
After a night of resting, the Straw Hats continued their journey early the following  morning.

"Zoro." Vitani looked up at the sky as he turned, looking down at her.

"If you let Zeze and Eos get hungry, they won't be as easy to deal with as Kierra and I." She warned. "And if you strike one of them down I'll personally kill you."

"What are you saying?"

"She's saying find us some damn food!" Kierra huffed.  "I'm hungry!"

"Me too." Luffy sulked, Vitani sighing. They arrived at a sanded-over town where Vivi spoke to one of the rebel-army leaders. Vitani stared up at the sky blankly as Usopp approached them slowly with a knife. Zeze growled as he cowered, Vitani turning to look at him. Zeze allowed Usopp to cut Vitani and Kierra's bindings, guiding the two inside a small building. Upon entrance, they immediately they attacked the table of food, viciously eating.

"Geez." Sanji murmured, watching them eat. Vitani wiped her mouth once she had finished, offering the rest to Zeze and Eos.

That evening, Kierra sat outside of the building calmly. Her gaze flickered between the sky and the city of Alabasta ahead of them, sighing softly. The Rebel-Army leader had granted the Straw Hats to stay the night with them and even offered to guide them to Alabasta. For the most part, everyone had settled in although, there was an uneasy feeling stirring within Kierra. She flicked her tail in the sand and inhaled slowly, closing her eyes.

She inhaled a breath and released it from her mouth, jumping at faint commotion coming from within the building.

 At commotion inside, Kierra finally rose and slowly approached the building. She walked into the bedroom and was immediately hit with a pillow.

"Kierra!" Usopp fretted, throwing his hands up as the others looked at her. "I didn't know you were there, I-" Slowly, she blinked and looked up, taking a pillow and throwing it at Usopp. It slammed into his gut, the pillow throwing him back into the wall.

She leapt up with another one, slamming it over Chopper's head. Nami laughed softly as she watched her, Kierra laughing amongst the boys as she wrestled with Luffy.

Once everyone had fallen asleep, Kierra curled up in her blankets. She sighed, spotting Zeze and Eos outside sleeping atop one another. She rolled over and closed her eyes, sleep overtaking her.

They woke the following morning to say farewell to the Rebel Army leader who had gifted Luffy with a canister of water for his journey. Zeze and Eos were boarded as they continued on their trip to Alabasta.

Mid-way into their travel, Luffy suddenly collapsed onto the ground, sprawling on his back as he closed his eyes.

"I quit." He huffed.

"What are you talking about, Luffy?" Vitani hummed.

"Yeah, if we don't hurry then we won't stop the revolt." Sanji snapped. "We're doing this for Vivi, come on!"

Luffy pushed him aside, closing his eyes. "I'm tired." He hummed. Kierra watched him intently, turning as Vivi clenched her fist. She smacked Luffy and glared down at him.

"What do you mean you're tired?! You said you would help me! Stop being so selfish we're almost there! you..you..." she hesitated. "You jerk-" He leapt up and punched her, Vivi tackling him and punching him.

Kierra moved forward, Vitani sticking her hand out. They screamed at one another as a steady stream of blood fell from his nose, Luffy grabbing her hands. He sat up, yelling.

"Aren't we friends?!" He roared. Vivi burst into tears, sobbing violently as Luffy dusted his hat and rose to his feet.

Kierra and Nami moved forward to comfort her, Vitani and the others standing around.

"Now just tell me where Crocodile is!" He stood, Vitani scoffing faintly.

"What's his deal?" Vitani murmured, Zoro looking up.

"He's impatient." He responded simply.

"Don't worry about it too much." Kierra murmured, rubbing Vivi's back. "I'm sure he didn't mean to make you cry, he just wanted to get his point across." She rubbed her back and stood. Vivi rose as well.

"Crocodile the warlord?" Kierra asked as Vitani nodded.

"He's the one behind this whole revolution." She murmured.

Luffy and Usopp went off to retrieve water, Vitani and Kierra sitting silently just outside the city. Kierra's ear swiveled and she turned, spotting Luffy rushing towards them. A fleet of marines chased after him, yelling and holding up swords.

She tapped Vitani's shoulder as she hummed, the Straw Hats standing.

"Idiot!" Zoro swore as Kierra leapt onto Eos.

"Mactoco!" She snapped as Eos bounded off, Vitani leaping up onto Zeze as well. Kierra grabbed Sanji's hand as she ran past him, pulling him up onto Eos as Vitani pulled Zoro.

"Go to the casino!" Luffy pointed behind them as Vitani looked up. The Straw Hats ran forward, Zeze taking a sharp turn that threw Zoro off.

"Zoro!" Vitani yelled, the Rekran showing no hints of hesitation as she continued on.

Vitani leapt down after she had met up with Kierra in an alleyway, Sanji no where in sight.

"Zeze!" She turned. "Fweze satsuma opay la cre (hide until we come back)." The rekran snorted as Eos turned, the two disappearing around the corner.

"Freeze!" Vitani looked back as the marines surrounded Kierra and her, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't have any arrows." She hummed as Kierra smirked.

"Don't need 'em." She pulled out two long, curved daggers and sighed. "It's been a while since we've fought together." She noted as Vitani smirked.

A marine ran forward, Kierra ducking to avoid his sword as Vitani punched his cheek and sent him flying back. Kierra lunged at another marine, slamming her dagger into his neck before lifting her dagger over her head.

Vitani leapt over her, her finger running over Kierra's blade to send a surge of electricity to it as she threw it at a marine. As he deflected it with his sword, it shocked him and Vitani kicked his body into a group of marines.

Kierra kicked another man back, the marines yelling out of fear. They hesitated as Vitani leapt over a body, sprinting towards them.

With that distraction, Kierra easily picked up a garbage can and threw it at the remaining three, Vitani dipping her shoulder to dodge it. She looked back at men yelling, Kierra and Vitani exchanging a glance.

They ran to the bridge before the entrance of  casino to meet up with Sanji and Chopper, Kierra smiling in relief.

"Kierra-chan!" Sanji beamed as she smiled.

"You two alright?" He asked as she nodded. "Luffy and Zoro are caught underground the casino right now from what Crocodile says."

"Crocodile?" Kierra questioned as he gave a smirk, presenting a snail- transponder.

"Mr.Prince has tricked Crocodile into chasing after Chopper."

"Mr....Prince?" Kierra whispered, Vitani bumping him.

"Clever Cook."She smirked. "Or should I say Mr.Prince?"

"Ooh!" Kierra grinned as Sanji turned.

"Alright, I'll see you all later!" He yelled, sprinting from the casino.

Chopper fled as a decoy, Vitani and Kierra rushing forward to attempt crossing the bridge. Crocodile and Ms. Alllsunday, a woman working alongside him, ran off before they reached it, Vitani nudging Kierra. As they crossed the bridge, Kierra kicked her leg up and slammed her foot on the ground.

"Ha!" The bridge crumbled into the water, Sanji watching in disbelief.

"She's got an oblaid." Vitani explained as they jogged into the casino. "She can control earth."

"Yeah, But apparently there isn't much around here." She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

Vivi rushed up to them, stepping inside the casino nervously.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." Sanji nodded, Vivi looking to the crumbled bridge.

"Come with me, Princess." Kierra took Vivi's hand as Vitani followed as well.

Sanji and them were separated, Vitani skidding to a hault at the edge of the broken ledge inside, gazing at the water below filled with crocodiles. Her and Kierra both knelt down, Vitani smirking as Sanji kicked up a large crocodile.

"That's Captain Smoker." Vitani noted softly and pointed below where the cage sat, Kierra inspecting it. Captain Smoker, a marine Captain, stood in the cage with Luffy and the others. "He must have gotten caught with Luffy."

"That's seastone." Kierra explained. "It's stopping their devil fruit powers." Sanji kicked away a crocodile which inturn spit out a large ball. Vitani narrowed her eyes, Mr.3 revealing himself to lap up water.

"What's he doing here?" Vitani watched him pick up the key to the cage.

"Who is that?" Kierra's lip curled.

"Some guy with a devil fruit power that allows him to create wax figures." She muttered, watching Sanji stand on the unconscious crocodile's belly.

"Hey!" Sanji yelled as Mr.3 turned. "Give me that!"

Mr.3 tossed the key into the water below, Vitani narrowing her eyes as Kierra sucked her teeth.

Vitani leapt down infront of him as he screamed, her eyes narrowed to slits.

"Wait! Can't he make a key with his wax-wax fruit?!" Usopp yelled as she turned. He attempted to run but Vitani rolled him over on the underbelly of the dead croc.

"Make the key!" She roared as he spit, Vitani gritting her teeth. She delivered rough blows, only stopping once Sanji pulled her back.

"Make the key!" She grabbed his neck, choking him. She slammed him against the cage, pressing his face to it as he slowly unlocked it.

"Thank you!" Kierra smiled as she landed beside them. She suddenly kicked him away, Mr.3 flying back.

As the walls begun to cave in, Vitani rose to her feet in a panic. Kierra attempted to flee to the ledge on the upper level but couldn't grab ahold of a piece stable enough for her weight.

Sanji grabbed ahold of Kierra's waist, Vitani being sucked down into the water. She hit the ground beside Smoker, feeling somebody grab her body. She was pressed against a chest, her saver grabbing Smoker and holding him on the other side of his body as well.

She broke the surface of the water and gasped, crawling onto land weakly before collapsing. 

"Thank you." Kierra panted, Sanji breathing heavily as well.

"You alright?'" Zoro looked over at Vitani as she panted.

"Worried or somethin'?" She teased. Smoker stood, Vitani looking up as he glared at the crew.

"Why did you save me?" He demanded, Luffy turning in pure irritation.

"You're a man." He reminded him bluntly. "Who are we to leave you to die?!"

"The marines are coming!" Kierra reported, Luffy holding his gaze with Smoker.

"Go." He turned his back to the crew and inhaled. "This will be your only chance."

"You heard the man, let's go!" Kierra spoke up as Sanji led them away. They sprinted down the streets, Vitani pausing to give a throaty call.

"Vitani!" Zoro grabbed her hand as a roar came in reply. Zeze leapt out from an alleyway, Eos rushing to join Kierra.

Zoro leapt onto Zeze, Vitani leaping up as well. As they reached the end of the street, Kierra looked up.

"It's Chopper!" She announced as he approached them on a giant crab. Zeze and Eos bounded up it's legs and onto it's shelled-back , Vitani and Zoro panting beside Zeze.

As the others boarded and they began to head for the castle, Vivi was suddenly pulled back by Crocodile's hook, led by a string of sand.

"What the-"

"He's got the sand devil fruit." Zoro explained and stood. Luffy stretched, replacing himself with Vivi so she was thrown into Zoro's arms.

"Luffy!" Vitani yelled as he smiled.

"Is he crazy?!" Kierra whispered.

"No, just stupid." She murmured.

"Make sure you get Vivi to the castle!" He yelled.
