Part of me wants to tell Tony not to come by tonight. Partly because I'm nervous about seeing him after last night, but also partly because I told myself I would distance myself from him a little. 

Luckily I don't even need to tell him to show up because by 1:15 he's still not here. Embarrassingly enough, I hung around an extra 15 minutes just to try and see him, but I decide to leave with my dignity intact by not waiting any longer.

A weird part of me is disappointed. I try to not feel this way, but I can't help it from time to time. Its when I meet someone who seems decent enough that I get disappointed when things don't workout the way I want them to. But with Tony its probably for the best, all things considered.

I try not to dwell on it on my way home, and I actually end up succeeding by the end. That is until I get home and see him waiting on my doorstep.

"I was already late so I figured I'd come here." he says as he gets up to greet me.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Awfully presumptuous of you to show up at my house."

"I was hoping, presuming actually, that you wanted to see me."

I roll my eyes at him but a small smile fights its way onto my lips. 

"I take it I presumed right." he says.

"Stop saying presume." I say with a laugh. 

I turn and put my key in the door, unlocking it and swinging it open for him to enter.

"Actually," he says, not even moving an inch. "You wanna go out?"

"Where to?"

He shrugs. "Anywhere. Night is young. I know neither of us will be sleeping soon anyways."

I kind of wanted to lure him into my bed even though I know it wouldn't have worked. Plus I enjoy this waiting thing. Its going to feel so much better when it finally happens.

I lean into my place and close the door then turn to him. "Lets go."

The alcohol is flowing like it always is at 3am. Its a gorgeous night out too. The warmth from the day is still hanging over the night, but there's a breeze that is just right. A remix of Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran is blasting at the bar and Tony is next to me enjoying all the things I'm enjoying. I would have to say its perfect.

"Dance with me." I lean over and murmur into Tony's ear.

He glances sideways at me. He's as drunk as I am, but he's clearly not into the same vibe right now.

"I don't dance." he says.

"Not even with me?" I pout. 

"Not even with you." he says with a grin.

For a second I admit defeat. I can't exactly bribe him to dan-

"Nothing I can bribe you with?" I ask, my hands sliding onto his biceps. What a great idea.

His eyes dart to my hand on his arm, clearly amused. 

"Go out with me."

I can't help but laugh. "What?" 

"I'll dance with you if you date me." he says bluntly.

"I don't date." I say. 

"And I don't dance."

My mouth falls open as I look at him. Who know that this guy who comes off as so shy is actually such a witty and a touch cocky. I never would've thought so at first.

Tony orders us more drinks and I trace the edge of my cup as I consider my options. I could easily say yes and not show up, but I think if I did that he would show up at my place, or even worse, my work. 

"Five dances," I say slowly really considering the offer I'm about to make. "And you have to come home with me and show me what I get if I date you, and then yes, I will date you."

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Two dances and we date, thats all."

"Three dances, you come home with me, we maybe do some bed things, aaand we don't date but we don't see other people."

"I was never seeing other people." he says.

My face changes colours. "Me neither. Deal?"

"Okay, deal." he say finally. 

He downs his drink and grabs my hand to lead me to the dance floor. Theres a couple other people on the floor besides us. Theres three women in their early 20's dancing their lives away, clearly drunker than both Tony and I together. The other two people is a couple where its clear that they've been together forever. They dance so naturally with each other, both turning in the right direction at the right time. Then there's Tony and I. 

As soon as we start dancing its clear that he's good at this.

"Never said I was bad, I just don't enjoy it." he says before I can question him.

I throw my head back and laugh, still dancing. In this moment everything feels so free and loose. My hair is loose and swinging around as my body sways with Tony's. I don't have a single care in the world at this moment, its just him and I dancing in a bar.

I haven't been to a bar for fun in the longest time. Its weird when you work at one, it doesnt seem like a fun place to be anymore, but here right now its the most fun I've had in months.

All too soon the song changes up. Its another Ed Sheeran one which makes me believe that the DJ is going through something right now. Either that or he's just bored. The sound of Dive fills the bar now. The other couple of the dance floor adapt quickly, drawing each other close and swaying to it in a romantic way. The guy spins the woman and pulls her in quickly, dipping her in a half circle spin.

"Lets copy them move for move." Tony says from beside me.

He grabs me and pulls me into him just like the couple is. For the first couple of seconds I'm nervous. Upbeat dancing is one thing, but being this close and intimate is something else completely. I'm sure he can feel my heart beating so quick. Being this close to him makes me feel ...other things too. My alcohol filled brain is overstimulated between the awkwardness and the longingness of his body on mine. 

We both fall silent as w dance together, listening to the words of the song to guide us.

So don't call me baby
Unless you mean it
Don't tell me you need me
If you don't believe it
So let me know the truth
Before I dive right into you

You're a mystery
I have traveled the world, there's no other girl like you
No one, what's your history?
Do you have a tendency to lead some people on?
'Cause I heard you do, mmh

"God, did you pay him to play this specific song?" I mutter.

The corners of Tony's mouth turn up slightly at this, but he doesn't say anything. Instead he lets his eyes close for a second longer than usual and leans his head onto mine. Its clear he's enjoying this, just not in the way that I am. Its almost feeling too real.

"So, are you coming home with me again tonight?" I ask him, trying to break whatever peaceful love spell this is trying to be.

He pulls back from me a little so he can look me in the eyes.

"I'm not that guy, Alia." he says, his features less relaxed now than they were a couple seconds ago. 

"Could be for the night." I retort, a playful smile on my lips.

"Date me and I'll be that guy."

His tone and face is so serious that it makes me nervous, my throat drying up and my heart beating like crazy against his chest. I'm sure he can feel it.

"You don't want to date me, Tony." I tell him. "You'll get bored, you'll get annoyed, you'll leave and I'll be alone and back to my old ways to mask the pain."

His hand finds it way under my chin and ever so softly he tips my face up so we're face to face, our eyes boring into one another's. His brown eyes, so dark they're almost black are soft as they look into mine and it makes my chest ache for how much I want this.

"You have no idea how wrong you are." he says softly to me.

Slowly he lowers his lips to mine and after months of dreaming how this would feel, it finally happens. His lips land softly on mine and he kisses me like I'm his. 

I'm not aware of a single thing that's happening around us, there could be a hire, there could be somebody having a heart attack and I wouldn't even notice at all. My only focus is how Tony's lips feel on mine. I never want it to end.

But it does.

He pulls away and looks at me with adoration clear in his face. I'm sure mine is reflecting the same thing.

"Do you want to rethink the dating thing?" he asks me, a smile on his face.

I don't say it to him, but he knows.

I want this.

I want him.

I want us.
