Chapter 3

Donghae sat staring at his monitor as his consiousness is being bombed by different thoughts, one running after another and sometimes colliding with each other for at least an hour now. And it has nothing to do with business.

Just earlier that day when they were at a conference meeting with a number of board members, Eunhyuk, one of the producers at Hits Entertainment and his good friend, had to kick him under the table when one of them asked him a question and he just sat there with a blank look on his face. It would have been acceptable if it only happened once. But three times in the span of 30 minutes?

Donghae pressed his finger at the bridge of his nose feeling an oncoming headache. The past week had been a challenge. A challenge to keep away from his wife whom he continuously see at each corner of their house eveytime he come home. The only solution he could find is to shut himself in his office. He is beginning to get suffocated inside the confine of his study. Sometimes he would just sit in his chair there and just play with his phone until he was sure Dara is already in her room.

He leaned heavily in his chair wondering what he can do today to avoid her.

Eunhyuk entered his office wearing that smirk Donghae finds irritating because it just means Eunhyuk found something to amuse himself. And it's usually on Donghae's misfortunes.

"So, what's up with you?" He plopped down on the couch lifting his two legs on the table.

Donghae returned to his computer. "Nothing."

Eunhyuk made a sound. "Right. And the reason you space out in the meeting is because you are thinking of nothing."

Donghae tilted his head to look at Eunhyuk. "She wants me to take her to Jeju," he told Eunhyuk after a moment. Eunhyuk knows of his disastrous marriage as well as the accident his wife has been involved in.

"Then take her there," Eunhyuk said as if that is the most obvious thing in the world.

Donghae scoffed. "And what? Find out her parents are already divorced for 7 years?"

"She's going to find out anyway. You know, when her memory returns?"

"She's living in her sixteen-year life," Donghae explained as he did so so many times whenever Eunhyuk asked him about Dara. "That was the time when she's holding her parents as the… I don't know… role model for married couples, whatever."

"Ahhh." Eunhyuk nodded, understanding. "So you're protecting her."

"What?" Donghae sputtered. "No!"

"Dude, this could be your chance to win her. Just sayin'."

"I don't want to win her." He was tapping the keys on the keyboard a little too hard. "It's over. Without this accident, we would have been divorced already. I just don't want to be the person who would spring the news at her that her parents are already separated, living in two different countries and that she hasn't been talking to them since she found out about it."

Eunhyuk shook his head. "Okay, whatever you say. But I really think this is your chance to-"

"She hated me, okay," he interrupted whatever his friend is going to say. "She only agreed to marry me to save face.  She hasn't talked to me for the years we were married except when it's for business matters. She practically lived in different hotels because she doesn't want to go to the same house I'm living in and you think I have a chance now that she's got amnesia?"  Then added as an afterthought. "Not that I want to have one."

"You guys are mental, that's what I think. You used to work together really well when she's still working here. You even helped her start her own company. You guys were friends when you were in your teens.”

Donghae stopped typing on his keyboard for a moment then continued. "Well, that was then," he said quietly. Before her ex-boyfriend broke her.

Donghae saved the file he was working on and shut off his computer wishing he could shut off his mind too. He hasn’t told Eunhyuk what really happened but he’s guessing Eunhyuk had an idea anyway considering the news has been in the front page for 4 months running. And then continued when the news of their wedding was announced. It was pathetic, he thought grimly. He was pathetic.  He already made up his mind to give Dara what she wants. At least, the Dara without the amnesia. And that is to keep his face out of her sight. It would've been easy if Dara would just stay in one place, and he wouldn't have to see her, or talk to her…

"It's your call," Eunhyuk said standing up and straightening his shirt. "I don't really want to add burden on your tiny shoulders but I've got some bad news, by the way."

Donghae looked up from the file he was starting to look over. "What bad news?"

"One of the songs which is supposed to be for Boys Generation has been leaked. Again. The Moon Entertaiment worked it's pathetic ass to buy the copyright and now it's theirs."

Donghae cursed. That company is really getting on his nerves. There has been a series of confidential information leaking out and trasported to their competes. Last month, their files of music went missing and when the new band from Moon Ent. debuted, they finally found where that file disappeared to. The lyrics were re-arranged but the beats are the same. They can't cry foul because even the hard copies disappeared. Donghae swore if he found who the mole is, he's going to toast him alive.

"Whoever's leaking that might be someone from SP," Eunhyuk continued. "All the files for SP are always the one being stolen or hacked. Any project that is for SP is being jeopardized."

"Then we're just going to keep all files between the two of us. Any projects, documents, none should be given to anybody except us. At least, until Dara gets back to take care of it."

Eunhyuk agreed. A knock on the door stopped them from talking and Dara's assistant's head popped in. "Mr. Donghae, the contract from CBN arrived."

Donghae motioned for her to go in. Lee Hi looked uncomfortable then walked toward his desk. Donghae stretched out his hand for the folder and she uneasily handed it to him.

There was a post-it note on the front which read Jeju. He looked up questioningly at her.

"I'm sorry sir, Ms. Dara asked me to do that,” Lee Hi explained while looking like a scared bunny.

Eunhyuk leaned over and saw the post it. He laughed.

Donghae plucked the post it note and threw it on his wastebasket. He didn't know if he should be amused. Or iritated. Just a simple task of taking her to Jeju is conflicting his resolve not to be involved with Dara. He couldn't wait until her memories came back so she could go back to ignoring him.

Dara was determined. Through the day, Donghae find post its with the word Jeju on every office supplies given to him. He took a break to get some lunch and he found two notes on his office door when he got back. One on his monitor, the keyboard, the mouse, the phone, the couch, the vase, his chair, his table. Even the window. He ordered his secretary to make it known that he's not amused and this should stop. But it didn't. Apparently, Dara keeps calling Lee Hi and threatened to fire anyone who would stop.

"I guess they're more scared of Dara than they are with you." Eunhyuk was laughing when Donghae found a note at the platter of his coffee cup.

Donghae threw the note again to his already full wastebasket. He didn't comment because they both knew too well that Dara demands excellence in her work. And her staff. Her drive eventually turned into a manic quest for perfection and fired anyone who couldn't meet her standards. It eventually drove people to steer clear of her.

It was already 10 in the evening when Donghae got home. His mind is already worn out. Turned out he didn't need an excuse to stay late in the office as his meeting with the staff had taken almost half of his day. He trudged up the stairs after telling Mrs. Rey he already ate dinner. He groaned when he reached the door of his room. A single blue post it with the word JEJU written in bold ink is staring him in the face. Didn't that girl know how many trees were killed for this single thing? He didn't even bother to take it off and just entered his room already unbuttoning his shirt. He reached to open his closet and found another one. "Wha-" She invaded his room too? He swung his closet door open expecting a mound of post-it on every piece of his clothing inside it but thankfully, she didn't violate his right of privacy that much.

He took of his shirt when the door to his room suddenly swung open with a bang.

"Ya!" Dara stood there at the doorway.

Donghae, startled, crossed his arms to cover his bare chest. "Don’t you know how to knock?!" Apprarently, Dara forgot the word shame too. He quickly pulled out the first shirt he could laid his hands on and quickly put it on.

"You should have the decency to take me to Jeju if you decided to ignore me for the rest of your life." She strode over to him holding an ipad and faced him. "This is the most important request i have--"

"Really?" Donghae cut her off sarcastically. "I didn't notice that after you sent all of my staff to put post-it notes on every damn corner of my office!"

Dara looked incredulous. "They really did that?" She looked happy at the thought that someone did her bidding. Then she poked him the chest. "Why don't you want to take me to Jeju?"

Should he tell her?

"There are some things which are not the way they used to in Jeju," Donghae carefully said after deciding to tell her a little. “Your mind probably would not take it too well.”

"I don't care," Dara said adamantly. "With the way things are going in my life right now, none would shock me anymore. Even looking in the mirror and seeing a 30 year old me... It was just like...woah-i'm-already-thirty kind of reaction and that's it. I wouldn't even be surpised if i found out my parents had already sold our house."

Donghae's brow creased. "Did you already got some of those memories back?"

Dara stared at Donghae. "What? My parents already sold our house?!"

Donghae realized his slip. He tightened his lips while Dara's face fell. Her bottom lip quivered then took a breath. She lifted the Ipad she was holding and presented it to Donghae. At the ipad is another post it note with Jeju on it sticking on the glass.

“I don’t know how to open this digital board so I just put a post it. I was planning to leave it at your bedside table,” Dara admitted.

Donghae could have laughed but he took the ipad and fling the post-it off it. “This is an ipad. Not a digital board.” He pushed to button on the side to open it.

“A pad?” Dara repeated looking intently at what Donghae is doing with what she thought is a board.

“Battery is drained,” Donghae said after he couldn’t get it to open. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a charger. He plugged it into the socket feeling like he just met someone from the 80s who time-travelled to the future.

“I found it at the bottom of my closet,” Dara said looking over his side to watch how he should open it.

Given the number of days it was lying on Dara’s closet, not to mention the days in the hospital, Donghae knew it would take a couple of minutes to start if it has been drained of battery that long.

“You know,” Dara quietly said. “Jeju is…was… my home. All the things I remember is there. Where I built my dreams, where I remember laughing the most, where I remember crying the most. Where I was the happiest. If my parents already…sold the house… then let me just take one last look at it.”

Donghae slowly turned to look at Dara.

“I might have already done that, but… looking at it one last time is different when you lost the memory of looking at it for the last time.” She said looking at him in the eye with an earnest expression.

He was reminded yet again of the face whom he met at the day when his father took him to visit the Park family at Jeju when he was 17.

Would it be a good idea to take her back to the house where she revered as the most untainted place in her life? Would he have the nerve to tell her now that at the time when she was 19, she found her parents already living with different families and only keeping up with the pretense that they were together for her sake and save the trouble of going there? Tell her that she was the one who had cut all communications with her parents and even declaring them dead as far as she was concerned? Tell her that her mom already have a family of her own living in New York while her dad is in California with his new wife?

He remembered the girl who had been hurt so much that she refused comfort from anybody else and directed her pain in creating her own fortune by staying late at night, driving herself ragged working 24 hours a day until she made a name of her own. The girl whom Donghae had watched over had changed drastically.

Looking at Dara now, would he have the heart to barrage her with all this information when she’s at her most vulnerable state?

You’re protecting her. Eunhyuk’s words echoed on his mind and he mentally shot an image of Eunhyuk. Damn that monkey.

But then, would he have heart to say no when the Dara he used to know is looking at him like that?

“We’ll leave tomorrow at 9,” he decided at least. Never mind the fact that Dara would probably scoff at his effort once her memories came back.

“Yes!!” Dara cheered and hugged him in the middle.

Donghae stiffened. Then immediately removed her arms around him. “What are you doing?!”

Dara scowled. “Aish. Even skinship.” The she smiled again and turned to walk out the door, skipping excitedly. “I’ll go ahead and pack now.”

It took a moment for Donghae to realize what she said as he was still reeling from Dara’s hug.

“Pack?” He repeated. Then ran after Dara. “We’re only going to be there for a day!” But he already saw the door on Dara’s room closing.

Donghae brushed his hair back with his hand in agitation. He hoped to god he wouldn’t regret this.
