So where were I... Oh sorry, I was just so speechless that I am still staring at the huge ship next to me...

"Heeyyy!!" She wanted to cry so bad!... Why would someone like a yunko be seen in this part of the ocean!?! I mean she was planning to meet a yunko as well but is Whitebeard! Why would she suddenly meet someone like Shanks!?!

'Wait a minute, didn't Luffy said that he met Shanks in past?... Should I be grateful or not?...'

"Hheyy!!" Once again the same voice was heard at their ship... And then a familiar red head was seen waving at me...

"Yes?..." Not wanting to look scared, I tried to prevent myself from stuttering but it looks like they caught me though as I heard him chuckling.

"Do you have any bottle of sake?" He asked. A little later, it took me for a while to calm down but I still did it. Nodding, I just remembered how I saw two bottle of sake earlier. I think that was early in the morning...

"Great!!" Looking at them warily.. I gave Shanks a look which indicates as 'Dont shoot' and was earned a chuckle. After agreeing, I went towards the sack of food and saw two bottle of sake. Going back, there I saw his crew now starting at me silently.

"May I?" And jump reaching their ship's rail. "Here" Handing Shanks the two bottles, but when I began to turn back, a hand was reach towards me as I felt myself stop. Turning my attention towards him. "Are you a pirate young lady?" he asked. 'What should Juvia do?... She knew they won't do anything bad if not provoke well that was what I heard from Ayato-san, but still it wont do anything good them either... Oh well its just asking if i'm a pirate or not what could go wrong?~' 

Nodding to show them that his right. It took me for a while to realized I still haven't introduce myself. "Hello Akagami Shanks, My name is Juvia fro-from Fuusha village.. I should be going now..." Mentally punching myself for almost saying 'from Fairytail'. Oh well I just hope he didn't caught but it seems like he already did... I was about to go once again, when I felt his hand on my own. 

"Wait!" looking at him, his eyes shown bright at hearing the words 'Fuusha village' "Did you say Fuusha village?! then have you seen of met a boy named Luffy?!!" This time it seems like everyone became interested at the name Luffy. 

Chuckling, I kinda get why even though Fuusha village was an independent place. Everyone who lives there seems to get along, and even some got acquainted someone like Dadan. "Yes, his my brother..."


And that is how everything became chaotic...


Seeing the drunk Shanks sleeping in the ground, it all came to me that the 'Oh' mighty Shanks a.k.a a YUNKO! is laying here almost pass out!! Facing his first mate. Ben Beckman.

A look saying 'help' can be seen as he began to chuckle at my misfortune. Who would have thought that after mentioning that Luffy is my brother made Shanks very happy (and also surprise since he didn't know) that he ordered everyone to get sakes from nearby villages to give me a welcome party...

I should have denied the offer, but seeing that shanks wasn't even listening to me anymore was troublesome. At the end I was 'invited' to their ship longer and saw how his crew are very hectic yet dangerous 'Mostly to others who are drunk and are holding a weapon...'

"Sorry about our captain, but who would have thought that, that brat has a sister" nodding, I began to explain how I met Luffy and even mentioned Ace but never Sabo. Remembering him bring back bad memories as much as I hate it. "Did you know that, Juvia once caught Luffy pranking Ace while at the end Ace almost killed Luffy? HAHAHA!" I was about to tell him the climax of the story when sudden I felt hands on my back and on the back of my knee as I was carry by Shanks.

"What the-!? hey Shanks put me down!" 



Meanwhile Ben can't help but to sigh tiredly. 


Let just say it didn't end well. At the end I accidentally punch Shanks in the head resulting to me to fall and hit the ground hard. When everyone finally woke up or at least aren't drunk anymore, I quickly and definitely cried while apologizing. 

"It's okay Juvia-chan its your fault anyway" that was true, but she can't help but to cry because... One~ I hit him hard... Two~....


Though she admit it's not her fault, but playing safe is not bad either. "Anyway, thanks for the party I guess..." Shanks smiled and pat Juvia's head. "as long as you'll visit again!" nodding. It's about time to go on her own journey. 'Oh wait!'

"Shanks-san, do you know where White beard pirates are currently are?" Shanks smiled as he think for a little bit. "I'm guessing you want to visit Ace?" 

Welp that was easy... Now... "What's the catch?..." Hearing what I said, Shanks began too look at me confuse as I only look at him emotionless. "What do you mean?" He said. 'No way will Juvia believe that there's not any catch...'

And so not so long, a cunning yet disturbing hot smile appear at his face. "Now that you'd think of it~ I do have something you need to do~" and that is how 'Juvia shouldn't have mentioned it...'

You know what they say... Curiosity kills a cat~

And Juvia got trick by it...

'Juvia is dead...'







"You'll need  to give me your latest poster of yourself"

