15: He Talks to the Baby (His POV)

A/N: This is my first time doing his POV so sorry if it's not good. Let me know if you like it though!!
I quietly made my way up the stairs trying not to wake (Y/N) up. It was past 12am so I figured she'd already be sleeping. When I entered our bedroom I saw her laying there peacefully with her hand draped over her baby bump. I smiled at the sight a quickly undressed myself to climb into bed.

"Hey baby girl," I grinned resting my arm on her stomach, "Daddy missed you today."

I placed my hand across her small bump.

"I think about you all the time," I sighed, "I can't wait to meet you baby girl."

I felt her begin to kick underneath my hand.

"Hey now we don't want to wake mummy up," I whispered.

"It's fine I'm already up," I hear (Y/N) say.

"I'm sorry love," I apologize, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't," she assured, "Maisie's been kicking all night. She missed her daddy."

I finally got home after a long day and all I wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch a movie with (Y/N). I walked into the house to see her sitting there, almost in tears.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask quickly going to her side.

"I'm just really uncomfortable," she explained, "Noah's been kicking all day and I know that's a good thing but now it's starting to hurt."

It hurt me to see her in pain, especially when there wasn't anything I could really do about it.

"Hey little man can you stop kicking mum for now?" I placed my hand over her stomach, "It's not nice to make her upset."

I looked up at (Y/N).

"You're pretty strong kicker though, huh," I chuckled, "Maybe your mum and I have a future soccer player on our hands."

"Keep talking Ni," she said, "Your voice is calming him down."

"I know there's not much to do in there but when you kick a lot you hurt your mum and that's not very nice," I said, "You're gonna love your mummy very much, I know I do."

It was late at night and I was woken up by the shifting of the bed next to me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah the girls just won't stop kicking," (Y/N) sighed, "It's like they're fighting in there."

I rested my hands around her stomach and felt both girls moving around.

"Hey girls no fighting in there alright," I whispered, "I know it must be crammed in there but you can't kick each other because of it."

(Y/N) giggle at my comment.

"Plus you're sisters," I sighed, "Sisters aren't supposed to fight with each other."

I watched as (Y/N) closed her eyes to try and fall back asleep.

"It's time for bed now alright you two," I said, "Daddy loves you very much."

(Y/N)'s head was resting in my lap as we watched a movie. I had one hand resting over her stomach and the other combing through her hair. We came up to a scene where two characters in the movie went skydiving.

"Me and you are gonna do that someday bud," I grinned.

"No way," (Y/N) said, "You are never getting me to do that."

"I'm talking to my son actually," I chuckled.

"Um you are not taking our son skydiving either," she laughed.

I lowered my hard towards her stomach.

"There are plenty of things were gonna do that your mums not gonna like," I laughed, "But we're gonna do it anyway."

"Hey don't tell him that," she yelled, "He's not even born yet and you're already teaching him to go against his mother."

"We'll talk about this later," I whispered down to her stomach, "After your mums fast asleep."
Enjoy! Next part will be "The Nursery."

