Chapter 14


"Ellie babe" I yell walking over to her and James.

"Beau sweetie" she yells back.

"How's it going then?" I ask as I slip my arm around her waist

"Ok, I guess, but Luke's acting so weird! I don't know why, he won't tell me" She looked upset, I know exactly why he's acting like this but I can't tell her, not yet anyway

"Luke's always weird" me and James say at the same time and start to laugh  "There's nothing wrong, promise" I smile as we begin to walk over to the boys and girls.

Luke dated Hannah 3 years ago, they were dating for about 2 years, we'd known her for ages and they just kind of clicked and ended up dating. She was a family friend so it was weird at first, but we all got used to it. He really liked her and when she left, he was heartbroken. 3 years later, he finally get's another girlfriend, he's over Hannah, but now she's back, I honestly don't know what he's going to be like.

"Luke, Jai, Beau, Skip, James!!" I can hear someone scream as they run towards us all. It's about 6:00pm now and we're all huddled up around in a circle around a small log fire. 

"Hannah" Skip screams back and runs towards her giving her a huge hug, Ellie and Luke are cuddled up together but I can see him looking over at her.

"Loser" I yell and laugh while running over to give her a hug. Jai and James come over to give her a hug but Luke doesn't move, he doesn't move an inch. I honestly still think he's mad at her,but somethings telling me he still isn't completely over her. The thing is, when Hannah left, she didn't actually tell Luke until the day she had to go, she thought it would be better but well, it hurt Luke more than anything.


I can't believe she's back. I hate her so much for what she did, but there's something about her, something I've really missed. But I'm with Ellie now, and I'm happier than I've ever been. I look up to see all the boys laughing and joking with her.

"Who's that?" Ellie asks looking up at me. God, she's beautiful.

"Hannah, she lived her 3 years ago but she moved to England, she's a family friend" I say kissing Ellie on the forehead and smile to her.

"Go and see her then silly!" She stands up and grabs my hand as we walk over to her.

"Lukey!" Hannah yells before jumping on me. I can see Ellie in the corner of my eye giggling, I'm going to have to tell her about Hannah sooner or later.

"Hey" I say bluntly. She punches my arm lightly and kisses me on the cheek. I push her away gently  and walk towards Ellie.

"You've all got girlfriends then aye?" She smiles.

"Beaus and James are the only single ones. Skip's girl friend is Summer" Jai says, Summer smiles at her and holds onto to skips hand tightly.
"Jessicas my girl friend" he says and kisses her on the forehead.
"And Ellie's Luke's girl friend!" She doesn't smile at Ellie. She just looks over and waves.

"What have I done? No smile for me is there?" Ellie whispers to me laughing.

"No idea baby, don't worry about her" I laugh back.


There's so much tension between Luke and Hannah, she's already told me she still likes him and I've tried explaining that Luke's over her and Ellie's a lovely girl but she won't listen, she's not the type of girl to let something that she wants go.

"Jai, there's something I need to tell you" Beau whispers to me.

"What?" I turn and ask him

"Follow me, please?" He sounds nervous. 

"We'll be back in a minute guys" I say to the group

"I think I like her" Beau says

"Who Hannah?" I ask, he looks down at the floor and sighs

"No, Ellie." He says quietly.


DU DU DUUUUU;)! If I get 3 votes and this chapter I'll post the next chapter tomorrow, or maybe even tonight!x
