Its no surprise but I'm back at the bar again. I said I wouldn't be, I said I'd find something else to do, but that was last week when I had that thought and honestly it didn't hold up very long at all. As soon as Noel called me up and asked me if I could come in last minute tonight until 3am and pull a double tomorrow I said yes just like I always do. I didn't want to think about tonight anyways, I needed a good distraction.

Its not hard working at a bar. It is a lot of work, like setting everything up and making sure you have enough to get through the night. The customers are the real work, though. Some of them are rude, some are handsy, some act like they know how to make drinks better than you, and some people think that they can tell you every issue they've ever had, but at the end of the day they're just looking for something to make them feel better and thats what keeps us in business.

Our entire job is the people. We deal with them no matter how or who they are. We need to know how to handle people and how to read them within a second. We need to assess if the guy with the really drunk girl genuinely knows her. We need to see if the person we're saying no to is going to be chill or violent about it. We need to read everyone.

And, okay, working in a bar helps with the whole casual relationships only thing. If someone I'm seeing gets too serious, I use work as an excuse. But mainly I get most of my play from guys I meet at the bar. They're looking for the same things I am and a bar is the perfect environment for that kind of thing. For some reason men are way more confident with me while I'm at work, even the sober ones. 

Right now my next target is at the end of the bar. A cute, quiet looking guy with a backwards hat and an oversized shirt that is somehow floating just right. Its a vibe that I can get behind. Lucky for me hes sitting there without a drink in his hand. My perfect opener.

"Can I get you a drink?" I ask the guy, leaning onto the bar slightly so I can show him what I have without looking like I'm trying to.

His eyes lift up to mine and instantly I know that I need this man. His blue eyes bore into mine as I study him. Short brown hair, great build, sharp jaw, nice looking hands from what I can see. He seems like he knows what he's into and is good at it but he's not cocky about it either. Perfect.

"I'll take an Old Fashioned." he says.

I kinda figured he would be an Old Fashioned kinda guy. 

"Anyone else joining you?" I inquire. "No other drinks to order?"

"Just me." he says, his voice deeper than a moment before.

Perfect, perfect, perfect. This is going to work out for me tonight, I can feel it.

"You been working here long?" he asks me.

"Three years now." I reply as I start his drink. "This your first time? I've never seen you here before." 

"I've never been." he says.

"Well I'm glad to be serving you your first time here. Whats your name?"

"Its Sam. You?"

"What brought you to the bar this time?" I ask, ignoring his question about my name.

He gives a little shrug. "I heard its a good bar. I had a free night, decided to check it out."

"Well I'm glad you did then." 

I put his glass in front of him, sliding in closer to him as I do.

"Whys that?" he asks as he comes in closer as well.

"You're just the thing I could use to turn my night around."

"How could I do that?" he asks me.

I give him a flirtatious smile and then walk away without giving him an answer. This technique I learned a long time ago. Without giving an answer he fills the blanks in himself. Me walking away from him lets him know he's going to have to work a little for what he wants. It leaves him wanting more.

Men are easy like that. They want you when you don't want them, and when you want them, they don't want you. I've learned to always be one step ahead. Never let them know that you need them or you want them.

I've got it down to an art now. Start off strong. Flirt hard, let them know that you desire them and that they can have you if they want it. Keep it spontaneous for the first three weeks. Never text them consistently. One day text them nonstop, the next day text them on and off. Keep it casual, keep it easy. Most importantly, keep it under four months long.

By time I get back around to Sam about 45 minutes later he's still sipping his drink alone. It surprises me since he is such a good looking guy. Usually the good looking ones like him are gone before closing, yet here he is. My ego tells me he's alone because he was waiting just for me.

"Anything else for you?" I ask as I slide up to him. "We're closing up in 15."

"Already?" he says as if unaware of the time despite being on his phone the entire time.

"Time just flies here." I say with a wink. 

"So you never actually told me your name."

"Its Alia." I say with a sweet smile.

"Now that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

"Oh stop it." I say feigning shyness. "You're just a regular flirt, aren't you, Sam?"

"And you're not?" he says. "Because if I recall properly, you started it."

I can't help but give a laugh at this.

"You're right, okay?" I say, tossing my hair over my shoulder.  "Lets cut to it then. Are you coming home with me tonight?"

"No." he says with a headshake. "You're coming home with me."
