Chapter 22

True to Dara's prediction, her Press Conference made it to the headlines overriding the previous news of Jiyong visiting their house. The media was in a frenzy. And it's not about how Dara is planning to turn over her shares, her company, to Lee Donghae but how she dumped the two men being linked to her after she had used them. Dara had to fight the urge to scream. Just what is with this people! Why are they so fixated on her lovelife?? Can't they focus on the fact that she is now leaving her business to her husband whom she is now divorcing? But no. She guessed it was too much to ask. There were a lot of speculation on her decisions and none even came close to the truth. Some are so exaggerated Dara could only laugh bitterly. It's only been a day after that press con and the news is now spreading like fire, passing from one mouth to another, a story getting changed by each retelling.

Her social pages is now filled with hate comments and threats from Jiyong's fans saying the same thing over and over.

How could you use Jiyong oppa?

You're a monster. I hope you die.

Leave our country! We are better off without you. Jiyong oppa would be better off without you. Slut!

I hope you get run over by a 10 wheeler truck and squashed to death!

She deactivated her social page not wanting to see anymore. She decided not to open the company's site as she is very positive thousands of hate comments are waiting for her there. The only good thing is, they left Donghae out of it. She is now in the center of their loathing. That is the one thing Dara felt better about.

She already met up with her lawyer earlier that morning to discuss the arrangements of the divorce and her terms made her lawyer gawk in incredulity. If she wasn't so heartbroken, she would've laughed at the expression on his face as she told him what she wanted —or what she does not want for that matter— on the divorce.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Her lawyer asked again for the 4th time. "I've seen the news but..."

Dara took a sip of her hot chocolate as she nodded her head. They were inside the coffee shop and the scant number of people made Dara feel at ease.

"Yes, this is what I want," she affirmed.

"Because we could ask for assets division," her lawyer tried one more time. "You could have the house, we could fight for it. You could have 50% of his shares... we can agree to a settlement..." His voice trailed off as Dara shook her head.

"I don't want any of that. I don't want...." She sighed. I only want him. But obviously she can't have that. "I want this done as soon as possible. I want to turn over the company to Lee Donghae, relinquish my rights to SP. My shares. If there's anything I need to sign, send it to my office. I want everything settled before I leave for New York. I want everything to be done with before I leave for good."

Her lawyer nodded after seeing her determined face. "Seems like I couldn't change your mind, then I'll process it immediately. I'll get in contact with your husband's lawyer to discuss your terms."

Dara nodded as she watched her lawyer put all the papers she had signed inside the envelope and put it in his briefcase.

"I'll send you all the documents to be signed probably this afternoon." He closed his briefcase with a snap. "Just call me if you change your mind because we can still fight for a settlement."

Dara chuckled. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

Her lawyer nodded and stood up and Dara remembered something. "Wait," she said and her lawyer looked at her. "Actually, there's one thing I want."

Her lawyer sat down again and looked at her expectantly.

"There's only one thing i want from Lee Donghae." She looked at her lawyer in the eye. "I want him to take care of Sakuragi."

Her lawyer frowned in puzzlement. "Sakuragi?"

"The puppy," Dara clarified. "I don't want the puppy to be put in an animal institution or... wherever. I want Donghae to take of her himself. "

Her lawyer looked at her, his mouth open slightly, as she stated her term and then sighed heavily. "Okay," he said. "I'll add that one. Is there anything else you want?"

Dara shook her head. "That is the only term I want."

Her lawyer nodded again before standing up and walking out of the coffee shop leaving Dara staring at the wall.

Now, she sat at the conference room at the 5th floor of SP building, still staring at the wall as she thought about how swift things had changed. Has it just been 4 days ago when Donghae had hugged her in Lotte Word? Has it only been 4 days when she had told him she loves him at the Namsan Tower? It seems like it had happened in another lifetime. She only hoped that things would get better in Donghae's life when she's already out of the picture. She hoped that his father would withdraw his vote on Kim Junmyeon and support his son. She hoped that it's still wouldn't be too late.

She looked away from the wall when some of her staff entered the room. She straightened up as she  nodded to them as they went in one by one. Some looked a little skeptic, others standing timidly, avoiding her eye. She had called for a staff meeting, all the team leads in every department to come for her announcement.

"Sit down," Dara said.

The team leads all sat down hesitantly around the big conference table but some were left standing as the chairs weren't enough to accommodate all of them. Dara began after seeing everybody settled.

"Thank you for coming," she started. "You don't have any other choice, anyway."

There were soft chuckles and Dara went on. "I'm sure you all know about the conference I did yesterday. And I'm positive you now know that I will be resigning my position."

There were silence and some avoided her eye. Dara concluded it was because they were relieved at the news and she smiled bitterly. "Thank you for not cheering on that in my face."

Soft titters. Dara cleared her throat before continuing. "I want to thank you all... for bearing with me all these years. Some of you may not have been here long enough to fully experience the reign of my terror but to those who did.... And still stayed... I thank you. I know... actually I've just realized it... that working with me... under me... had been hell for you guys. And I'm sorry." She addressed the 4 of her very first employees. "Jae Wook, Hee Jung, Han Byul, Kim Jung,... you've been here for as long as I remember. Though, I know there were times—I lot, if I'm not mistaken— that you wanted to kill me in my sleep... but you still stayed and... SP wouldn't be where it is right now without you guys. And I thank you. All of you. SP wouldn't be SP without all your hard work. And I'm sorry if... I wasn't able to show how important you guys are in this company. How important you guys are to me."

She looked around at their faces who are now looking back at her. "I'm just... sorry that I took you guys for granted. All those times. I wanted to apologize to all of you and I would really appreciate it if you would tell your team that i'm sorry. To those whom I've... thrown coffee at because... I wanted hot chocolate... please tell them I'm sorry. To those whom I've humiliated in front of the entire team... to those whom I've worked to the bone because I wanted the reports in less than 24 hours... to those whom I've fired because of being human for making a mistake—wait, they're no longer here. But... please tell them  I'm sorry. I know it won't ever be enough but... I just... I don't know what to say except... I'm sorry."

"You guys are the best team there is. The best. And you guys deserve someone who actually deserves you. I apologize if I announced my decision to the press first... guess I wasn't really thinking. But to reiterate, SP would be turned over to Lee Donghae. After every documents had been signed, you would now be working under Hits Entertainment. SP would still be SP but... if Donghae decided to remove that name then... you guys would be Hits Entertainment."

"Will we lose our job?" One of them had asked.

Crap. She should've added that to her terms but she's pretty sure Donghae wouldn't fire anybody. "Donghae isn't as heartless as I was. I don't even think he's got any hate in him to ever fire anybody. But... I'll make sure to... talk to him.... about it."

"Is it true then that you're leaving the country?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure that's one thing you're glad about," she joked with a smile.

The girl who had asked looked slightly uncomfortable but smiled reluctantly when she saw Dara smiling.

"Thank you... you guys had been part of making my dream come true. Even though I know it's a night mare on your part but I hope that... my leaving would start a new beginning for you. I can assure you that Donghae would treat you like his family. The way he treat his people at Hits." Then she smiled. "Now, to commemorate your freedom, we are going to have an end of the year party. Tomorrow night, actually, at around seven? You can bring your family, your girlfriend, whoever you want to bring."

Some of them clapped, now smiling broadly. "I have already instructed Lee Hi to organize the party. I know it's short notice so If you have any ideas, you can tell Lee Hi." Besides, she wanted to at least spend a day in the company she had built before she left for the states the morning after. Her mom had already agreed to leave on the first after she reasoned that leaving at the very first day of the new year symbolizes new beginning. A new life. She felt sad that she only had a day but she doesn't want to spend another week torturing herself, stopping herself from going over to Donghae. She might be able to breathe if she's miles away from him. Maybe she wouldn't miss him that much. Which she really doubt. 

"Thank you all," Dara repeated her gratitude again. "If you have any questions, you can just walk up to my office and ask me."

The team leads murmured their thanks before standing up and leaving the conference room. Dara's smile faded and she tried to keep the sadness overwhelm her too much. She had the best team. But they've had the worst boss. She's the worst of anything to everybody.  She looked around at the conference room. The place where she spent almost all of her career yelling, throwing papers, ripping hard-worked reports, criticizing, belittling whoever she had called. This is her staff's personal hell. With her as the devil administering unjust punishment. No wonder they all look so relieved when she confirmed her plan of resignation. Not even a word of sympathy. Or empathy.

She must've been thoroughly hated that her staff couldn't even fake it.

Donghae read the IT report a thousand times but still couldn't believe it. He dropped the folder on his desk, brushed his face with his hand before standing up and going over to the window, his brows creasing.

Eunhyuk had entered his office with a grim look on this face earlier that morning holding the folder. And without a word, gave it to him. It took a moment before the contents of the report finally registered on his brain.

He heard a knock on the door and he turned to see Clara stepping inside his office. She smiled. "You're looking so serious. What's up?"

Donghae didn't answer. He just looked at her, like seeing her for the first time. Clara's forehead wrinkled and she laughed at the serious expression of Donghae staring at her. "Okay, I admit i wasn't done with the project for that new singer but I'm getting to it. Don't worry. I mean seriously, you called me here just for that? You could've just called me on the phone."

"How long have you been doing that?" Donghae asked quietly, his eyes piercing.

"You only gave me that yesterday," Clara defended herself rolling her eyes.  "I don't have superpowers, you know, but I promise I'll get—"

"How long have you been hacking into SP?"

Clara stopped mid-sentence as she looked at Donghae's unnerving stare. "Ww..what?"

Donghae didn't answer and just stared at the woman he had known all his life. It had never occurred to him she would be behind all this hacking fiasco. She was a genius in computers when they were in high school. Always the one who can figure out exactly the complication of a computer command. But she would be the last person he would suspect. The last person he would ever think of to actually betray him.

But the IT report tracked down the IP addresses used on the hacking since last year. They have checked all the security cameras at the times the hacking took place. The IT team had almost lost hope as the videos seems tampered or deleted. But a video was caught at one time Clara was the only one who had entered a facility room at exactly the time and the day the hacking was captured. The facility had two security cameras, one has already been deleted. And it might've been sheer luck that the other wasn't. Probably because she didn't know there was another security camera stationed at the far side of the room, partially hidden by a long row of boards reserved for props.

Clara tried to laugh. "What are you talking about?"

Donghae went over to his desk and picked up the folder, waving it in front of him. "You were caught on camera. At the exact time the hacking was recorded. You went there alone. In the facility room. You were seen turning on the computer—" He dropped the folder in his desk. "How could you do this?"

"That's bullshit Donghae!" Clara vehemently denied. "Why the hell would I want to hack SP?"

"You tell me," Donghae said.

Clara huffed a breath. "I can't believe this. Do you know how long it would take for someone to hack a corporation? It would take hours or even days. I don't have time for that! I can't believe you're actually suspecting me."

"Then what were you doing in the facility room, Clara?"

"How should I remember? God, that was last year. How can I remember why I went there?"

Donghae stared her down. "The mere fact that you remember you went there last year is pretty damning. You didn't even asked me when it happened."

Clara opened her mouth but no words came out. She closed her mouth, wetting her lips, blinking furiously. Donghae looked down at his desk unable to look at her.

"All the confidential files, the songs... you gave them all. Handed over to different companies like some kind of offering," Donghae said in a quiet voice.


"They've also tracked down one of the hosts on the hacking that happened just a couple of weeks ago." He looked up again and met Clara's eye. "The web host was in Paris."

Clara swalllowed hard looking down, avoiding his stare looking like she wanted to cry.

"The week when you went there," Donghae added. Clara didn't speak. Just looking down, blinking several times. "Why?"

Clara was silent and Donghae pressed on. "You're one of my best friends. And I trusted you. Why?"

"Because I hate her," Clara said in a quiet voice the nlooked up at him with tears forming in her eyes. "I hate her!" Her voice became louder. "All the things she did to you! I wanted to get back at her. I want SP to go down with her." Tears fell from her. "I only wanted SP to lose..." She sobbed. "But I have no idea this company would take the hit too. I'm so sorry, Donghae." She covered her face with her hands as she cried.

Donghae just watched as she cried, unable to find words to even comfort her. How will he comfort her when her actions are enough to get them a lawsuit? It's bad enough that his father is pushing on getting votes for Kim Junmyeon but this would only prove his father right. That he sucked in handling the company. Donghae could only think that might have been true.

"The report would be given to SP," Donghae said silently. "Let's just hope Dara woudn't file a case against us."

Clara wiped her tear stricken face and looked at him angrily. "Dara, Dara, Dara! Why are you all about her? What did you see in her?! Why are you so hung up on her?!" She strode over to his desk and slammed her hand on it. "I was the one who's always been with you. Ever since we were grade school, I was always the one beside you! Why couldn't you see me?!"

Donghae looked at her on confusion and it made Clara angrier. "Ever since your father had taken you on that trip to Jeju, all you ever talk about is that girl you met. When we were in high school I have hated that Dara you can't stop talking about. Why Donghae? Why did you love her? Why do you keep loving her? She treats you like crap... why can't you wake up and accept it that she doesn't love you back?!"


"I love you, Donghae," Clara confessed her tears falling. "I always have. I stayed here because of you. I stayed here because I wanted to be where you are." She shook her head at Donghae's shocked face. "But you can't even see that. You don't even have any idea. It never even crossed your mind, did it? When you married her, I felt like my world fell apart. When I see how she treated you, I felt the pain of seeing you in pain." She wiped her tears with her hands. "I hacked into SP because I wanted to destroy her the way she destroyed you. I wanted her to lose everything she have. I hated her more than I have ever hated anybody." Then she looked imploringly at him. "But you've got to believe me, Donghae. When I realized Hits is getting affected, I stopped. I tried everything to rectify that mistake. I worked on getting that deal with Louis Vuitton... you've got to believe me. I'm really sorry."

Donghe could only stand there in shock at what he just heard. Yes, it's true. It never even crossed his mind that Clara harbors some kind feelings for him other than a friend. Or a brother. They have been friends ever since in grade school, the girl who always tags along with with him and Eunhyuk when they were in 3rd grade. The girl who always copies answers on his homework when they were in fourth grade. The girl who always nagged at him to take his vitamins in fifth grade. The girl who always bully him in giving her gifts on her birthday, baptismal day, or whatever day she could think of to celebrate in her life. When they stepped into high school, she got her own circle of girlfriends and became one of the most popular girls in school. She still nagged him to take her to school events but he had always thought it's because her mom would only allow her to go because he was the one taking her. After high school, they went on different career paths but she returned to Hits claiming she needed a training ground. After he had taken over, she had applied for a position and he accepted her application. He later found out she was being asked to be a model by a couple of modeling companies and he just shrugged it off thinking Clara probably doesn't want to be in the limelight.

He must've been really dense.

Clara looked at him and she swallowed. "Please love me," Clara begged. "I know you don't at the moment but... but... if you give me a chance... I could give you so much more that Dara can't. If you give youself a chance to open yourself... you'll know Dara doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who can love you as much as you love her."

Donghae just looked at her and he realized he could see himself in Clara. Loving a person who can never love them back. Holding on to the point of pain just to see them. Giving your everything just to make them see you. Grasping what shred of hope there is with just a thought they could eventually love you back.

He could give it a shot, his mind is telling him. Dara and him will be over. And he needed to get over her. Clara could help him. He had known Clara all his life and it wouldn't be hard to love her, right?

"We've been friends since we were kids, Clara. You should know that I love you," Donghae found himself saying. "But it's not the kind that you want me to." Then he added silently. "I'm sorry."

Clara's lips quivered and she looked down while nodding, her shoulders shaking as she tried to stifle her sobs. Donghae just stood there feeling sorry for her. He wished he can love her just to get his life in order. He wished he can try. But he knew it wouldn't be fair. It wouldn't be fair for her to always wonder if he's still thinking about Dara whenever he looks at her. It wouldn't be fair for her to always ask if there's something wrong with her if he can't love her back. It wouldn't be fair for her to always think if he's wishing she could be Dara whenever they were together. He would only be hurting her much more.

The way he is hurting now.

Clara looked up again wiping her eyes and then chuckling. "I shouldn't be surprised." She shrugged as she breathed in. "You're always the one-woman type anyway. I just thought it wouldn't hurt to try." She sniffed. "I'm really sorry about hacking into SP. It just happened one day when... when I was so furious at her and... I tried different commands and... next thing I know I'm on their data base. I only meant to do it once but... she just... she just keeps making me mad all the time and i...." She shook her head. "I'm really really sorry. If Dara wanted to file a case against me before she turn it over to you, please don't stop her." Then she chuckled. "Because, you know, I'll find some other way to get back at her if she keeps on hurting you." She took a deep breath, her eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot. "I'll finish that project you gave me yesterday before I send you my immediate resignation."


"No," Clara interjected. "With what I've done, I'm very lucky you didn't have me arrested." She looked at Donghae in the eye for a minute. "Good bye Donghae. Thank you. For everything." She lifted the corners of ther mouth in a bitter smile before turning her back and walking out of the office, Donghae just watching her go.

It was already four in the afternoon when Donghae received a call from his lawyer when he was about to leave stating an urgent matter needs to be discussed regarding the divorce. He drove to the firm and was led to his attorney's office. After sitting down, his lawyer looked delighted as he started to discuss the terms Dara wants from the divorce while sliding a folder in front of him. a piece of paper and a pen for him to sign. Donghae could only look at him dumbfounded as he talked, not understanding any of it  before he looked down and read what is stated on the papers clipped on the folder and the other boring Dara's signature on the left. His brows creased as his eyes flitted at the signature line at the bottom right corner of the paper as his pen hovered on top of it on his right hand. He was beyond shocked that Dara is turning over SP to him. Giving him her shares in the stock market... doesn't even want to divide assets.... What she only wants is for him to take care of the puppy. His lawyer continued saying he already knew that SP would be turned over to Donghae before Dara's lawyer even called him because of the press conference he had watched and just waiting for the print to make it legal. His lawyer looked surprised at Donghae's clueless espression. Not surprising anyway as Donghae avoided the television and even the papers since yesterday. He had even avoided the internet. Eunhyuk probably didn't mention it this morning as he was consumed by the shock by finding out that Clara was the one who had used the company's server to hack SP. He vaguely remembered Clara saying something about it when he confronted her earlier.

He should've watched that damn conference so he wouldn't be blindsided. What the hell is Dara thinking? SP was her sweat and blood and she's just giving it away? Giving up its rights to him? Her shares? She would then be left with nothing.

But Dara isn't stupid. She knew she would be left with nothing. Then why did she do this? His eyes darted back to Dara's signature across from his own name. She was the one who had set up the terms. Signed on it.

Donghae was so confused, his mind asking questions after another, as he stared hard down at the paper. It doesn't make any sense. None of it is making any sense.

His lawyer cleared his throat after Donghae was staring on the paper for about 10 minutes running. "Uh, Mr. Donghae?" Donghae looked up at his lawyer who smiled. "Ms. Dara is asking to speed up the process of the divorce and I need to get your signed copy over to Attorney Yang. We're trying to get this filed in court as soon as possible."

Donghae looked down again and disregarding any questions he had, he lifted his pen and signed. His lawyer took the paper and put it in his folder.

"If things would go according to schedule, you'll be a free man by the end of next month." His lawyer laughed at his own joke.

Donghae sighed inwardly not even smiling. He stood up and his lawyer did the same, extending his hand. Donghae shook it.

"I'll let you know if there's any delays on the process or when it has been done. I don't think meeting Ms. Dara on court would be necessary. She had explicitly informed us she wanted to spend as much little time as possible on this divorce." His lawyer shrugged. "Really cold. But I like her attitude."

Donghae didn't supply an answer but he just nodded and walked out of the firm, his mind, now a blank. He went to his car, started the engine and drove off before it finally registered on him that the divorce is done. No going back. Dara signed it and so did he. He took his phone and tried to search for any videos on the conference while driving. Some were blurred, he couldn't even understand what Dara is saying as the person holding the camera keeps on talking, overriding Dara's voice. The others distorted. The clearer videos are from news clip just stating Dara used Jiyong for money. What's new? He finally settled on a clip which probably contained the conference. Hopefully. The video was blurred but the audio was clear. He put the phone on his car stand listening as he turned on the intersection.

I had started SP from scratch. This company is my sweat and blood. You have all witnessed the struggles i had made into establishing SP. Oh wait, no you didn't. SP was just a small company when it started and you all couldn't be bothered to even take notice of a girl trying to build a company. No. What you all took notice on is betting how fast the song writer would go down. But i fogive you for that. Because it made me worked harder. And pretty soon, i get this amazing articles being said about me. How i was a miracle in the music industry. How i create not just a song but music. I get so surprised because the articles  singing me praises were written by all the writers who had betted on my downfall.

Donghae couldn't help but smirk a little as he continued to listen but his smirk eventually faded and his frown increasing.

Kwon Jiyong brought the cash inside SP. He brought me the money. And the money overrode any dream i had built up when i was in my teens. I got greedy. I had it but i wanted more.

He stopped as the traffic light turned red, his eyes staring straight ahead as he listened.

Those dating scandals he's had, were orchestrated by yours truly, trying to make him out like he plays with girls after girls.

He muttered a silent expletive as he realized Dara is still protecting Jiyong. All this time, she still can't get over him. She's saving his career by dooming hers. He wanted to go to SP so he could punch Jiyong.

But like a masochist that he is, he couldn't bring himself to turn it off or even stopped listening to it. Thinking there might be something, something which can answer all his questions. Even if he knows it's a long shot.

His jaw clenched as he heard Dara say she used him for power. How she used him to benefit her. Dara already told him that the first year they were married but it still damn hurts to hear it again. Dara continued, retelling her accident and being in a coma. She forego the fact that she had suffered an amnesia.

Kwon Jiyong and Lee Donghae were victims of my greed. Jiyong should have the right and freedom to choose any company he would think would polish his career more without my interference. Lee Donghae... he should have everything he had worked hard for without my name dragging him down. I have already called my lawyers. I will be giving SP's rights to Lee Donghae, CEO of Hits Entertainment, once the Divorce Petition is granted by the court and will be resigning my position.

Donghae listened as Dara answered all the press' questions. The light turned red again and he stopped, glancing at his phone on the video as one of the reporters asked what is his take on her decision. The camera was blurry and Donghae waited for Dara's answer.

Lee Donghae is an innocent man caught up in my web of lies and deceit. Chairman Lee, his father, already warned him against me. I have caused countless troubles to Lee Donghae and his family. I believe SP should belong to the hands of someone who is a lot more capable of handling it better than i do. And if anybody say this is another tactic of some sort, i will find you and skin you alive.

His eyes didn't stray on the video as he watched. The camera is getting in and out of focus as Dara announced that her shares will be transferred to Donghae. Answering that she's not getting back with Jiyong to avoid a possible assasination. The video turned clearer when someone had asked Dara of any chance of getting back together with him.

No one's getting back together with anybody.After the divorce got settled and all had been transferred to him, i'll—

At first, Donghae thought the audio had been cut off but as he watched, Dara looked like she was suddenly frozen. Her eyes looked like they're getting out of focus as she looked around the auditorium,   breathing hard as her chest rise and fall. A guy siddenly rushed out of the right wing and took the microphone saying they had another schedule before leading Dara out of the platform.

The clip was already over but Donghae was left staring at it, more confused than ever. He doesn't understand. He couldn't understand any of it.

A honk made him sit up on his seat, hit the pedal when he saw the light is already green. He bit the inside his cheek as he replayed what Dara had said on that conference. Is this why she wanted to give up SP? Her company? To get out of the limelight? For Jiyong? Then why is she also giving him her shares? Take care of the puppy? The only thing she wants? She only loved the puppy when she had the amnesia. Now that she's back to being the SP CEO.... He felt his mind is going to explode. His eyes caught on a U Turn sign and he hastily swerved earning a lot of honks behind him but he didn't care. He drove back. To SP. To get things straight with Sandara Park.

Dara put the phone down after she her lawyer informed her that the papers were already sent to Donghae's lawyer and that Donghae already signed it. She cleared her throat and punched her chest lightly as she felt like she's getting a heartburn. Is that even possible when she's not even drinking coffee. She stood up, breathing in and out. Is this what a heart attack feels like? Can you get heart failure by trying to stop yourself from loving someone too much? She grabbed her glass of water and took a big gulp. Okay, she's gonna be okay. She's gonna leave. She's gonna leave after the party tomorrow night. She took another gulp as that idea only constricted her breathing a lot more. A knock sounded on the door.

"Come in," she managed to croak out thinking it might be Lee Hi to discuss the party.

She almost choked on the water when she saw Donghae entered and she coughed, getting red in the face while trying to wipe the water drooling at the side of her mouth. Donghae just watched her as she tried to compose herself. She swallowed before asking Donghae. "What are you doing here?"

Donghae studied her face. "Why?"

Dara looked confused. "Why what?"

"Why are you giving it up, Dara?" Donghae asked. "Why are you giving me SP?"

Dara swallowed hard and pretended that she needed to flip the pages on a file of papers on her desk, unable to look at him. Why does he pick this time to suddenly drop by when she's at her most vulnerable state? She's already on the verge of breaking down and he had to show up.

Think about Kim Junmyeon. She told herself. Donghae would lose Hits because of you.

"I thought it to be the only right thing to do," she simply answered. "A payback."

Donghae pasued. "Payback?" He repeated in an ominous whisper.

Dara nodded still looking at the papers which she can't remember what it's doing on her desk. Did she arrange this by category? Because she might have to do it all over again as she's dissecting the files. "Yes. More like a... thank-you-payback kind of thing. I mean, let's face, you did took care of me when I had the affliction of not remembering anything. Since you made it clear you don't want to be friends..." She shrugged. "I don't want to leave any debt unpaid. I don't want to owe anybody anything."

Donghae's jaw clenched and his mouth thinned. Dara continued now feeling ruthless. All she wanted is to get Donghae out of here before she broke down. "And besides, I would've thought you would be happy. Nothing beats a good karma for doing a good deed. It was bad karma for me but hey, I really deserve it anyway."

"Does nothing of it really means to you?" Donghae suddenly asked feeling furious. "Do you really see that as an unfortunate event in your life?" His voice had risen an octave higher. He suddenly felt like pulling a Clara and begged her to love him back. "That night on Christmas when you thought I was sleeping, didn't it mean anythng to you?"

Dara eyes snapped to look at Donghae's furious gaze as he referenced that night. That night when she truly became his wife. Did it mean anything to her? Hell fucking yes! It completed her the way nothing would.

"No, it didn't," Dara said her fingers pressing hard on the paper on the desk. "But you can put it this way. We had a lot a fun on that."

"You were a goddamn virgin!" Donghae said, his veins popping out as he is trying to restrain himself from yelling and shaking her. Why did he even thought talking to Dara would resolve issues?

"Broadcast it on the internet, why don't you?" Dara said sarcastically. "It was fun. That was my first time, yes. But you know it wouldn't be with you if I have my memories."

Dara knew it was the final blow. He looked like she just shot him. He was clenching his jaw so tight it felt it would break. Then he said in gritted teeth. "I understand now." Then with a final glare on her, he turned his back and strode out the door. Dara closed her eyes as she felt the waterworks coming in. She took a handful of papers and fanned herself. No amount of apology could ever take back whatever pain she had inflicted on him. She had wounded him so much even offering herself to the devil wouldn't be enough.

Her cellphone rang and she answered after she felt she could speak. It was her mom, practically ordering her to go to their hotel for dinner as she had cooked all of Dara's favorites. Even saying she's got a surprise for her. Dara agreed informing her she will be on her way now, deciding she really needed her mom's comfort. She could even endure a little pampering. She swallowed the misery she's feeling as she hung up the phone, took a deep breath now feeling more calm, straightened her coat, brushed off any lints on her pants and walking out of her office.

She arrived at the hotel minutes later and waited for the door to be opened after she pressed the doorbell. The door opened and Dara was surprised to see a girl of about 4 inches behind it. They both stared at each other, Dara in confusion and the girl just studying her with her big doe eyes. The door opened a lot wider and Dara looked up to meet eyes which is a mirror of her own.

"Dad!" She exclaimed and her dad pulled her in for a tight hug without a word. He's cutting off her circulation but Dara didn't care because she was hugging her father just as tight.

"Dad, you do know you've gotten a little fat, right?" She said on his neck after a moment.

Her dad guffawed before letting her go. There were tears brimming in his eyes but he wiped them off before it fell. Dara did the same but she wasn't really quick enough and a tear escaped on her left eye as she looked up at her dad.

Her dad looked like words had deserted him so he just put a hand on the girl's shoulders. "Your sister," he croaked.

Dara looked at the girl who is still staring at her. She smiled a little awkwardly. "Durami, right?"

Durami nodded. "Hi Unnie."

Dara grinned warmth spreading all over her, then let out a chuckle which gradually turned into laughter. She laughed so hard tears fell on her eyes while her dad suddenly looked alarmed and her sister looking at her like she was crazy. She shook her head as she wiped her eyes. "I'm just... so... darn... happy." She laughed once more, her stomach hurting  and before she knew what was happening, she was now on a full blown crying session, one of her hands covering her mouth as tears fell relentlessly on her face, her body heaving as sobs racked her frame. She couldn't stop. She was crying so noisily and inelegantly that she would literally kill anyone who sees her. She felt her dad pull her in his chest, wrapping his arms around her, like he always did when she was a kid feeling emotionally imbalanced, no questions, no words, just his dad comforthing her. And she cried even more on his chest.
