16: The Nursery

A/N: I do not own any of these photos and all credit goes to the rightful owners.
        Harry had sent you out with the boys wives for the day. You were exactly sure why but it was a much needed girls day so you didn't question it. You got your nails done, went out to lunch, and did a little shopping. Soon 6 hours had passed by and you we're ready to go home.

"Alright girls this has been a lot of fun but I'm getting super tired," you sighed, "How about we all go back to my place and we can just hang out there."

"We have to wait a little bit longer (Y/N)," Niall's wife said, "Just a few more stores and we can go home."

"Why are you keeping me from my own home?" You questioned.

"Just trust us," Liam's wife said.

You gave in a continued shopping. About a half hour later you were told you could finally go home. When you got there Harry was already at the door waiting for you.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Very nice," you grinned, "But I'm also very confused."

"I think I can clear it all up," he smirked, "Follow me."

He lead you inside and up the stairs. He placed you in front of the door of the room where you planned for Maisie's nursery to be. Placed his hand over your eyes and brought you inside.

"Surprise," the three other boys and their kids were standing there in your daughters finished bedroom.

The walls were gray and white with pink accents everywhere. The was a chair in the corner for you to sit in and her closet was already filled with clothes.

"Oh Harry it's perfect," you said with tears forming in your eyes.

"I'm glad you like it," he grinned kissing your temple.

"Thank you guys so much," you smiled turning to thank the other boys.

        You already had everything for Noah's room picked out. The walls were painted and all the furniture was there, it was just a matter of putting the whole room together. You and Niall kept saying you were going to do it but you hadn't yet. Niall had woken you up in the middle of the night leaving you very confused.

"Niall it's 4am," you groaned, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," he assured, "Now come here I wanna show you something."

He dragged you down the hall and into Noah's nursery. You were shocked to see that everything was all done. The crib was set up, clothes were put away, and eco rations were hung on the wall. It looked even better than you had imagined it would.

"Niall this looks amazing," you grinned, "When did you do all of this?"

"Well I couldn't fall asleep so I figured I try and get this all done," he explained.

You took a walk around the room looking at every feature. The walls were brown with yellow and green features throughout. The bedding had elephants and monkeys printed on it. All of Noah's clothes were hung nicely in his closet.

"I'm sorry for waking you but I just had to show you," he apologized.

"No need to say sorry," you assured.

        You felt bad that you couldn't help Liam assemble the furniture for the twins room. You tried but you were getting pretty big and getting on the floor was not an easy task. So while Liam put together the cribs. You folded and put away all of the girls clothes. You were determined to get the nursery done today and you were almost there. The walls were painted and all of the furniture except for the cribs were put together and in their place. You had just finished putting all the clothes away by the time Liam finished one crib.

"How about you put the bedding in this crib and I'll finish the other," he suggested.

You nodded and began setting up the pink bedding in the first crib. It didn't take long for Liam to set up the second crib and you put the bedding in that one as well.

"I think we're all finished here," Liam said taking a step back to look at all the work you two had accomplished.

The walls were purple with pictures hanging on them. Butterflies were hung from the ceiling. Underneath the widow was a bookshelf filled with every kids book you could imagine. On either side of the bookcase was a chair; one for you and one for Liam. The cribs were on opposite walls from each other. Canopies hung over both. The bedding was pink with purple butterflies sown on them. Above on crib "Ava" was written in script and above the other "Isabella" was written. Behind you there was a changing table in between two closets filled with clothes for both girls.

"I love it," you grinned, "I think they will too."

"It's perfect," Liam smiled placing a kiss on your cheek.

        Your families were visiting the next day and you wanted to have Ethan's nursery done before they came. Although the task seemed impossible you and Louis were pretty confident you could get it done. The room had already been painted green so that would save you both a lot of time. Louis first began assembling the furniture while you placed the sticker of a tree on the wall. You hung pictures and placed books on shelves and clothes in dressers but Louis wouldn't let you do much more. He didn't want you lifting heavy things or putting together furniture. Although it was annoying you understood that it was what was safest for you and the baby.

"Louis what else can I do?" You asked.

"How about you go sit down and relax while I finish up here," he suggested.

"But I want to help you," you protested.

"(Y/N) I'm fine," he assured, "You have been on your feet all day and you must be exhausted, go take a break."

You knew you couldn't argue your way out of this one so you gave in and went downstairs to sit for a while. You got bored and decided to make the two of you lunch instead. When you went upstairs to take it up to Louis you were shocked to see he had the whole room done.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Louis it looks absolutely fantastic," you kissed him, "Thank you."

Enjoy! Next part will be "Fights."

