At this point, she was thankful that Suiyobi was inside her bag and not on her shoulder. Or else, she could have lost him a while ago!

"Can you let go now!?" Juvia tried to take off her wrist from the stranger. Men who was chasing them are all gone so she wasn't worried. Besides, she can fight them head on. "What's wrong with you any- Ack!"

Their gazes fell down to Juvia's feet. Pain is visibly felt on her ankle. 'Great...'

She slowly sat down on the ground, Suiyobi slowly went outside as well. "WOW!" The guy look surprise at Suiyobi. He seem so surprise at the little slime on Juvia's lap. The guy was tall. Taller about 190 cm...

Finally his attention came back to Juvia who stare at him warily. Ryomara never seen her before, so he knew that she isn't from here. She's also very pretty... Her bright blonde hair waves were so cute, and her eyes glares like an angry humster!

On the other hand, Ryomara's grey hair is hidden back by a brown leather hood. But his green eyes shines brightly anyway.

Juvia pause for a bit. "Is this your first time seeing Suiyobi?"

"Suiyobi? Is it it's name?" Upon his question, Juvia gave a nod. She once again tried to standup only to grunt in pain. "Ugh!"

"Wait" the guy said before he kneels down silently, putting his arm below her knee and on her shoulder before he carried her on his arms. Much like princess carry...

"Why are you so light?..."

"Why are you carrying me?"

"Well duh, how else will you walk. Don't worry, we can fix your ankle after we leave this place. I can't promise that they might be wondering in this part of area too"

Juvia nodded after thinking it too. It'll be very bad if they get caught again. Then again... It's not really her fault too... She literally got caught in this mess...

The guy moved into a secluded place. "What did you do anyway?" Juvia asked.

"I was in a small bar, not far from here. It have ilegal gambling inside. I won like four times, then they suspected that I cheated. That happened two days ago. Today, I tried to go back on the same bar... But they were waiting for me there... Then I got chased"

'So that happened...'

"By the way, I never got your name. Mines Ryomara"

"..." Juvia hesitated, but then gives up. "My name's Ju-Julia......"

"... Hm. Julia-chan huh~ you single?~"

Juvia rolled her eyes before she starts to wiggle off.

"Ok, ok! Don't go yet!"


Five minutes later. Ryomara successfully patch up Juvia knee. Thankfully, it was only bend. Oddly, the guy knows what to do and after then arrived on a secluded forest, he quickly put her on a fallen trunk.

He then gave her ankle a massage. He tried to straighten the veins that got bend earlier. Then rip his inner shirt and use it for a bandage after he found plants that can be use for sprains.

He was really good.

Juvia also introduced Suiyobi and told him that his a slime. A creature who are not known very well from outsiders. One day, she found him in a strange island she name after a fruit she likes. Then became Suiyobi's friend. A rare creature, but Juvia have met some on her old world which was very long time ago. And so she knew what he was.

It was only then, when Ryomara invited her for breakfast tomorrow that Juvia found herself troubled.

At first, Juvia wanted to leave the island knowing it wouldn't be safe. There are pirates everywhere, and fights between the marines and pirates often occur...

But with all the fiasco going on... Not to mention the ghostly man...

It wasted Juvia's time on the island!

And she's very tired from sailing too long, so she agreed. She went to an inn before she payed a room.

Ryomara already sent his goodbye when the clock reaches 5. And so Juvia finds herself alone on her room's bed.

The inn is better than expected... And it's much larger too. Earlier, it was Ryomara who introduced the inn to her, so she was thankful. Another reason to thank the guy.

'Even though, they met entirely because of the said guy...'

Juvia sigh as she and Suiyobi slept the night away.

The next day, Juvia woke up by Suyobi. Yesterday, the said slime agreed to wake her up when the sun's finally out. She put her wig after she washes her face then took her bag and her umbrella. Suiyobi decided to stay on her shoulder today.

When Juvia arrives before the meeting time and in the restaurant he told her. Giving her a map drawn by him in the process. She found the guy seating next to a window.

Ryomara smiled at her and waves. Suddenly, a sudden idea came appearing on her mind...

'... I feel like I'm cheating...' she didn't know why, but then blushes when she remember... A guy she have met a long time ago...

'Seriously Juvia! Why are you thinking of him know!? You are both just friends...' she never have thought of her boy tendencies fighting up again......

She knew better than anyone... That she still love a certain Ice mage....

Then why is she feeling so... Giddily....

"Um.. Julia-chan? Are you still with me?" Ryomara cut off Juvia's thoughts. In response, Juvia smile forcefully trying to hide her discomfort. "Sorry, I just remembered something..."

The disguise male hums, believing her words because of her nervous face. But he didn't let her behavior get himself down, instead, he finds his self determine to be friend the blonde mage.


"Call me Ryo, this is what my friends call me" Juvia smiled at him, this time, happily. She wonder if he already consider her a friend. 

"Then don't mind me Ryo-chan" 

The two ordered three meals, one for each and the other one left is for the desert. Then two drinks for her and Ryo. Juvia wanted to pay up, but Ryomara didn't let her. Saying, he at least should pay up, besides, he was the one who invited her. 

It was when Juvia took a bite of a soup when she accidentally hit her glass of beverage and spill her drink. "Oh no!"

"!" Juvia was about to take the glass when Ryomara quickly catches the glass so fast she was amazed... His fast reflexes really amazed the water mage... but what she finds odd... is his pointy ears...

He was still wearing a hood, but the slight movement and the clearing of his hair briefly caught his ears... 

'... It must be just my imagination...but... it wouldn't hurt if Juvia asks...' Juvia thought.

"Um, Ryo-ch-"


The sudden noise caught the two's attention!
