Reader X Zoro: When It Rains In Fall

Since this is my last chappie on here prepare for a longer than usual chappie of love! :3 this is to my Zoro fan who I inspired this from!!


Well this wedding was a disaster.

The groom was missing, Sanji's cake was demolished, Franky's newest gizmo wrecked all the decorations, Robin lost track of your rings, and Nami was charging everyone to be invited to the wedding.

You looked down at your best man and whined down at the smol reindeer.

"This is all ruined!! Zoro's missing! The food's all gone and!!-"


"AND NOW IT'S RAINING!!!" You yelled over the instantly pouring skies and thundering heavens.

As the rest of the crew ran inside to hide from the storming elements, you ran off still in your leafy dress and somehow miraculously kept it perfectly intact as you rushed into the dense forest.

Salty tears ran down your cheeks as the trees parted their branches away from your path on command.


You finally crashed onto your knees in front of a icy blue lake as your tears gathered into the watery mass.

How on earth could it get worse!?

"Hello autumn dear~"

You paused and swished you head around only to be met with an ancient old man with a 'sweet' smile on his lips.

It was old man winter, the most cruel of the four seasons.

And also known as your creepy creepy stalker.

For ever since you were created by the gods you could always remember him trying to reach you from a distance, but you made sure he never came closer than that.

"Fuyu W. Snows, I thought I told you to stay away from me" you coldly stared back at him.

He only chuckled in response and strangely fiddled with his frost covered cane.

"Ahh, it's always a pleasure to see you again Falls A. (Y/N), I see you got rain on your wedding day"


In that instant you stood up so fast it greatly startled the old man making him wearily back up as you darted over to him.


You howled out in a deep rage as the colored leaves around you barked and hissed in an outrage, all shifting into a bloody red.

"Well you should be grateful young lady! Your groom never cared enough to show up now did he!?" He roared back as the rain suddenly got more intense.

This only made you more upset as you turned away and glared at the clouded pond, watching it dance with each drop that met it's surface.

"Knowing him, he probably got lost on the way here" you gloomily mumbled.

"Now dear girl don't you think you deserve someone better?" The rain cleared up a bit as you stiffened at his words.

A sneer made it's way onto your lips as an isle, alter and few decorations made of frost appeared in front of you as he used his powers to freeze the lake.

"I'm not marrying you, that's like marrying my super creepy older brother" you bitterly grumbled.

He only scoffed at your words and walked a bit closer to your side.

"(Y/N) darling, we're immortal seasons, do you really think it would turn out alright with some human man that can't even find his way to his own wedding, AND with the most beautiful woman amongst the four seasons?"

Well when he put it that way it sounded pretty bad...

"We are not meant to be with their kind, Summer already married Spring and both are very happy together...that could be us..."

His words did something to your mind, it was almost like brainwashing as every perfect moment spent with Zoro now seemed not good enough.

You were doubting things you never thought of doubting before.

'Winter's right, Zoro didn't even make it to our own wedding...when I need him the most would he be there for me? do I know if he'd be there at all when I need him? Is he really loyal to me? He's loyal to Luffy but...I'm different...'

Your head jerked up at a sudden realization.

He's never been there.

Not when you almost got killed by that Gladius dude in Dressrosa, he wasn't even around when you were deathly ill during that davy back fight, and he certainly never arrived to stop you getting kidnapped by that inviso-freak in thriller bark.

He was always lost or too couldn't count on him.

Winter watched the emotions spread throughout your features as he smiled knowing his manipulation was succeeding.

With the upmost care he brushed a cold, bony finger by your bangs to fix a misplaced hair.

"Now my dear, let us finally come together"

Your body went numb and your eyes glazed as he helped your body lift up and walk down the frosty isle with him.

You didn't couldn't resist.

Zoro was the only man you ever gave your colorful, cheery heart to, and now he would be the last.

A small humorless smile decorated your features as a half frozen tear slowly dribbled down your cheek, the red leaves around you suddenly started to freeze over and wilt.

Finally he stopped you at the alter and happily smiled down at your paralyzed figure, he has finally won.

With a loud chuckle he bent down and softly pressed his lips to your's.

But you didn't know it.

You couldn't feel anything anymore, everything was cold and numb now.

Slowly your body turned light blue as a thin layer of ice cascaded your skin like a fragile armor, 'he's not coming' was your final thought as you closed your eyes and gave into the freezing cold.

Finally when he backed away he cruelly grinned down at your grief stricken frozen body and fondly caressed your frozen cheek.

"There we go my lovely~, now that you're completely frozen no one can ever claim your heart but me, and winter shall last not only for three months but I'll be taking your own as six!"

His joyous laughter rang through the air as all the woodland creatures fled as ice began to form everywhere.

Looking down at you one more time he took a deep breath and walked away to return to his distant home in a frozen castle.


"(Y/N) I'M HERE!!!!" Zoro came flying out of the forest in a moss green tuxedo as he extravagantly went flying into the side of the ship.

Luffy and the others heard the commotion and came running out as he leaned over the side to see what struck the Sunny.

"Ahh!!! Zoro's back!!!"

The greenette groaned and removed himself from the dent he made and called up to the rest of the crew.

"Where's (Y/N)!? DANG IT! Am I late again!?"

Sanji sneered down at the swordsman as Robin and Nami sighed in disappointment.


A look of dismay and regret flashed on his features as he slowly turned to face the colorful autumn forest.

Just when the grasshead was about to make a dash into the woods a loud crackling sound reached the crew's ears and continued to grow louder.

It sounded almost like cracking ice but only on a much more chaotic scale.

Then suddenly a large group of woodland creatures raced from out of the confinement of the leaves only to freeze in a layer of ice mid-run.

The crew watched in shock as the golden and ruby leaves all wilted into a ghastly white as a thin layer of frost sweeped across the entirety of the landmass.

The sound of cracking ice finally stopped once the whole island was covered in a thick blanket of ice and frost.

"W-What the heck is this!?" Franky shouted over Usopp and Chopper's terrified shrieks about the frozen animals.

Robin curiously stared at the new color scheme of the ground and gracefully leaped down to investigate, looking up into the clouded skies to notice small white specks beginning to drift down, "The island seemed to have suddenly gone into winter" she concluded.

Luffy made an excited sound but Nami quickly bonked him on the head, "but that's impossible! Islands in the grandline can only stick to one season! H-how did this happen?"

That's when Luffy said something that made everyone's stomach drop and heart's freeze, "well (Y/N)'s in charge of making it fall right? Maybe she's taking some kind of a break or something?"

Zoro's heart clenched tightly at the thought of you somehow in danger, not for a second did he hesitate before rushing into the frozen woods.

He was losing hope.

The marimo has been randomly scouring the unruly thicket for what seemed like hours now, and there was still no sign of you..

'If I find her I swear I'll never be late again'

And it seemed like his prayers were answered when he accidentally stumbled into a clearing with a frozen lake in the middle.

His heart physically stopped when he saw your blue frozen figure in the middle of the lake.


With a pump of adrenaline he made a straight bee line for you and almost slammed into the icy figure he loved known as his lovely autumn.

"(Y/N)!!, FRICK!! WHAT HAPPENED!?!? GOD YOU'RE-!!!" He sadly stared down at your motionless form and slowly wrapped his arms around your cold body.

Unbelievably, tears started to gather under his eyes as he clutched you tighter.

This was all his fault.

"(Y/N)...I'm so sorry, please, come back to me..I-I'll never be late again" with one tear finally going down his cheek he gently pressed his lips to yours.

And unlike Winter's, this kiss was full of warm love.

When Zoro reluctantly pulled back he was met with you completely thawed and gently smiling in his arms.

As the colors started to slowly return in the trees and the animals thawed out again you whispered along with the breeze.

"You better keep that promise marimo~"
