Reader X Kidd: My Precious Princess

You were his very special princess.

Kidd may have been a ruthless pirate considered as a cruel and unforgiving brute, but ever since you two came together he always treated you as a delicate flower.

Always holding you as if he was afraid if he held you too tightly, you'd break, but if not tight enough you'd slip from his grasp and shatter into a million pieces that would never be put back together again.

Well that kind of wasn't far off from the truth though.

You suffered from a rare blood condition, just one small cut and you could easily die from extreme blood loss, once you were injured, the injury would continue to bleed, and bleed until you eventually fainted from the lack of the vital fluid in your body.

Despite this though you were a wanted pirate of two hundred and two million beli and has eaten a logia devil fruit to counter this condition, the shiruku shiruku no mi.

A devil fruit that allowed you to shift your body into an unbreakable silk that could slice things up like knifes and slip and stretch through any crack possible, with some more training you could even unravel yourself into strings that dice up the enemy or catch them in a cocoon-like net.

But even though you had this power, Kidd never left you alone, not even once, and although that sounds creepy and found it really comforting and sweet that he wanted to protect you so badly.

You loved everything about the crazy redhead, his fiery personality, his smile, his way of doing things, his strange confidence and his unique sense of style, even his unusual way of flirting with you.

Everyone in the crew looked up to him because he was a 'freak' but didn't give a flying doush about what others thought, in fact he slaughtered anyone who made fun of him or his crew.

He was a man of many words, and many sentences too.

But the only word you ever used to describe him was 'lovely' and anyone who heard this would laugh at you, but Kidd kicked them where the sun don't shine when they did, and probably much more too later when you weren't looking.

Now, you looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled at your ruffled red dress.

You really hoped Kidd would like it, and really that was the only thing you had to worry about since you had no sense of style whatsoever.

The redhead and the rest of the crew really went all out on this and actually took over a whole town and everything! The only thing you needed to worry about were the marines getting the stupid idea that interrupting freaking Eustass Kidd's wedding day was a good one to act upon.

Even to you the idea sounded suicidal in the least.

Just as you finished applying your rose red heels, the organ music started to play as a knock resounded on the door.

You opened it up to find Killer in a fancied (and most likely stolen) tuxedo and without his mask on for once.

You could barely see his eyes from under those uncombed, wild bangs of his, but shrugged it off as he smiled and led you to the alter.

"You look great, don't worry" was all he said as the doors opened to reveal the crew and...Kidd.

He looked...WOW.

Not only did he look hot in that red tux, but...without the makeup (no you actually loved his makeup just saying!) he even looked even more rugged and handsome!

With an excited blush you stared into his amber eyes as Heat started the ceremony.


"I now pronounce you as husband and wife" just as when Kidd was going to pull you into a loving kiss-


A nobody marine rear admiral kicked open the door as he aimed his gun at you and Kidd with the rest of his comrades, "THE MARINES, MEN OF JUSTICE, OBJECT TO THIS ILLEGAL WEDDING OF PIRATES!!"

..Huh, the marines really were suicidal then..

Kidd was so angry the crew could feel his dark aura from a mile away, and even you could tell things were about to hit the fan.

With a small smile you shifted your arm into fine silk and used it to hoist yourself up onto the beams holding up the ceiling, with a small laugh, you pulled yourself up and took a comfortable seat on the sanded wood just as the others pulled out their weapons from under their chairs.

There, with a small smile you watched the bloody slaughter show starring your incredible, sweet husband.
