Chapter 14

"Kinda a little late for a visit, isn't it?" Donghae could barely feel his mouth moving as he was clenching his jaw so tight they would have cracked. This guy always rubbed him the wrong way. Especially when he knows Dara wouldn't have agreed to marry him if he had not cheated on her.

Jiyong lifted his shoulder while wearing that smirk Donghae had hated. "Not when I first got here 5 hours ago."

Dara was behind Donghae and she could feel him rigidly standing there. She looked at Jiyong and realized he's the same at what she had remembered him to be earlier that day. Only with a different hair color. And he's gotten a little muscular.

Dara mentally punched herself for noticing that. For god's sake, she only remembered seconds of her moment with Jiyong and she suddenly knows he's gotten muscular? Now she feels she's cheating on Donghae.

"It's late," Donghae said. "Come back some other time." Say, maybe like, never.

"I didn't come here for you," Jiyong said. His eyes darted to Dara who is standing behind Donghae. "I came here to talk to my CEO." Then his eyes went back to Donghae. "Unless you're afraid of… something."

Donghae's eyes flashed trying to decide if he should kick his ass out of their house. He held back all the curse words he wanted to hurl at him. He wanted to tell him Dara is his wife and he shouldn't be bothering her at all.

Ooooh noooo. Dara could feel this is another start of Donghae avoiding her again. After everything she had worked for to get him to talk to her? After she raped him? Now he's going to give way again thinking she would've liked to be with this Jiyong person if she have her memories. She swore to god if he relented and left her, she's going to do him bodily harm.

"Get out," Donghae said firmly and Dara mentally cheered. She felt like an idiot trying to hold back her smile.That's my man!

"It's not your decision to make," Jiyong said. "As I said, I didn't come here for you. Besides, I got some business to talk to her about."

"You can tell her when she gets back in the office," Donghae said trying to stop himself for giving him a bloody nose.

"What's wrong with now?" Jiyong rebutted.

"What's wrong with when she gets back in the office?"

Jiyong shook his head. "Are you really going to make this some kind of a pissing contest?"

"No. I'm making it a way for you to gracefully exit my house before I throw you out."

"It's okay," Dara cut in. She could feel Donghae trying to suppress his anger and honestly, it was scary. She had never seen Donghae so mad and she was concerned any further conversation with this Jiyong guy could end up in something other than a simple argument and by the look of things, Donghae looked like he's ready to kill him by the way he was clenching his fist. She was shocked, however, when Donghae looked at her with hurt in his eyes. Jiyong beamed but Dara barely noticed it as Donghae suddenly  turned around and walked away.

"Dong-" Dara was left with her free hand hanging in the air as she watched him walk up the stairs with out looking back. What, he's mad at her because she doesn't want to see him end up in prison?? What is he so mad about anyway? This guy just wanted to talk to her! She made a strangled sound trying to resist the urge to sit on the floor and kick her feet in frustration. She let Sakuragi down because she might end up throwing her to where Donghae had walked off. Idiot Donghae! Sakuragi scurried over to Jiyong and sniffed his feet. Jiyong lifted his feet trying to shoo the puppy.

"What do you want?" Dara asked.

Jiyong looked at her when the puppy walked away from him.

She lifted one of her eyebrows studying him. He's her ex? Honestly, she couldn't feel a thing. Not even a twinge of recognition. Sure he's good looking but he doesn't give her any sort of feelings… any feelings for that matter. He's just like a complete stranger standing in front of her. Unless you count that memory when she remembered him with a different hair color.

Jiyong stood there studying her as well. Then he lifted his eyebrows in question. "Do you… remember me?"

Dara tilted her head with her brows furrowed trying to search her mind if there is some sort of other recognition she could place him. "Well… you have pink hair then?" She had stated it like a question.

Jiyong smiled widely. "So you remember me!"

Dara remembered what she had remembered earlier that day and tried to shut it off her mind. She couldn't imagine herself being hugged by someone she can't remember now. "I guess…. What is it you want to talk to me about?"

Jiyong looked uncomfortable and he shifted on his feet, loosening the button on his polo shirt. He cleared his throat. "Well… I just… wanted to see you. I mean, I haven't seen you for such a long time and i… uh… miss- I mean… the staff are worried about you after they learned of the accident… so… I'm just… checking on you."

Dara nodded. She doesn't really remember any staff. She doesn't even know where her company is supposed to be. From what Bom told her, her staff hated her. "Well… just tell them I'm okay." She thought how ridiculous where this conversation is going. "Uh… is that all? Because, you know it's really late." She was anxious to go up the stairs and get to Donghae before he come up with another pathetic excuse to avoid her again. All because of this guy.

"Oh, yeah. That's all."

"Okay," Dara said turning around to sprint upstairs but a hand suddenly grabbed her arm after she started walking, stopping her and she whirled around to find Jiyong in front of her.

"Wait," Jiyong said.

Dara looked at him in question then glanced at the hand gripping her arm. Jiyong let go, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"I know this isn't the right time," Jiyong started then he looked at her. "But, I just really need to see you right now and… just talk to you."

Before Dara could figure out what he is trying to say, Jiyong went on, now looking at her with fire in his eyes. "I know I'm taking a chance going here and you not remembering me but… " He exhaled in a breath like trying to get the words out. "I… I really missed you."

Huh? Dara felt her mouth open slightly. Then Jiyong took her hand, staring right into her eyes. "Please be with me again. I know you don't have your memories yet but I want you to know that I want you back. I want what we had and-"

Dara puller her hand in a snap. Oh my god, this guy is confessing to her! "Wh…what?! Oh my god… Are you out of your mind? I'm married!"

"I don't know why you married him," Jiyong said. "All I know, and all I'm sure of, is that you don't love him. You love me. I wanted to wait until you have your memories back to let you know that I want you back but I just… I don't want to see you with him. I don't want you thinking he's the only one who cares about you."

This man is crazy! Like seriously. He's telling her these under Donghae's house?

"I can help you remember everything you have lost. You have got to remember us," Jiyong said.

"Oh, you mean I have got to remember the time when you cheated on me with a japanese girl?" Dara said remembering what Bom told her. This guy had some nerve. She should've gone after Donghae. Because she needed him to stop her from attacking this guy and she might end up in prison instead.

Jiyong looked surprised as his mouth formed an O like trying to say some words he couldn't get out. Dara scowled while thinking what she had seen with this guy other than the fact that he's good looking.

"How did you… Is that all you remembered… about what happened? About us?"

"There is no longer any us. I am married to Donghae. I love being married to Donghae.I am proud to be married to Donghae." She shok her head. "You know, you really need to get out before I kick you out," Dara said. "This is so ridiculous. I'm already married and you're asking me to-" She shook her head. "You're crazy!"

"Look at your hand Dara," Jiyong said looking like he just thought of something. "Your left hand. Where is your wedding ring?"

Dara put her hands behind her while glaring at Jiyong.

"You don't know where it is right?" Jiyong said.

"Duh! I don't even know where all my things are right now."

"You have never worn that," Jiyong continued like she had never spoken. "You know why? Because you really don't want to be married. To him. That's why you never wore your wedding ring. I might be going crazy right now but it's all because I don't want to see you with him and I can't take it anymore. When I heard of the accident, I should be the one taking care of you. Just listen, Dara. Just… feel exactly how you should feel. You would know you don't want to be with him. He's not for you and you are not for him."

Dara couldn't find any words to throw at him. The gall of this guy dictating her what needs to be in her life. She wasn't the one feeling on a rollercoaster ride everytime Donghae goes from cold to friendly to cold again towards her. Who cares about a damn wedding ring? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. Then she looked at Jiyong again who is looking imploringly at her. "You're right. I felt what I should feel." She strode over to where Jiyong is then snatched the throw pillow lying on the couch and hit him with it.

"Get. Out!" Dara said while hitting him relentlessly. Jiyong was blocking the pillow with his arm while trying to avoid it, stepping back.

"Ow! Ow!" Jiyong said. "Just listen to me Dara."

"Get out!" Dara said continuously hitting him. Jiyong suddenly grabbed a hold the end of the pillow, stopping Dara from hitting his face. Dara has dagger in her eyes trying to pull the pillow back.

"Okay, I think this isn't really the right time to talk about this," Jiyong mused.

"Ya think?" Dara said sarcastically trying to get the pillow out of Jiyong's grasp which ended them playing the tug of war. "Let go!"

Jiyong let go of the end of the pillow just when Dara put all her strength into pulling it. Her balance came off and she ended up plopping down on the floor with a thud. Dara could actually feel smoke coming out of her nose as she bestowed a deathly glare at the guy standing in front of her, feeling the pain on her bum. If looks could kill, Jiyong would have already crumpled on the floor by now. Jiyong looked flabbergasted as he realized this is not going the way he had hoped. He took a step towards Dara, stretching out his hand to help her get up but Dara angrily threw the pillow straight at him.

Jiyong grunted in pain as it hit him squarely in the face. Dara stood up and shoved Jiyong towards the front door. "Out out OUT!" She threw the door open and it hit Jiyong's nose.

"Ow!" His hand went to caress his injured nose while scrunching his face in pain.  Dara could not even feel sorry. She's so mad at him she's restraining herself from kicking him too. She just opted to shove him out. "Don't ever come back!" She was about to slam the door on his face when it got stuck on something. She looked down and saw that Jiyong placed his shoe between the door and the frame, stopping it from closing. She stomped on his shoe, trying to get his feet off.

"Wai!" Jiyong pleaded, ignoring the pain on his face, his nose, and right now his feet inside his shoe which Dara has been stomping on a little too hard. "I swear, I won't bother you anymore. You just need to listen to me. Please."

Dara stopped stomping on his feet and shot him a glare while holding the door. If he even moves near him, she's gonna slam it on his face, celebrity or not.

"60 seconds," Dara said. "I'm giving you 60 seconds to say what you want and you'd better stay right there."

Jiyong nodded, looking relieved that she agreed. He was red in the face and there was a little bit of a red line on the bridge of his nose. He took a breath. "I was there," he started. "I was there when you're going through so much pain." His voice turned serious and it took a moment for Dara to actually hear what he is saying. "I was there when you're drowning in your pain. You might not remember what pain you have gone through but Iwas there for you. I was there the first time you are starting your company. I was there during those years you have been working to raise your company. I was there when you were disappointed, when you were happy, when your were lonely, when you were sick… I was there. Not him. I was the one whom you had celebrated your birthdays with, your christmas, your new years. Your first award. Me. I know what you drink every morning, I know how you hate eating marshmallows because you feel like you're eating cotton. I know how you love writing on anything you could write on… how you just doodle nonsense when you're bored. How you're bad at drawing even a staright line, or even how you suck at Power Point. You have a love-hate relationship with Microsoft Excel… How you just sit on a corner and just play notes on my guitar when you feel down… You might not remember all that but... i know everything about you just as much as you knew everything about me."

He breathed in looking into her eyes. "Dara…. It might have been too late for me to realize, but you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I have never thought that I would be throwing it all away when I did that one mistake. I can't think… I don't even want to think that there would be someone other than me you would be sharing those times with. Another man whom you would go to when you are happy, or when you're sad. I want to be that man again. I want to be the one beside you."

Dara could only look at him, dumbfounded. She can't think of anything to say. She blinked several times, averting her gaze at somewhere other than his face. She feels so uncomfortable now. What would one say after a confession like that? What did Bom say? They were dating for 7 years? Seven years. She then realized she had spent almost half of her entire life with him. But that is over now isn’t it? He shouldn’t have any business telling her all of these!

"That's all I want to say," Jiyong said quietly. "Maybe you ought to ask the man you married how you take your coffee in the morning."

"I don't drink coffee," Dara rebutted. There! Something he’s wrong at.

"Then Donghae ought to know that," Jiyong said. "If he even knows you at all. You never did like coffee. You only drink milk or hot chocolate." Jiyong nodded his head at her then turned around and walked to his car. Dara watched him as he got in his car without looking back and sped off.

"I do drink coffee!" She yelled after it. She did remember tasting coffee from Donghae's lips when she had kissed him a week ago. And it tasted heavenly, so yeah, she would be drinking coffee from now on! She closed the door, scowling. She expected Mrs. Rey to be behind her but found the hallway deserted of any living life other than Sakuragi trying to tear a slipper off with her teeth. She wearily trudged  towards the puppy and picked her up. She pulled the slipper off from the puppy's mouth and walked up the stairs. She doesn't know why she's feeling down. Maybe because it was what Jiyong had said. What did Donghae know about her? What food she wants, what food she hates, what things she's fond of doing… Then she shook her head. What does it matter anyway. She doesn't even know what food she's fond of eating. She's fond of eating everything! Well, yeah, except for marshmallows. She then decided to eat marshmallow from now on just to prove Jiyong wrong.

She was about to go to her room when her eyes travelled to the closed door of Donghae at the other end of the hall. She bit her lip. Should she go there? What if Donghae greets her with the same indifferent expression again? Given the way she is feeling right now, she'd probably break down and cry in front of him for indefinable reasons even she is unable to explain. Wait, that might be better so he would have something to panic over.

She strode over to where Donghae's room is. She stopped in front of his door, placing her hand on the knob. Well, if he's mad, she's gonna be mad too. Why does he always get mad at her for everything? Is it her fault this Jiyong person went to their house? It's not like she called him to visit them. He should've stayed but did he? Did she asked him to leave so she could be alone with Jiyong? Nooo. He walked off and left her there. Sheshould be the one getting angry around here. Feeling determined, she turned the knob. And found it locked. She rattled it. Still locked.

"Ugh!" Unbelievable! Dara let go of the knob, now really feeling mad. Now he's locking her out? "Aish!" She put up a fist imagining Donghae's face on the door. "Idiot! I don't even know why I love you. Forget I even confessed. I don't love you anymore. I don't want to love an idiot! You think I'm gonna knock and explain? No! I don't owe you anything. You want to lock the door from now on? Fine. I'm going to put up a boundary line on this house. You stay on your side here and I'll stay on my side there." She put Sakuragi up to face the door which she imagined as Donghae's face. "Sakuragi, you are no longer allowed to go near your daddy, okay? Who do you want to be with? Your daddy or your mommy? Your daddy is an id-"

The door swung open and Dara almost dropped Sakuragi. She tucked Sakuragi on her chest as her face flamed while Donghae looked surprised to see her standing outside his bedroom door. Dara noticed he had already showered, his hair damp. He is now wearing his boxer shorts and white T-shirt which Dara always thought looks so good on him. Why does she even notice little things like that?! She was imagining punching herself.

Donghae looked down at Dara's beet red face. He had already showered to let some of his anger off and he had realized he had overreacted. He had heard some muffled mumbling outside of his door when he got out of the bathroom so he walked towards it, trying to make out what the sound was. Then he realized the door was locked, probably got locked in his anger when he slammed the door earlier.

"Uh..." Donghae started.

"I'm going to my room," Dara said now sporting a scowling look on her face. "Good night." She turned around with a hmph leaving Donghae looking confused, watching her back stride over to her room.

She can't sleep. Dara had been tossing and turning in her bed trying to command the God of sleep to visit her but it was left unanswered. There are a lot of things running through her mind and it looks like it's not going to go away anytime soon. Jiyong's words kept replaying in her mind and as much as she doesn't want to admit it, it bothers her a little. Okay, a lot.

She sat up in bed, her hair falling over her face and she exhaled in agitation. This is all because of Jiyong. If it wasn't for him, this would probably be the happiest day of her life but he had to come and botch it up. She glanced at Sakuragi at the corner curled up on his bed. Why is it so easy for this puppy to fall asleep while her mommy is down with insomnia?

"Maybe you ought to ask the man you married how you take your coffee in the morning." Jiyong's words kept running through her mind like a song on Repeat.

Okay, that's it!

She pulled the covers off her and stepped out of her bed. There's only one way to get this thing sorted out and put her at peace. She put on her fluffy slippers and marched out of her room. She's going to ask Donghae what he knows about her. And if he doesn't know, then, she's going to tell him all the things she like and all the things she hates and he'd better remember that!

She stood outside his door, his hand on the knob. If he locked it again, she's going to kick the door down. She turned it and was surprised that it was open. She was really expecting it to be locked and she was getting ready to knock it down. She gingerly opened the door and peeked in. Like the last time, the room was swathed in a soft light from the lamp of  the desk beside Donghae's bed. And there on the bed is Donghae sleeping on his back with the blanket on his chest. Dara squinted and she could hear Donghae's soft snore. Sbe made a  face. Why is everyone in this house has no difficulty falling asleep except her? Why does she always have tothink? The one reason which she thought could help her fall asleep is already on dreamland.

She was glowering when she started to close the door but then hesitated when a thought crossed her mind. She bit her lip thinking hard. What she is planning to do is totally natural right? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s not like she’s going to take advantage of Donghae while he was sleeping for god’s sakes! She just needed to be with someone tonight. Or specifically, she needs to be with Donghae tonight. She feels like that is the only time when her thoughts are calming down.

Making up her mind, she tiptoed in and quietly closed the door. She went to the other side of the bed, gently lifted the comforter and slid in quietly. Donghae didn’t even shift. Dara scooted closer until she felt the warmth emanating from the man sleeping beside her. She laid sideways, resting her head on her hand looking at him in amusement. He is so deep in sleep a fire could have gone off and he probably won’t even wake up.

Jiying’s words taunted her again.

"Maybe you ought to ask the man you married how you take your coffee in the morning."

She stared at Donghae’s face while thoughts kept running through her mind. How much does Donghae really knows about her? They were married for 3 years but based from what she had gathered, she didn't really give time to Donghae to find out anything about her. It might be petty but it really bothers her that someone knows her more than Donghae does. Does he even know anything about her aside from the monster of a woman he had married? Does he know she doesn't like coffee? Or marshmallows?

"Maybe you ought to ask the man you married how you take your coffee in the morning."

Realization dawned on her after the same thought popped into her mind again. Wait a minute! I don’t know how Donghae takes his coffee in the morning.

She wanted to smack herself. Can she be more selfish than this? She doesn’t know anything about Donghae either. She’s probably a stranger to him as much as he is a stranger to her. She doesn’t know where his parents are, why she had never seen them around here, where they are. What about siblings? Does he have brothers? Sisters? Any cousins?

She might have known that if she got her memories but she still might not. Does it really matter? She stared at Donghae’s face a little bit longer and she chuckled softly. Maybe it does. But maybe it’s not really that important. Besides, she believes they have forever to get to know each other. Even the most simple things like what they drink every morning. She leaned in close to Donghae’s ear.

“We’re at even ground Donghae,” she whispered. “I want to start my forever with you.” She kissed him softly on the forehead before putting her head on the pillow and closing her eyes,  now feeling like she is now where she should be.

Somewhere along past midnight, Donghae was jarred awake. He squinted his eyes forgetting what he was dreaming about. He just feels so tired, he doesn’t feel rested at all. How many hours has he been asleep? He rubbed his eyes then tried to pull the covers up but it did not budge. He turned around to see what it had got stuck on and found Dara sleeping soundly, curled up beside him with the covers up to her chin. He stifled a yawn before turning on his side facing Dara. He gently lifted and slid his arm under Dara’s head. Dara instinctively snuggled in closer letting out a sigh, putting her arm around Donghae. He pulled the comforter over her to make sure she won’t get cold then placed his arm around her, her head underneath his chin. He smiled and he let his sleep overtake him again.
