
"You can't be serious?"

"I am Jin he fucking tried to touch Taemin just watch the damn clip." Yoongi passed a hard drive over to the King.

"Fine, sit down while I watch this then." Jin sighs and watched the clip.

The whole time Jin's mouth was slightly open from shock.

"Wow okay well I need to talk to General Suho about Onew cause this is a serious offense and he is probably going to be kicked out of the castle and the military." Yoongi nods.

"Well then I should leave, my job here is done." Jin chuckled and Yoongi walked out and back to his room were Taemin is with Jimin.

"So what did he say?" Taemin asks all huddled up in their comforter in Jimins arms.

"He is probably going to be kicked out of the castle and military!" Yoongi smiled, however, Taemin started crying.

"What? Isn't that what you wanted?" Yoongi sat next to the vampire.

"It is but I think I still love him. All this just feels like a bad dream." Taemin sobbed and Yoongi looked up at his mate who bit his lip.

"You may love him now but someone will come around and he will be better for you and this bad dream may turn into a good one!" Taemin nodded in agreement with Jimins words.

"Hey, I got a great idea! Why don't you go to Hala and stay there for a bit? It will be good for you to be away for a bit."

"Okay, I guess I will go pack then" Taemin then got up and left the room with no emotion showing

"I should call the Kings and tell them about my brother." Yoongi agrees.

"I hope he finds someone."

"Me too Yoongi, and guess what? I have the day off in two days so what do you want to do?" Jimin ditched the phone and went to hug Yoongi by his neck.

"Well we can stay here or we can go to the village all day!" Yoongi smiled swaying the two.

"I like both ideas, why don't we sleep in until like 12 then we spend the rest of the day in the village and come back after dinner and just relax?"

"That sounds good." Yoongi kissed Jimin softly.

"I need to take a shower so you can join if you want." Yoongi unhooked Jimins arms and walked to the bathroom.

Jimin thought about the offer before he went inside the bathroom.

'I can call them after we take a shower' Jimin told himself and stripped himself if his clothes and joined his mate in the shower.

After the long and steamy shower, the two finally got out and got clothed and Jimin finally got around to call Mingi and Hongjoong.

"Okay.... Yep.... He can be there tomorrow..... Okay.... I don't think he will mind your brother being there Mingi.... Fine, talk to you guys later." Jimin hung up the phone and hugged Yoongi under the covers.

"What if Mingis brother becomes Tae's new boyfriend or mate wouldn't that be something?" Yoongi laughed.

"That really would." Jimin smiled and closed his eyes and waited to hear Yoongis soft snores before Jimin snuck out of bed and went to Taemin's.

"Hey Tae it is Jimin," Jimin said knocking lightly.

"Come in," Taemin said opening the door.

"So you can leave tomorrow." His brother nodded.

"Okay, and thanks to both you and Yoongi, and I really mean it today if Yoongi wasn't there I don't know what would have happened."

"Well good thing you don't have to think about that because he was there" Jimin smiled.

"You are right well you should get to Yoongi before he wakes up and beats your ass.... again" Taemin smirked remembering Jimins small limp when he walked in.

Jimin then turned a deep red and nodded.

"Well good night Tae."

"Good night Chim!" Jimin then walked out and went back to his room to find Yoongi in a chair facing the door, even Yoongis legs were crossed so Jimin knew he was in trouble.

"Really?" Jimin looked at Yoongi.

"Really? I go to sleep for 5 seconds and you are already sneaking out. Why?"

"I had to talk to Tae about Hala." Yoongi looked at the slightly scared Jimin and saw that he wasn't lying.

"Okay." Yoongi sighed and crawled into the bed.

Jimin watched Yoongi silently before he went to bed.

As Jimin was going under the covers he felt a pair of arms wrap around his small torso. Jimin turned around and found himself looking right into Yoongis beautiful brown eyes making him blush slightly.

Yoongi then snuggles into Jimins chest.

"Look how cute you are. Hard to believe you are dominant" Jimin jokes.

"Trust me you know I am a full dominate you probably even dreamt about it." Yoongi winks.

"Maybe but I would never tell you and we already had this conversations so go to sleep," Jimin whispered.

"Okay fine and I am going to sleep so don't sneak off again." Jimin nodded and watched Yoongi close his eyes and soon after so did Jimin even though he couldn't sleep Jimin still enjoyed resting his eyes.

The next morning
Jin's pov

After Jimin told me that Taemin is going to be in Hala for a bit. I knew it was about Onew so I decided to take a walk to General Suho's office and talk to him about what Onew did and we made a plan on what to do.

After that, I went to check up on Queen Irene who was in the library.

"Irene?" I asked looking around to see if she was still here.

"I am up here Jin," I turned around and smiled when I saw the fairy flying from the very top shelf to the ground.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked sitting down on the couch near them.

"I am doing great, this library is amazing! I could live here and never be sad!"

"That is good".

"So is there another reason why you need to me?"

"Well, I have a feeling that Jay is going to do something big so I want you to return to your Kingdom just in case." Irene nodded.

"That is a good idea and when we attack we can meet somewhere in Stigma Forest."

"Okay well, I hope you have a safe flight over." Irene bowed and flew out.

Jin then went back to his office and continued to think about his plan which took some hours.

"Hey, Jin it is Taemin" I looked up at the door.

"Come in," I ordered and Taemin walked in.

"Well I am going to be leaving for Hala so I wanted to say goodbye," I nodded and got up to hugged Taemin.

"I am sorry that this is happening to you but don't worry your life will get better." Taemin smiles.

"Thank you, Joon!" Taemin hugged me a bit tighter before letting go.

"Make sure to keep me updated," I said more as a joke.

"Same with you" Taemin winked making me blush and walked out as Namjoon then walked in.

"Hey, I heard that you are sending Irene back to ReVeluv." I nodded and looked up.

"It isn't safe that a kingdom doesn't have their Queen when a killer is on the loose." Namjoon nodded.

"That is a good idea" I fixed a pile of papers.

"So why are you here?"

"Wow, rude," Namjoon said putting his hand over his heart like he was hurt and fell down in one of the chairs that were in front of my desk.

"Stop acting and answer the question."

"Wow, what crawled up your ass?"

"Your dick." Namjoon chocked on his spit and I started laughing.

"I swear to god Jin," Namjoon growled lightly. "And to answer your question I didn't see you in the morning so I wanted to make sure you were alright and we haven't seen or talked to each other in a couple of days." Namjoon walked around my desk and leaned on it.

"Well thank you for wanting to see if I was okay and as you can see I am and we are now talking so happy." Just then Namjoon got a phone call.

"Yeah.... Okay.... When?....... Okay.... Okay.... Be there soon." Namjoon hung up. "Well okay, I need to go back to Moonlight for a bit so I need to pack." Namjoon then kissed me on my forehead and walked out.

"Fun," I rolled my eyes looking at my paperwork on my desk but then thought back to what Namjoon has said.

'Have we really not talked in that long? And he never kisses me on my forehead.' I gasped.

"You know what screw this!" I got up out of my chair and ran after Namjoon.

"NAMJOON!" I yelled and jumped into Namjoons arms when he turned around and kissed him.

"Well, what was that for?"

"I don't want you to leave with us be on bad terms." Namjoon furrowed his brows.

"We were on bad terms?" I jumped off of Namjoon.

"That is what I thought."

"Well if we were then we are not now" Namjoon smiled and lifted his arm. I went under his arm and they landed on my lower part of my back and we started walking again.

"So is Taehyung and Yoongi staying here?"

"Well I need one of them to come, it is the law really." After the walk back to Namjoon and I's room it became silent until Namjoon spoke again.

"Have you thought about the wedding?"

"A bunch," I admitted.


"Yep but I have only thought about the date because I don't know if we will survive this war between Jay." Namjoon stopped walking and turned to me.

"Jin baby we will survive so don't think about those things."

"But those are the only things I think about. What if I don't make it what would happen with Red Lilly? What would happen if it was the other way around and you died who would take over Moonlight? Wha-".

"Jin," Namjoon said sternly sending shivers down my spine "that will not happen I and everyone else will not let that happen so please stop thinking about that. Okay?" I nodded and we started walking again.

"Good now help me pack!"

"Wait why do you need to pack? You are going back to your house and then if you can back if you need clothes."

"Well, what if I just want to be alone with you in our room?" Namjoon smiled and I may or may not have died a bit more.

"Okay then." I lowered my head to hide the faint blush on my cheeks.

I heard Namjoon hum and when we got to our room we just laid on our bed and Namjoon went to sleep but I just closed my eyes and thought about my dream wedding.

Hey, everyone, I hope you are having a good summer. I have been trying to speed up my updates so if there are any spelling errors I am sorry I will go back later and fix them. Thank you!!
