he complained and i sighed frustrated

"fine then. i need to take lunch off to go give this guy i slept with his watch. so yes i do sleep with guys happy" i growled pissed off. the whole class laughed. for a class of year elevens you'd think they'd be tame to this kind of stuff. i then thought of something genius to say and i knew i shouldn't but these guys have a sense of humour so they won't mind. they are real stressed because of exams and need a bit of a laugh with good old me. i may be an asshole but i am the funniest teacher to be with"i have probably been with more woman than you and i'm gay so...who's laughing now" i joked and the whole class was like 'ohhhhhh' and started laughing and i chuckled a little. James didn't seem so impressed. when the laughter died down i looked at Cody

"what was your question" i asked Cody looking at him so he knew i was talking to him

"i asked if you punched the wall when you were talking to Jordon" he told me

"yeah i did" i shrugged

"where and did it hurt" he asked eager to find out and there was a mix of faces in the classroom

"it didn't hurt but i punched here" i pointed at the board i punched. it had a display up now but didn't then.

"can you show us Sir"  A girl asked

"yeah sure" i shrugged and clenched my fist and punched the wall and they all looked in awe

"wow" the whole class said

"i may be a science teacher but that doesn't mean i have to be wimpy." i told them

"how did that not hurt" a voice said really surprised. i have a new way to shut them up. punch the wall 

"i work out quite a lot and i have always been strong and been able to take a hit" i held my arms out and tensed them for a joke and all my muscles showed though my almost see-through white shirt and some looked in awe and some were jealous. the bell went and everyone looked a bit weird.

"listen i know we didn't do anything but your stressed and i know you all need a breather lesson so i thought as it went off to a bad start i might as well give you a little breather. don't tell a teacher ok" i put one finger on my mouth and said in a hushed sexy tone "it's be our little secret" there were some quiet girl squeals that made me laugh a little bit. "alright class dismissed have a nice day" i told them with a smile and they all left the lesson with a smile on there face.  

that almost felt good. just having fun with the students. it actually was fun. God i do hate the kids in this school but i could just talk with them for hours on end about random crap. ha. it's probably because i lack friends so i find them in the students. probably not that but you know what i mean. i got up out of my seat and waited at the door for the next lesson with a smile on my face.

-3339 words-


a/n: so this school is just a hopeless school. the teachers are shitty the school itself is shitty. the school don't provide the best results. the students are bad as well. it's a real shitty school and quite a new one as well so that's why jack acts like the worst teacher in front of the students and really doesn't care about them. this is totally not an excuse for jack's bad behaviour around the students or anything or the reason why Jack swore and is an excuse because normal teachers wouldn't do that. noooo never... 
