10: The Bump

You and Harry were exhausted and decided to go to bed a little early this particular night. You got under the covers and cuddled up to Harry as you always did. Your back was against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you, resting his hands on your stomach. Only this time he placed his hands over your stomach and then continued to moved them around your entire abdomen.

"Harry what are you doing?" You laughed.

"I think you have a baby bump," he grinned, "I can feel it."

"No way," you said in disbelief.

You got out of bed and walked over to the full size mirror in the corner of your room, Harry followed. You pulled up your shirt and, sure enough, there it was. It was anything super noticeable but it was definitely there. You placed your hand over your stomach and began thinking about the little baby in there. Harry wrapped his arms around you and placed his hands over yours.

"Mummy and Daddy see you little one," he whispered, "And we can't wait to meet you."

You and Niall we're going out shopping. Niall was all ready and all you had to do was finish getting dressed. You pulled up pair of jeans and but had no luck when you tried buttoning them. You went over and looked in the mirror. Pulling up your shirt you saw where a baby bump was beginning to form.

"Niall," you called.

He came up the stairs and paused in the doorway once he saw you.

"Whoa," he sighed, "When did that happen?"

He came over to you and stared down at your stomach. He hesitated at first but he eventually placed his hand over you tummy and left it there for a moment.

"It makes it all so real," he grinned.

You and Liam were up in bed and things were getting heated between the two of you. He quickly removed your shirt and began kissing down your body, his hands following down as well. He got to your stomach and stopped.

"Hey," you groaned, "Why'd you stop?"

He placed both of his hands over your tummy and stayed their for a moment.

"(Y/N) you're showing," he grinned.

"Really?" You questioned.

"Feel," he instructed taking your hands and placing them where his were.

You could clearly feel the tiny bump forming and it brought a smile to your face.

You and Louis we're going out to dinner to celebrate your 6 month wedding anniversary. You had bought a tight black dress a few months ago especially for this night and hadn't put in on since you purchased it. You hadn't noticed the baby bump starting to form until you had put the dress back on the night of your anniversary.

"Hey Lou," you called, "Get in here quick."

He entered your bedroom and you walked over to him. You turned to the side so he got a clear view of the bump.

"Are you showing?" He questioned.

"A little bit," you nodded walking back over to the mirror, "Do you think I should change?"

"No, don't," he said, "You look stunning."
Enjoy! Next part will be "Being Seen in Public."

