The next morning, Kenma woke up alone. It was already bright in the room from the sunlight coming through the curtains. He turned over and grabbed his phone from the nightstand and checked the time. It was around 10 in the morning. He was about to send Kuroo a text, but then saw the note taped to his phone case.

The note read: "Goodmorning KenKen. I'm sorry I'm not home this morning like I promised. I didn't want to wake you up and a last minute thing came up and the team has to practice as much as possible. We're going to have a big game coming up in a few weeks. I promise I'll be there with you tomorrow and hopefully next weekend. Love you."

Kenma sighed. He wished he could spend the weekend with Kuroo like he normally did. Yes, he saw Kuroo every day and lived with him, but he never got enough. He wanted to spend every second of every day with Kuroo. He wanted Kuroo to always be at his side, but obviously, life doesn't work that way, so it would be impossible for that to happen.

Kenma decided to go play Animal Crossing and work on his island, although he didn't feel like recording a video or streaming. He logged on, seeing that Hinata was online as well as a few of his online friends he'd met through his gaming career.

Kenma had already been playing video games for a few hours before he realized what time it was. Kuroo had already gotten home from work that day and Kenma was excited because he was looking forward to spending time with him. When Kenma first head him unlocking the door, he got scared because he didn't know it was Kuroo. After he heard Kuroo calling to him that he was home, his mind was a bit more at ease.

When he heard Kuroo's voice, he ran to the front door and jumped into Kuroo's arms. Kuroo smiled and grabbed Kenma when he wrapped his body around him. Kenma clung to him and had his arms and legs around Kuroo's stomach and waist. He just looked up at Kuroo and smiled when he saw the joy on his face.

Moments later, he let go of Kuroo. He put some cup noodles in the microwave for them both while Kuroo changed his clothes and put his stuff down.

After Kuroo was done, he walked back to the kitchen and they both ate their food and had a conversation. "So KenKen, what happened last night? Did you just have a rough day? I want to be there for you when you need help so please tell me. You don't have to though, but I would really like to know."

Kenma seemed slightly embarrassed about the topic of last night. He usually didn't cry much but when he did he would just let it all out. "Um.. I don't know. I think it's just been a rough couple of weeks for me, Kuroo. My viewers are slowly decreasing by the day and... I don't know, Kuroo. I just needed to cry. I don't know."

Kenma looked like he was going to start tearing up from just talking about the subject. Kuroo then took it as a signal to talk about something else. "Well, Kenma, you know your birthday is going to be coming up in a few months. Look at the bright side, if you want we can invite Hinata and Akaashi over, or if you want it to be just us, we can do that too."

Kenma quickly nodded his head when Kuroo said "if you want it to be just us". This signaled to Kuroo that he didn't want anyone over or to do anything special other than maybe going out to eat and going to GameStop.

They both got up to throw their empty cup noodles away. They put the forks in the sink and then Kenma picked up their cat who was sitting at his feet. He stroked his soft fur and then went to go follow Kuroo to their room. Kenma sat down cross-legged on the bed as he watched Kuroo fix his hair on his phone camera.

When Kuroo was done, he grabbed the TV remote and plopped down on the bed beside Kenma. He then put on their show they always watched and grabbed snacks he had beside the bed. He tossed a bag of chips and a soda to Kenma and they stayed there watching TV for a few hours.

A little while later, Kenma got bored and dragged Kuroo into playing their Sims 4 save file. One day, they had both made themselves and their cat in the game. They agreed to only ever play it when they were together, but that rule mostly applied to Kenma, since Kuroo didn't play video games much. He used to when they were teenagers, but he had never been much of a serious gamer and didn't play anymore.

Most of the time, Kenma just sat in Kuroo's lap and played the game. He would always explain to Kuroo what he was doing and make sure he agreed to everything. Kuroo mostly just watched Kenma play while he explained everything he was doing.

This time, Kenma was preparing a wedding for them. He was asking Kuroo which decorations he should use and where they should have it. The last time they played, Kuroo gave his character actions to propose when Kenma took a bathroom break. Kenma then went to go download CC to get outfits for them.

After about two hours of sitting there and designing their wedding, along with their outfits, Kenma decided to get off of the game. He saved everything and then turned off his computer.

By this time it was already 7. Kenma went to go grab a snack and then went to his room and turned on the TV. He looked for a movie he and Kuroo could watch since they were bored. After they found one, they both fell asleep cuddling in each other's arms as they watched it.
