Chapter 15

FILLER CHAPTER WARNING! *sirens go off* Filler Chapter! Just so you know I have exciting stuff planned for the next chapter I just needed something to fill in between. So don't expect it to be amazing, ok bye. *waves*


"$3.50" the cashier at the hospital cafeteria said.

I handed him the money and picked up the two milks and sandwiches I bought.

"Thank you." I said walking back through the double doors and into the hallway. I rode the elevator back up to Jack's floor. When I walked into his room, his eyes were closed.

"Are you just going to pretend to be asleep every time I walk in?" I asked laughing a bit.

He chuckled opening his eyes. "No, it's just boring without you here."

I blushed a little handing him his milk.

"Do you want your sandwich now or later?"

"Later. I'm not that hungry, thank you though."

He sipped his milk for awhile until he spoke up again.

"Don't you have to go to the theatre for previews?"

"Nope. They are putting my standby on tonight. I'll be here with you until you're discharged."

"You didn't have to do that for me." He said.

"I did it because I love you."

He took my hand in his good one and kissed it softly.

"And I love you."

After awhile my family came in. Hannah was holding flowers and Mom and Dad had a 'Get Well Soon' card.

"How are you doing Sir?" Jack asked looking at my dad's bandages.

"Please, call me Marty. And I'm doing just fine. How about you?" My dad replied.

"As good as I could be with a broken leg and a fractured wrist." He said laughing slightly.

Hannah put the flowers on the counter and came over and gave Jack a hug. My mom did the same.

"It's good to see you again Hannah. You too Ma'm."

"Karen." My mom smiled.

Jack smiled back. It warmed my heart to see my family caring about my boyfriend just as much as I do.

We talked for awhile catching up on what I've been doing in New York and how Jack and I met. After awhile the doctor came in with a few papers.

"Hi Mr. Bay, I'm Dr. Kennedy. Due to your accident occurring yesterday we will have to keep you over night again and release you in the morning. You will have to wear your wrist guard and cast for at least two months. You will also have to walk on a crutch until you can put pressure on your leg."

I took Jack's hand and lightly squeezed it. I could see a hint of worry in his eyes and he was trying to hide it. After the doctor left my parents and Hannah went to go pick up dinner and head back to my apartment.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, I guess I'm still in shock."

"You should get some rest, so you feel well enough to go home tomorrow."

He moved his bed down to where he was lying flat. He closed his eyes just to open them again and look at me.

"Will you lay with me?"

I smiled and laid down in the empty space next to him. He slipped his arm around my waist and I laid there staring at the ceiling. I heard his breathing even out telling me he was asleep. Not long after I felt myself drift off to sleep.
Ok so like my story is coming to an end soon and I don't want to let go! I was talking to haters_life_ today and I said it's like raising a child and then they go off to college. Like now what? Ok chapter 16 will be up soon. Byeee :)
