
zeze stopped at the entrance to the large mansion, kierra leaping off eos. she approached the door as a sudden light shown on a nearby well. a woman appeared, skin blue with stitches.

"welcome." she maintained a monotone. "Master Hogback welcomes you in for dinner."

"We'll pass." vitani threw up a hand and turned back to Zeze.

"wait!" they turned as the large scientist stepped out. he panted, sweating bullets.

"so you're the chump who's got all these zombies crawling around?" kierra huffed.

"zombies? what zombies? i don't know anything about this island." he threw up his hands as vitani grabbed his collar.

"you lyin' to us?" she demanded. he shook his head as she threw him down, kierra stepped on his chest.

"why are we here?" she demanded.

"i-i-" he struggled to breath as she pressed down. "i don't know."

"liar!" vitani snapped. "do you want to die here?!"

he shook his head.

"where are the stolen shadows?!" he closed his eyes and fell silent, kierra gritting her teeth. she stepped off him, pushing the dirt up so he leapt into the air as oboiye's shadow held him up. kierra smirked before kicking him over the edge, oboiye sticking out his tongue.

vitani lead her inside into the dining hall, the paintings slinking out menacingly.

"well, well, we have guest." the pig head smiled. for the first time, vitani noticed the numbers on their heads and bodies. one of the paintings charged at her as she grabbed it's face, electrocuting it. kierra took a pouch on her waist and opened it, allowing the dirt to drift into her hand. she closed her palm, the dirt spiraling out into one's nose as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and collapsed.

"you want some?!" vitani roared as the other paintings retreated. oboiye's shadow readied eager punches before suddenly turning, slipping out the room. kierra crouched down before the fireplace, knocking.

"hey, tan this isn't stone." she called. "come help me push it." vitani crouched beside her as the stone wall leaned back. they rolled into the stone tunnel, narrowing her eyes.

"hey, where did oboiye's shadow go?" kierra hummed. vitani shrugged numbly.

"we should keep moving though, we don't have time to waist." vitani advised. kierra nodded, the pair turning at a low growl.

"one sword type.." there was a faint murmur as the swordsman flew forward. vitani threw up her arm guard, stopping him as kierra slammed her foot over his back.

"opavians...300 million berry bounties." he slowly stood. "i'll take you two down."

"this guy sounds like zoro." kierra muttered. vitani looked at his shadow, her eyes widening at the realization.

"no." she whispered. "tell me you didn't."


"where is zoro?!" she screamed. the swordsman paused as she grabbed his face, electrocuting him. he fell back as she panted.

"vitani, what's going on?" kierra whispered in concern as she panted.

"they stole his shadow."

vitani and kierra walked along the edge of the mansion outside. zeze and eos trailed behind them, an ill silence overcoming the girls.

a sudden web shot out and overtook the rekran, knocking them down as kierra turned.

"eos!" she cried, the web enveloping her as well. vitani turned, feeling the web latch onto her body. she stared up at the giant spider monkey, gritting her teeth. her body shook violently to break the web although it didn't budge, the spider picking the four up.

"my, my, what a lucky catch." he beamed. he carried them each into coffins and sent them inside.

"trisa, te cha la?!" vitani called. kierra yelled a muffled yes as their doors were opened. she was moved forward, vitani looking down as she passed luffy's body.

"luffy!" kierra struggled. they stared up at gecko moria as he laughed.

"hey, don't i know you from somewhere?" he inspected them, laughing rudely. "oh you're t'kai's runt of kids. where are your brothers?"

"i'll kill you." vitani spoke icely as he laughed.

"not with the way things are looking now. i'm going to be king of the pirates." he presented luffy's shadow. "atleast you can witness my perfect debut of number 900!"

"number 900 can go to hell!" kierra snapped. "let us go before we get mad."

"you two's shadows will prove useful sooner or later." he turned his back to them, exiting the large room before closing the doors. luffy's body had been carried out, a large bear creature waddling past her. vitani sniffed the air, humming as he followed them out.

"you smelt it too then." kierra muttered. "nami, usopp and chopper... why were they in that bear though?"

"probably hiding." vitani responded. "we need to get out of here."

"my knife isn't cutting it." kierra gritted her teeth.

"no use. the web of a spider monkey is as strong as steel. you know this." vitani looked up as he returned, cackling.

"now, you two can serve useful in one of my zombie commanders." he turned the light on behind them so their shadows projected infront of him. he peeled vitani's off first as she gritted her teeth.

kierra hissed. "let her go!"

he laughed, peeling it off until something suddenly threw him back. he landed against the wall with a thud, his shirt pinned by a small star.

"geez, hasn't anyone taught you how to treat a lady?" marco smirked from atop of the lamp.

"marco!" vitani beamed. she looked up as oboiye leapt up, his shadow kicked moria's away, oboiye slamming his knife into the wall and standing on his shoulder.

"what's going on?" he scowled. moria gritted his teeth, his shadow overpowering oboiye's.

"oboiye!" kierra called. he hummed and leapt off of him, throwing up a hand.

"alright, i yield." he shrugged. gecko moria turned in relief, gritting his teeth.

"you'll pay for that." he glared at them before leaving the room. oboiye leapt down, pulling out a small lighter and melting the web.

"we heard the whistle." he murmured.

"yeah, sure got us worried." Marco mused. "good thing oboiye's familiar with thriller bark."

"really?" kierra turned to her brother as he sheathed his sword.

"i lived here for a while." he explained. "before i met up with naomi. i left because that damn gecko moria and his stupid shadow-stealing plan."

"you knew about this?" vitani snapped, oboiye turning.

"yeah. but i didn't think it would get this serious." oboiye approached the window, staring up at the rampaging beast.

"i see he did it." he hummed.

"yeah and he took our crew's shadows." kierra added. "that's why we called you- is there anyway you can help us get them back?"

"to get your shadows, I would have to force gecko moria to release them. or mentally strain myself and take them over." he turned to his sisters. "but gecko moria is very strong. and i would need some time."

the building shook, vitani gritting her teeth. "how long?"

oboiye sat down and placed his sword before him, closing his eyes. his paints began to glow, oboiye inhaling slowly . she looked up outside the window to see the straw hats surrounding Oars, the door opening.

"my, my." a woman smiled. "look who we have here."

"hey!" marco stepped infront of the three. "who the hell are you?"

"my name's olivia and i think you've wondered into the wrong room." she smiled. marco threw his knife as it sunk through her, hitting the door behind her.

"what the-" kierra paused as she walked through marco, reaching out for oboiye. vitani leapt infront of him, tackling her.

"how are you touching her?!" kierra yelled as they landed and immediately vitani sunk through her body. she rolled out the way to dodge the woman's fist, kicking her gut.

"touch her when she's attacking." vitani whispered swiftly before leaping back towards the woman. she expectantly sunk through her body, kierra leaping up with her knife.

she attempted to stab the woman, only to sink through her body. the knife pierced vitani's shoulder and threw her back into the wall, kierra screaming.

"vitani!" she rushed forward, marco stepping infront of her as the woman charged. she ran into his arm, marco grabbing her head and throwing her down.

"you'll learn not to mess with Opavians!" he snapped. she gritted her teeth and sunk through the floor, marco turning to vitani.

"i'm fine." she shooed them away, panting heavily. oboiye gritted his teeth, his power increasing.

"i do not have enough." he strained. "it is too many. he is too strong."

kierra swallowed, sitting infront of him. she placed her hand on his shoulder, her paints glowing as well. marco sat on his other side and copied her movement, vitani gritting her teeth.

"hurry, arisa." kierra looked up as vitani rested her hand on oboiye's back, her paints glimmering.
