Chapter 9


It was now Sunday. Tonight was my first proper date with Jack. Ashley and Kelly had come over to help me get ready. They curled my hair while I put the finish touches on my makeup. Afterwards I slipped on the dress and a pair of black heels.

"Heather, you look so beautiful!" Kelly exclaimed.

"Thank you."

Just then there was a knock on the door. I went over to answer the door and there stood Jack in a very handsome tux holding a rose.

He handed me the rose and I put it in a vase.

"You look very beautiful." He said.

"Thank you. You look pretty dapper yourself." I said pulling him into a kiss.


We pulled apart and looked at Kelly and Ashley.

"Ashley!" Kelly said smacking her arm.

"Sorry they just look super cute!" She replied.

"Ok we gotta go! You guys are super adorable and I'll send the picture to you." Ashley said pulling Kelly along and scrambling out the door. "See you later we love you. Ok bye."

She shut the door but opening it once again saying, "Call us later!" Then shutting it again.

Jack led me out the door and we hailed a cab.

We pulled up in front of a place I never thought I would go, the world famous Sardis'.

"Oh Jack I've always wanted to go here!" I exclaimed hugging him.

We walked inside and sat down at a booth. A waitress took our order. We both ordered champaign and when our entree came we started eating. Once we were done he took my hand and rubbed his thumb over it looking into my eyes.

"Heather, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." he said, "I'm in love with you."

I was taken by surprise, but I knew I felt the same way.

"Heather I know we've only known each other for a short time now but, I love you. Everything about you. I love the way you smile. I love the way you laugh. I love the way your hair rests just below your shoulders. I love the way you walk. I love the jokes you tell. I love the way you sing when you get ready in the morning. I love you."

By this point I was on the break of tears. This man makes me the happiest I have been in a long time.

"Jack," I said. "I love you too. I don't what I would've done if I hadn't have bumped into you that day. But I'm glad I did because I know that I'm thankful that you are right here with me, and I love you."

He slid around to my side of the booth and pulled me into a kiss.

We paid for our dinner and we took a cab back to my apartment.

Once we got to my door he pulled me into another kiss.

"I love you." He whispered.

I blushed. "I love you too."

Pulling back into another kiss we stepped into the apartment and closed the door.
Yay Chapter 9 is up! I hope you liked it! New chapter up soon! Also thank you so much for over 400 reads!!! Also I want to thank MitchellHockenson for being the first person to comment on my story! :) And I want to apologize because I couldn't reply because I can't login to my email to verify my account so it won't let me reply. But I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate the comment you gave me. :) Ok bye. *waves*
