Chapter 24

I wake up to the smell of Pancakes and the sound of laughing and shouting. Great.

"What on earth is going on?" I laugh as I walk into the kitchen to find Jai and Jessica covered in flour

"Urm, well, Jai started it" Jessica shouts and pushes Jai causing the three of us to start laughing.

"What's gone on down here then?" I smile and turn around assuming Beaus the one standing there. But no, oh hey Luke.

"Flour fight" I reply. I haven't spoken to him for ages. I have to try and act normal. Jai and Jessica look at me, obviously wondering why I even bothered to answer.

"Oh, right, pancakes for breakfast then?" He smiles and sits at the table.

"Yeah, where's Hannah then, because to be honest, we haven't bothered making any for her" Jai replies while him and Jessica put the pancakes onto a plate.

"She's not here, went home last night, we argued" He says and looks at the floor. None of us knew what to say.

"I'm going to see where Beau is" I say trying to make a quick exit.

"He's gone to the shop to get things for DareSunday's and what did you argue about then?" Jai replies trying to get the gossip.

"I didn't even know you'd come home last night if i'm completely honest" Jessica says sitting down opposite him with the plate full of pancakes. I practically run to take a seat next to her so I won't have to sit next to Luke.

"Yeah, well, last night's what we argued about. We came home at about 11. I told her what she did was wrong and there was no need for it. Of course she thought what she did was fine, I mean, everything she does is fine according to her. So, she told me you were all just being childish and slapped me. But of course after she'd done that she was 'so so sorry' I couldn't even look at her without wanting to just scream at her. So I told her to get out" He says looking over at me every now and then

"So you two are over then?" Jai asks sitting next to him.

"I honestly have no idea, but I'm sorry for last night. I miss talking to you guys. I wish she'd just never come back" he says looking down at the floor. I miss him. So so much.

Jaidon,Jessica, I miss him, so so much:(x

I click send and not long after both of their phones go off.

"We miss talking to you too. You know that. But it's Hannah, we hate her. Hates a strong word, yeah, I know, but shes just messed everything up" Jessica answers while texting.

I know baby, I know, he misses you too though, you can tell x

He misses you too, he text me last night. Sorry I didn't tell you, love you ok, cheer up x

I smile at the texts and look up at them both.

"Love you" Jessica mouths.

"Love you too baby" I mouth back and giggle

"At the minute, I hate her just as much as you guys do. I've made such a big mistake. Ell.." He pauses and looks up at me. He grabs my hand and looks down

"I'm so so sorry. I hurt you so much, I realise that. I lost my world, in just a few seconds and seeing that Beau was there for you straight away hurt. But I'm glad he was. I miss you" He stands up and grabs both of my hands. I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You did. You hurt me more than anything. But i'm willing to forget that if we can just start talking again. I've missed you Luke" I giggle and hug him tightly.

"So, we all talking again then?" I hear some one say, I turn around to see Beau standing at the door. He looks so hurt.

"Urm, yeah, I think so. Sorry bro" Luke scratches the back of his neck and pulls his brother in for a hug. "Dare Sundays is it?" He smiles.

"Yeah" Beau replies bluntly. I hug him and kiss his cheek. I can't push him away after everything he's done. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. I'm stuck between two brothers that mean the world to me.

"So no school today then?" I ask considering it's 10am and no one bothered waking me up this morning and due to the fact we're all still standing in the kitchen talking.

"Nah, it's the last day before summer holidays, no one goes in!" Beau says "Where's Hannah?" He asks looking directly at Luke

"We argued, so I assume she went home" He replied.

"You two split up then? and I'm glad we're talking again, but I swear if you ever hurt Ellie again we won't be talking" He says half serious half joking. He laughs faintly.

"Really don't know what's happening! Me too bro, and trust me I won't, she deserves better" He smiles at me and laughs as Beau lets go of my waist and hugs his brother.

"Film time?" Jessica and Jai say at the same time causing us all to laugh.

"Hmm, Why not?" Luke replies. Beau kisses the top of my head and walks into the living room with Jai and Jessica. I start to walk out of the kitchen when I feel a warm hand grab my wrist

"I've missed you so so much beautiful" Luke smiles.

"Mmmm, I've missed you too" I smile back. He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. Wow. I've missed this. He leans in towards me, looks into my eyes and then at my lips. He plants a kiss right on my lips. I feel his cold lip ring against my lips and smile. Then we pull apart.

"I do love you, always have, always will" He says looking into my eyes.

"Luke, I love you so much, but this doesn't mean we're automatically dating again. You broke my heart. You can't expect to just walk back into my life just as easy as you walked out. And I think you should know, I think i'm falling for Beau" I say quietly and look down at the floor.

"I know. I also know you're falling for him, It kills me but I don't blame you. Beau was there for you when I wasn't. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm here now, whenever you need me" He smiles and kisses my nose. I love that he's actually understanding me perfectly right now.

"Thank you" I smile.

"We alright out here?" Jai says as he walks up to us both

"Yeah fine" I smile, grab his wrist and run into the living room, followed by Luke. I take a seat right next to Beau and cuddle up. Luke looks over, smiles and takes a seat next to Jessica and Jai. This feels so strange. It's usually the other way around, I'm with Luke and Beau's with Jessica and Jai. I look up at Beau and smile. He cuddles closer to me and pulls the blanket over both of us.

"Love ya" I say and giggle

"Love ya too beautiful" he replies, laughs and kisses me. Right on the lips.
