
Namjoon walked through the crowd and finally found Taehyung and Yoongi in the corner drinking some wine.

"What are you doing back here?" Namjoon questioned.

"I am making sure Yoongi doesn't leave and mess things up with Jimin." Yoongi just continued to glare at the younger wolf.

"Ok Tae I have Yoongi now go to Jungkook, you just started a relationship get to know him better." Taehyung smiles and then jogged off.

"Is Jimin still mad?" Yoongi asked in an all most whisper.

"Just a bit he has been with his brother talking with the other guards." Yoongi slowly nodded.

"When Jin gets crowned you will have to stand near Jimin so then you can talk to him."

"Fine." Yoongi pouted and watched Jimin from across the room.


"So Jimin when are you going to talk with Yoongi? Look he is even pouting when Namjoon talks to him." Jungkook and Taehyung laughed pointing at Yoongi.

"He pissed me off and now he has to face the consequences." Jimin glared at Jungkook.

"You saw what happened Jimin, Jackson took him by surprise and you need to remember he would never leave you. I know for a fact Yoongi would definitely take a bullet for you, he is your mate for goodness sakes!" Taehyung tries his best but Jimin still shrugs.

"I know I... I just can't right now just thinking of Jackson taking Yoongi away I can't deal with it... Jackson made my life hell more than it already was when we were younger." Jimin sighed and put his head on Jungkooks shoulder.

"Aw don't worry it is ok but keep in mind Yoongi would never leave you." Taehyung smiled.

"Everyone get in your position the coronation is about to start." A voice boomed through the vampires.

Jimin, Taemin, and Jungkook walked up to the front and stood there while Yoongi and Taehyung go to the other side of them and go into their blank face.

Jungkook leaned over and whispered into Jimins ear "I heard that if you try hard enough you will be able to speak to your mate from your mind. The werewolf's call this a mind link, Tae told me so it could be a lie but still."

Jimins pov

I nodded.

'It is worth a try' I thought.

I started to think of all the moments between me and Yoongi. I then started to hear thoughts, random thoughts that weren't mine.

'Should I talk to him?'

'No, he looks to be still mad.'

'Jimin why are you mad, I love you.'

'Just a bit mad, my ass, look at him that is all cause me.'

'Please talk to me.'

'Wait... Jimin can you hear this, nod if you can.'

I nod.

'Oh my god, Jimin you are in a mind link with me yay!'

'How is this possible?' I looked at Jin walking down the red carpet towards the General.

(A/n: since the Kings died the next powerful structure is a General until a new king is crowned. Also in the book the General has his own army that is made up of vampires that are not royal guards)

'Well all werewolf's can do a thing called a mind link which is when you can communicate with one another but you can also link with your mate no matter what species you are but only if one is a werewolf.' Yoongi explains.

'Cool so now I can talk to you anytime in this mind link thing' I looked at Yoongi and saw him nod.

'Good so what the hell Yoongi. Why didn't you fight back? JACKSON FUCKING TOUCHED YOU AND YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!' I glared at Yoongi who flinched.

"Jimin are you ok?" Jungkook whispered, lowering himself to the elder's ear.

"Yeah, the mind link work and I just yelled at Yoongi through it," I smirked at the wolf.

"Prince SeokJin I now pronounce you the new King of Red Lily!" The General said happily breaking my thoughts from Yoongi and smiled at the now crowned King as cheers erupted through the crowd.

I smiled at Jin as he proudly stood there with the King's silver and ruby crown.

3rd person pov

Jin smiled at everyone in the crowd. He then turned and smiled at the werewolves who were smiling.

Everyone was smiling while looking at the new young king and as the night fell along then the garden was filled with cheers and shouts.

Namjoon came up behind Jin and back hug the older man as he puts his chin on his shoulder.

"Hey, King SeokJin how does it feel to have so much power?" Namjoon lets go of him and walked in front of Jin.

"Feels great Prince Namjoon." Jin teases.

"Ouch, that hurts Jin. I can't believe you and so I will be the next King just you wait." Namjoon smiled "Wait were is Yoongi and Jimin?"

"Probably fixing their relationship." The new King smirked.

"Ah see I pinned you as somewhat innocent but it seems I was wrong, I was wrong!" He joked, throwing his fist up into the air.

"Yes you were wrong.... oh wait look they are right there." Jin pointed by the food. "See.. they are with Taemin and Yugyeom."

"That is good, they are cute together. Yoongi and Jimin, you know. I haven't seen Yoongi smile this much..... ever actually." Namjoon looked at the mates.

"Yeah Jimin would smile but only certain vampires could tell that it was fake. I have known Jimin for my whole 290 years." Namjoons eyes widened.

"What? You are 290!" Namjoons jaw dropped.

"Yeah so what, Jimin is 276 and Jungkook is 240, Yugyeom is 254 and Taemin is 289, so what is the big deal?" Jin shrugged.

"Wow you all look so young, humans would kill to get your skin." Namjoon chuckled.

"Ya! I am not that old, in the living would I am only 26!"

"Cool man cool," Namjoon said crossing his arms, trying to act at least interesting.

"Sure, now everyone should be going to bed so I will be right back." Jin then walked away and got a microphone.

"Hello everyone, tomorrow we still have to be ready early so I am going to be ending this ceremony. Thank you so much for coming out and I will make sure to do everything in my power to protect this kingdom just like my parents have." Jin smiled at the clapping crowd and then walked off the stage but then started talking to a handsome vampire as he touched Jin's ass.

Once the two finish talking Jin walked back over to a (jealous) Namjoon.

"Well then goodnight King SeokJin, I will see you tomorrow." Namjoon bowed to the King then walked away before Jin could speak.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jin mumbles.

Jin thought to why Namjoon would be mad but then remembered that when he got off the stage, his ex-boyfriend, Mark, one of Jackson's friends came up on him and started touching his butt and Jin of course told him off.

'Namjoon could have misunderstood.' Jin sighed before walking to his room.

Everyone finally had gone asleep not knowing about the plan that awaits in the morning.

