*Scarlett Johansson*

#5: Memories


Scarlett's POV

"Y/n, do you still remember the time we confessed our feelings to one another? I remember that you fell first but I fell harder."

The breeze here outside is a good. And the weather is nice. The grass is so green and the surrounding is peaceful. Not many families are here today since it's Monday.

The best way for us to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Just reminisce our beautiful past is enough for me.


"So how are you and Y/n?" Asked by Evans who comfortably sat beside me on my trailer.

"What do you mean? We're good, and we are gonna hang out to my place later, wanna come?" Me and Y/n are friends but I wish we are something more. But knowing her? She does not want to settle and be committed. She is wild and free that almost every night she has a different girl in bed, then she will wake up at dawn, leave the hotel without any trace then will knock into my house and sleep beside me, after she take a shower ofcourse. She even have the key to my house because of that, I feel like she doesn't have a home anymore.

So asking her for a date and be committed with me is risky.

"Oh, I don't want to intrude your date so I'm gonna sit out." I giggle in his statement. Oh how I wish it was a date.

"It's not a date and nothing is going on between us so come with us." To be honest I don't want him to come. I'm just asking for modesty, but please say no.

"Scarlett I know you, you are looking forward for this to be alone with her I bet!" Well he is Chris Evans so I know that he knows what I'm thinking.

"Chris, I like her so very much, but at the same time I'm afraid." I said to him after I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I understand what you're feeling since it's not a secret that she is wild and reckless but at the same time I can see the way she looks at you. Why don't you find out first her reason behind her behavior?"

I nod to him and someone knock on my trailer saying that our director needs us now. We stand up and I open the door and start my work.


Y/n and I are in my room watching a movie while cuddling. I felt her clingyness on set earlier and now ever since she got in my place all she ever done was to hug my waist and bury  her head into my shoulders. Though I'm loving her mood I can sense something is bothering her.

"Y/n?" I gently called her name seeing if she is still awake. She hummed then hugged me tighter. We are watching Ocean's 8 by the way because she said she needs to see a lot of hot women. As if she didn't slept with a lot of hot women.

"Are you ok?" Her head tilted at my questions and she meets my eyes. Her eyes that I will never get tired of.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Let me tell you, she is one of the best actress I have ever met but also one of the worst liars of all time. She can't lie and everyone who knows her knew it. I just don't know if that is considered as her strengths or weakness.

"Hmm I totally believe you that you are fine and nothing is bothering you." She scoff at my sarcasm and leans into me more as if there is still space between us.

"There's just this one woman that I can't get out of my mind." My eyes popped and my heart sunk when I heard her say those words. Who is that woman? Lucky her, wish it was me.

"She was incredible. Her body, her personality, her eyes. Everything about her is so enticing. But the not so good part is I don't know if she likes me back, I know I'm a coward. I don't just want to take her to bed, I want to have a relationship with her but I'm afraid." She said and I feel tears on my chest. She is crying, and it's because of a certain girl.

"Y/n if you don't mind me asking, why are you fond of one night stand?" The question that wants to get of my head since I learned her behavior, finally came out.

"Ha Ha, I'm the typical girl who let herself be distracted by a lot of other girls just to get the woman that I like out of my mind." Well how lucky that woman can get?

"Since when?" I don't know where I got this confidence but I'm loving it.

"Since when you became engaged."




Wait a second.




What the hell?




She became like that because I was engaged, that means it is because of me?

"I know it's a lot, you don't have to do anything, I know you and Evans have a thing, I don't intend to break you two up, you don't have to like me back." Is this a dream? Ghad!

"Y/n we've been friends for two years, I was engaged last year. Since when did you liked me?" The person of my dreams likes me too? This is unbelievable.

"Since before we met in Ellen."

"Y/n that was four years ago! I barely know you that time. I can't even remember if we talked there?" She rolled her eyes at my question.

"You are the Scarlett Johansson and I'm still a no one so of course we didn't talked. That is what a fan like me get. We are going to fall and dedicate something that is a part of ourself for the celebrity who does not have any idea that we existed." Her words stung me like a bee. I didn't know she was feeling that way.

I cupped her face and kissed her soft and plump lips. It feels so good and she taste great. I could and would kill anybody who wakes me up if this is a dream.

I felt her hands snaked my waist and gripped it tight. Now I am convinced that this is true and not a dream. I swiped her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly gave. Ghad, this woman is going to be the death of me.


"Mom, it's time for us to go to the church." I heard my daughter said and my gaze landed upon her beautiful white wedding dress. I love looking at Ryn's eyes since she got it from Y/n.

"Do you really have to get married?" She rolled her eyes and scoff at me. She got her looks from me except her eyes. But her antics and mannerisms are all Y/n's.

"Seriously mom?" She clings her arms in mine and we face her other mother.

"I can't help it, you grew up so fast and now you are already 28 and getting married! Time fly so fast!" I kneeled and remove the stray flower petals from my love's grave.

"And she left us like a lightning." She says kneeling too.

"Hey you're dress!" She just shrugged and continues to sit on the ground.

"But remember she is always with us." I said putting my hand on top of hers that is tracing her other mother's name.

"I know, she won't leave us, she can't, I mean, she is obsessed with us ma!" She said which makes us both laugh.

"You are right. Come one get up! You still have a wedding to attend!" I got up and I offered my hand which she kindly accepts.

She may be gone physically but I know she's guiding us wherever she may be.

Y/n M/n L/n
My wife, the other mother of Floryn Johansson-L/n. She may got beaten by cancer but she will always be the love of my life. The one and only for me. And the memories she left will always be cherished by me and the people who loves her.



A/N: I'm gonna publish this now, (8:31pm). I usually update late at night like 1 or 2am. But I think our internet will be disconnected later sooo here is an update! ENJOY!


QFTI: What is the most ridiculous thing you did for your crush. (Whether it's a celebrity or a normal person.)


