
Jungkooks pov

I woke up with a massive headache.

"Hey, kid how are you feeling?" I heard a raspy voice ask next to me.

When I turned my head my eyes widened and I was in shock.

"Holy shit Yoongi are you okay?" I asked looking over the bruised werewolf that also didn't have his armor on.

"I could always be better. How is Jimin?"

"I will tell you later but it is not good." I hissed before the door was slammed opened and a male walked in.

"Finally you are awake!" The male said.

"Who the hell are you?" I glared at him earning a punch in the jaw.

I spit out some blood and went back to glaring at him.

"I do not matter to you. Like I said to your wolf friend I am here for only one person. Well, I shouldn't really say person it is more... inhuman

"Just tell me who the fuck you want?" I snapped earning another punch but in the stomach.

"SILENCE." He growled. "I am a hunter, one of the very few hunters that have captured a vampire and is still alive to tell the tale." My eyes became huge saucers.

"Yes." He whispered. "You know who I want, and you know where he is. "He smirked.

"Why do you want Jimin?" I glared at him.

"Shut it, I ask the questions!" He barked and punching me in the face again and again.

"Jimin is... special he is our best creation, we made him the strongest, fastest, and more agile, vampire out there. He was the first and only of many hadn't failed our experiments. Without him and his blood, there would be no vampire killing weapons." To say I wasn't in shock would be a lie.

"Now tell me where is my creation. Were is my Jimin?"

"You better stop calling him yours." Yoongi slat with so much venom it made me tremble slightly.

"Disgusting wolf shut up." He kicked Yoongi in the stomach. The male then laughed as Yoongi coughed up blood.

"I think your mind is playing tricks on you because Jimin is dead." The male stopped laughing and now I have all eyes on me.

"W-What do you m-mean?" Yoongi stuttered heartbrokenly.

"He died three days after you left. He was shot by one of your so-called friends." I looked from Yoongi to the male.

The male looked at me then walked out.

"H-He i-is d-dead!" Yoongi started crying.

"Yoongi, Yoongi hey calm down it was a lie." Yoongi looked up and smirked at Jungkook. "You faker, my god, you had me so convinced" Jungkook chuckles.

"I know he is alive, I can feel him and remember I talked to him earlier, but I can't talk to him in here, there is just something wrong with this room." I nodded.

"Yeah, I figured."

"Yeah, so how did they take you?" Yoongi asked.

"I was helping Tae with fixing the wrecked houses in the kingdom but somehow we got separated. I knew Tae could find me and vise versa so I just helped the werewolves around me. But when I heard some yelling, I immediately ran over to see what was happening and I was correct... there was a fight, so when I went over and tried to break it up, a bag went over my head and as I fought something his me and I then I passed out." I explained.

"Did they have was their hair colors like there? Blonde, black, brown, red, blue, another black and the other grey?" I nod.

"Yeah those guys where the ones who got me, two were fighting, when I went over to stop, one covered my head with a bag then I woke up being dragged here." After Yoongi finished there was just silence, it was not an awkward silence, it was one that we both enjoyed until Yoongi spoke up again.

"So how is Jimin... for real this time?" Yoongi asks looking me in the eyes with tears threatening to fall.

"He... He was not good when you left. He locked himself in his room. He never ate. He would cry himself to sleep every night. Taehyung would always bring food by and would leave it by his door but it was always untouched, you could tell he was sad, angry... heartbroken." Jungkook looked at Yoongi who hung his head low and was slightly crying.

"I did this to him." He mumbled.

"Yeah but Jimin still loves you very much, when Taehyung came up with a plan to find you Jimin then ran in and told us that he felt weird. That is when Jimin's mind linked you again and finally... finally you said something back. Jimin," I chuckled "Jimin was smiling ear to ear from just hearing your voice but then when you left his smile disappeared and he was slowly falling to his knees once more." I finished not allowing Yoongi to hear anymore as the poor wolf was crying his heart out.

'Way to go Jungkook you actually broke Yoongi' I told myself.

"Hey don't worry Jimin is determined to find you and would cross the world to get you back." I smiled reassuring Yoongi.

"T-Thanks." He sniffled then smiled. "You know the first thing I said to Jimin was when I responded?" Yoongi chuckled.


"Jimin was being feisty so me being me said, 'Feisty. Me likey!" Yoongi laughed.

"You really said that?" I laughed and Yoongi nodded. "That is awesome!" I smiled.

"Yeah man, I miss him." I saw Yoongi presses his lips together.

"Yeah Jimin is cool." The wolf nodded again.

"Yo-" I was cut off again but the same male from earlier walking in but had some folks behind him.

"Little shits I would like you to meet the people who got you to me" he smirked and moved away as the other males walk into the light.

"Holy shit," I growled, struggling to get out of the chains now.

"Hey, boys!"

All Yoongi and Jungkook that is new and a double update, yay!!!!

And aren't cliffhangers fun???
