*Elizabeth Olsen*

A/N: Okay! For the first time in this year... I'm writing again!!! I know I'm gone for too long but it's not like you missed me that much guys. Anyways my obsession over middle-aged actresses are up to the highest level to the max again so here I am! Thanks for leaving comments, (I love reading and replying to ya'll guys!) and votes! So here is aN Elizabeth Olsen fluff guys!

#17: Sneaking Up


Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Okay, just a little bit highlight on your cheekbones and... we're... done! There, you look so beautiful Lizzie." My make-up artist said to me after finishing up and I smiled at her. I looked at the mirror and not to brag but I really do look good right now.

"Thank you Cassie! You are such a big help!" I said to her while looking at the vanity table trying to find and remember where is my phone.

"No problem. What are you looking for?"

"Can't find my phone. Have you seen it?" I asked rising up at my seat and I put my hands all over my pockets but I can't find it.

"If I remember correctly, Y/n borrowed it from you earlier right? She said, she forgot hers on your house." I halt my search and I recall what happened last hour and smiled to myself.

"Yes, I remember now. Again, thank you Cassie." I genuinely said then head out to go to my girlfriend's trailer but I found no one. I roam over the set and found her with an earphone and so busy with my phone. She seemed so engross with what she's watching so I snoop at it without telling her and I see my face on it. At first I thought it was a movie with me in it but suddenly the clip changed and changed again with effects. I saw a plus button on the middle end of the screen then she scrolled up and I saw myself again. She's using TikTok and she's watching me again. How cute and adorable that is but it's cringey seeing yourself on the screen like that.

I was about to scare her from behind when Hailee stopped me. I frowned at her and her hands on my shoulder.

"She doesn't like to be scared like that Lizzie. I once did that but it didn't end well." She said and left. It's not that I hate her but I just don't like her since she was my girlfriend's ex and I don't know but I just feel insecure.

Hailee is no doubt beautiful, hot, and younger than me. Y/n is younger than me but Hailee is younger than both of us and I can't help but feel like she's going to leave me and come back for her.

"Oh hey baby, what are you doing there?" My spiralling train of thoughts stopped when I felt her hands wrapped around my waist and she puts her chin on my shoulder.

"Nothing my love, just wanna check on you. I have a scene to shoot in 15 minutes, you can wait in my trailer." I said to her but she opposed to that idea.

"It's 10 in the morning babe, i'm not going to your trailer. I'll watch you with your scenes." She said and that made me blush.

"There are probably scenes that Paul and I will be kissing and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or bad. Are you sure you're really okay with that?" I asked her worriedly, afraid of her reaction.

"Yes I don't like seeing you kiss someone except for me but Lizzie, you are an actress. I know this kind of stuff will be unavoidable even before I became your girlfriend. It's your work, so I don't mind. I love you and I know you love me too and i'm secured with our relationship." She said while looking intently into my eyes which melted my heart. How did I deserve someone like her? Well I guess my past self is such a great person and by that I am grateful to her.


After two hours of non-stop acting, we were given a break so I go straight to where the other casts are eating and sit beside Y/n. Just before our break, I send Y/n here to get us both some food and she gladly do so since she said she's starving.

She smiled at me and slide the food that she get in front of me. I say my thanks to her and she just kissed my cheeks and continued eating.

She is having a great time with Evangeline and Gwyneth and I'm talking with Scarlett and Brie. Our atmosphere is serene and my heart is full of contentment and joy. I'm having fun with my friends while Y/n is beside me holding my hands under the table. But my comfort is soon broken when the director calls us for a scene. The scene is now all of us women lining up to fight the bad guys. We stand up and head straight to the set.


Another hour passed and Y/n is with Evans, Hemsworth and the director, discussing something about their characters. The other girls are beside me just waiting for the director to tell us where to be and what to do. We are gathered up in the set where the surroundings are in chaos. I whispered to the other women enough for them to hear but out of Y/n's earshot.

"Hey guys, is it true that Y/n doesn't want to be sneaked from behind?" I asked them but I'm really asking Letitia since she is Y/n's bestfriend. They are like attached to the hip that I
also have to court her while courting Y/n. Well they said that if I want to be on Y/n's good side I have to be on Letitia's first. And vice versa.

"Yes, it's because she's just a scaredy cat and she doesn't want to be embarrassed." Letitia answered with a shrug. Quiet chuckles escaped are lips.

"But seriously guys? I tried that to her one time when we were still together and she literally didn't talked to me for days." Hailee said and we just nodded.

"Okay if that's the case, Lizzie I dare you to sneak up on Y/n from behind but after that she still have to talk to you in atleast an hour." I look at Scarlett with knitted eyebrows and pouted lips.

"Guys, that's hard. What if she didn't talk to me? We have a weekend off and I don't want to not talk to her on weekends." I said but they dismissed it and just urged me to do the dare.

"Okay fine, but if she did talk to me after what would I get?" I asked her and I can feel my anxiety and comeotitive side coming out.

"10 bucks from each of us." She said and they agreed, but I shake my head.

"Nah, don't need money, what if you clean our bedroom sunday morning huh?" I said to Scarlett and obviously she's confused as to why.

"What? Why? What are you going to do on saturday night-" She stopoed whatever her question is when she saw my smirk and wriggling eyebrows.

"Ew! Gross! I'm not going to clean your sex reeked bedroom!"

"You have to!"

"Lizzie why is 10 bucks isn't enough?"

"Just because!" Everyone is laughing at the both of us and she rolled her eyes and said fine. I looked at everyone and saw their expectant faces except Hailee. Her face is like judging and serious. Well my motivation to win this dare just uped because of that.

She is now alone on one place but still on the middle of the set seriously reading her script and I quietly sneak up behind her and... "AH!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I watched her and how she jumped and accidentally threw her script. All of the people who saw that laughed hard and even though I'm anxious about her reaction I can't help myself but laugh hard.

"Lizzie! Hahahahaha what the fuck?!" She said also laughing hard but her hands are wrapped around herself. I hugged her and peppered her with kisses on her face.

"Are you mad?" I asked but she only look at me with loving eyes.

"No ofcourse not. Though I really got scared and I think I needed a new printed script since mine was already on a puddle of water." She said and we just laugh at each other.

I look at everyone and saw Scarlett's defeated face knowing she lost and Hailee's irritated one.

"I love you." I whispered to her and she whispered it back to me before I release my grip around her waist and she was given a new script.


A/N: Hi guys! This is just a short update. Just a refresher and warm up before I write other chapters again. So guys do you still want me to continue the question of the day or just let stop the chapters immediately?

Oh and also expect other actresses like Hailee Steinfeld, Charlize Theron and Evangeline Lilly. Also there are chapters that are angst and I'm going to give you guys another fluff story of that actresses and vice versa.

So I really appreciate all of you reading, voting and commenting. I love you guys!
