Chapter 3

*Luke's P.O.V*

I can't believe I just told her i'd walk with her, I didn't even ask if she wanted me to show her around, I just jumped at the opportunity.  I'd never felt this way about a girl since Hannah and It's been 3 years since she left.

"Do you?" I heard Ellie ask.

"Oh sorry, what?"

She giggled, " Do you like living around here?" she asked for the second time.

"Oh! Yeah, I mean, some times I don't, but that's only because I want to get away from my brothers" I laughed.

"You have brothers? So are they the two boys I saw you with yesterday?" Ellie said quietly.

"Yeah, their not that bad I guess, but they can be annoying at times." I laughed, I'd never hear the end of it if they found out I was falling for a girl I barely knew. 

*Ellie's P.O.V*

He's so damn cute. Everything about him, his smile, his hair, even his lip ring!

"So who do you live with then? Or is it just you and your brothers?" I heared myself say.

"Jai, Beau and my mum Gina. Jai's my twin, I guess you know that after seeing us both yesterday." he smiled at me. God, his smile.

"So how did you end up here, in Melbourne?" He asked 

"Me and my mum moved here Friday, she has a new job so we had to move." I felt his hand brush against mine, My stomach dropped, I'd never felt this way about some one I hardly knew. He looked into my eyes and turned to face me, we were already back to our street.

"Do you know what school you'll be in?" he smiled

"I'm not sure what the name of the school is but it's not far from here, it's practically just down the road" I smiled back at him.

"Penola, that's the same school that me and my brothers go to, so I guess i'll be seeing you tomorrow then?" he smiled and winked at me.

"Yeah I guess! Well, If you don't mind, could you show me around the school tomorrow?" I blushed slightly.

"No, of course I wouldn't mind, you might have to put up with my brother's though, sorry for that!" He laughed, then passed me his phone so we could exchange numbers. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" I smiled 

"Yeah, night." He replied before embracing me into a hug. I bit my lip and began walking down to my house, as soon as I got through the door I went to tell mum that I'd be meeting him and maybe his brother's tomorrow to walk to school.

"You're walking to school with them?" She paused. "And there's nothing going on with you two?" She smiled as if to say 'You're making it obvious you like him'

"Yes, I'm walking to school with them and no, there's nothing going on between us, I've only just met the boy" I turned and walked upstairs, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, I really liked him.
