
from the shadows of a large, dimmed room, a figure slunk from the darkness. it's tall stature, a sea of thick curls along it's head restricted by a high-ponytail, and the long gold-accented tail revealed it to be opavian. he had light hazel eyes which glimmered in the faint light, a large black cloak engulfing his body and a scarf tied just above the bridge of his nose.

"oboiye." a woman whispered, drawing his attention. She stepped towards him, chocolate skin with short curly hair. she wore a typical opavian outfit, short curly hair no longer than an inch from her scalp. she didn't have as much gold jewelry as her companion although she bore a symbol in the crook of her neck.

"there must be consequences for cheating like this you know?"

"and if so, what is the worst they can do?" he hummed, walking through the large doorway to reveal a wide set of stairs. he paused before it, the woman stepping in beside him.


"I smell the humans as well." She interrupted softly. Oboiye drew his sword and took a stance, inhaling softly. Naomi drew two daggers, inserting her knuckles into the grippers before leaning forward.

Oboiye sprinted up the steps, turning to his right as a man lunged out for him with a sword. Oboiye turned to deflect it, Naomi appearing infront of him before he got the chance. She pushed the blade down with her dagger and head butted the man, oboiye turning to slice another man who was coming for him on his opposite side.

Naomi disappeared and reappeared further along, Oboiye sprinting up the steps. he panted, ducking as a villager attempted to bowl him over. he raised his foot and kicked the man off, feeling a body land and cling onto his back. they rolled, oboiye's shadow disconnecting and pushing against them to stop them near the ledge. the man, on top of oboiye, pushed his chin up so his head leaned over the edge.

Naomi appeared before two men, narrowing her eyes. She dodged the sword, kicking it down with her foot before kneeing him gut and throwing him over the edge. she kicked the other man down before advancing forward.

"i'll go down in history for this moment." the man grumbled down at Oboiye who hissed, revealing his teeth. the man pushed down against oboiye's head as he swallowed slowly. his hand enclosed over the man's wrist, gritting his teeth as his paints began to glow. howling and demonic laughs echoed within the cavern as the man's wrist snapped in the opposite direction. he howled in pain, oboiye throwing him off and standing up straight.

he dusted himself and picked up his sword, sighing.

"i don't have time for this." he muttered as his shadow nodded. he gave a long whistle, shadow creatures shooting out the darkness. they overtook the remaining men, allowing Oboiye to gingerly follow Naomi who had already reached the top of the steps.

"took you long enough." she mused as he walked past her, oboiye humming.

"yeah i got a little side-tracked." he admitted, stopping. he looked around at the sand pit they had been exposed to and stepped forward, looking around. the villagers had gathered in seats which towered around the large pit.

the doors the pair had recently walked through slammed shut, oboiye narrowing his eyes. a thin sheet covered the top of the arena, allowing little sunlight inside.

"what is this?" naomi whispered, walking forward. oboiye closed his eyes and inhaled, Naomi turning in slight alarm.


"hey!" he yelled, marching to the edge of the pit. he glared up at a woman who locked gazes with him, holding her child closer to her body.

"why are we here? we finished your dam-" he paused, glancing at the child who looked equally afraid. it shivered, closing her eyes and burying her face into the woman's side. "we finished the trials. we want to go."

"there has been another contestant who has entered." another woman explained.

"and what does that have to do with us?" Naomi asked softly. the woman holding the child glanced between them before swallowing.

"you must fight to the death. the winner may leave." she whispered. Naomi glanced at Oboiye as he turned, looking around.

"but who else would want to leave this island?" as if on que, a large thud was heard on the opposite arena behind a large metallic door.

it repeated, the medal caving in slowly until the door fell over.

Oboiye's eyes narrowed, Naomi staring gingerly at the incoming opponent. There was a yell of frustration as the dust slowly cleared. A sudden gust of wind swept the clouds of dirt away, revealing the two Opavians.

vitani stood beside kendrick, panting viciously.

"oboiye!" she roared, kendrick sighing.

"see what happens when you don't just let us have things our way." he yawned and walked forward. "you piss her off an-" he froze, locking gazes with oboiye. he dropped his scythe, Naomi's eyes widening.


Vitani shot past him, nearly tackling him in a hug. she enveloped him, her small figure clinging onto him like a child. kendrick sprinted to join them, oboiye pressing his younger brother's head against his shoulder.

"triso." kendrick managed in a feeble whisper, oboiye's grip tightening against him.

"what are you doing here?!" vitani breathed as she pulled back. she gripped his chin, looking him over frantically. "we-we looked for you everywhere and-and no one had heard from you we thought-"

"we thought you were dead!" kendrick interrupted, throwing himself at oboiye in an exaggerated hug.

"sorry." oboiye whispered sheepishly. "i didn't mean to scare everyone."

"well you did!" she smacked the top of his head and balled her fist.

oboiye grumbled something as Skylar stepped forward and bowed.

"Princess Vitani and Prince Kendrick." She whispered as Vitani embraced her.

"Thank you for taking care of my brother." she murmured into skylar's shoulder. as the two separated, kendrick sighed and opened his arms expectantly.

"it's doesn't seem real." he whispered in a playful nature, skylar sighing. she fell into his embrace, oboiye's gaze traveling to the spectators who were shifting anxiously.

"do not forget the rules." a woman yelled. the woman who had recently guided kendrick and vitani to the trials now sat in a high-seat. "you must fight to determine who leaves."

vitani turned to look at her, kendrick turning as well.

"trisos." kendrick hummed. "i don't think they've realized it."

"realized what?" Skylar murmured.

"how bad they've fucked up." oboiye answered the question as kendrick raised his scythe, pointing it at the woman.
