Chapter 8

Sorry I take so long don't be mad! *cough* Anna *cough* This chapter is dedicated to her 'cause she's staring at me as I'm typing. haters_life_ stahp it!!!!!! I'm just kidding. Anyway the character Ashley is dedicated to her. :) Ok chapter 8..... AWAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!

About a week had gone by of rehearsals and Lacey Teal had used everything in her power to make sure that it was miserable. Yesterday she decided it would be just fantastic to trip me during the full cast dance number.

Now it was our day off so I was lying in bed with an ice pack on my knee where I fell. Suddenly I got a call on my phone. It was Ashley.


"Hey Girly! How are you?" Ashley said.

"I'm feeling a little better. Thanks. The swelling went down in my knee so I can walk now. What's up?" I asked.

"Well Kelly and I were going to go out into the city today and just have a girls day since there's no rehearsal. We wanted to know if you wanted to come."

"I'd love to! Let me just get ready and I'll meet you outside my apartment."

"Great we'll see you at Noon. Bye." She hung up and I sat my phone on the table. I went and took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I threw on a pair of jeans and a blouse and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I slipped on a pair of flats and grabbed my phone and my purse and went outside and sat on the steps to wait for Kelly and Ashley.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was a text from Jack.

'Hey Heather, I think it's time I take you out on a proper date. It's a surprise so dress nice. I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 7. See you then. :) -Jack'

I quickly typed back, 'I'd love to! See you tomorrow. :)'

Just then Kelly and Ashley walked up the sidewalk.

"Someone looks happy." Ashley said.

"Jack?" Kelly asked smiling at me.

"Yeah, he just asked me out on our first proper date."

"That's so exciting!" They said at the same time making me laugh.

"Oh I have the perfect first stop! Come on." Ashley said pulling Kelly and I down the side walk.

She pulled us into a dress shop down the block.

"Ok. This is your first date you need to be dressy but still laid back. So come along." She said leading us through the store picking a couple dresses off the racks and handing them to me. "Go try these on."

After a lot rejected dresses I came out of the dressing room in a knee-length red dress.

"Oh Heather you look amazing!" Kelly said.

"We have a winner!" Ashley said making us all laugh.

I can't wait for tomorrow.
